Absolute Honor

Chapter 164: Maggot food

"Wake up...wake up..."

In the daze, Qin Fei felt that someone was grabbing his shoulder and shaking vigorously.

He opened his eyes hard, his head was still groggy, and there was a vague figure in his sight.

After getting used to it, the blurry figure in front of him finally became clear.

It's Xu Wu!

Qin Fei shook his head, thinking that he was dreaming.

That's right, Xu Wu is indeed.

"Old Xu, how are you..."

Xu Wu smiled bitterly, helped Qin Fei up, and raised his chin to the side: "Hey, let's change the'suite' now..."

Qin Fei leaned against the wall and sat up.

He saw everyone.

Strictly speaking, it is not everyone.

Because Lei Gong is not among these people.

Qin Fei felt his nose sore for a while, and lowered his head.

There was silence in the room, soaked in great sadness.

Qin Fei discovered that Lei Gong, who had always gritted his teeth before, didn't seem to hate him so much.

Now that Lord Lei is dead, Qin Fei feels stupid.

The words that Lei Gong yelled at him after he was shot still echoed in his ears...

"Rookie! If you can't pass this level, you can only be a rookie forever!"

"Don't be sad." Xu Wu patted Qin Fei on the shoulder, "People cannot come back from death."

Qin Fei wiped the corners of his eyes vigorously, "Damn! Didn't you mean that Unit 203 never abandons teammates? What about our rescue team!?"

Everyone was silent.

The small iron window under the doorway was suddenly opened.

"time to eat!"

Someone shouted outside, and then threw in a plastic bag containing 8 foods in thick paper bags.

Xu Wu walked over, picked up the bag, walked in front of each team member one by one, and handed them the food.

No one answered.

No one has an appetite.

Xu Wu sighed, and had to put the food by his feet.

Back to Qin Fei, Xu Wu handed Qin Fei the food, Qin Fei shook his head.

Now he can't eat anything, he feels like something is stuck in his chest, and he feels terribly uncomfortable.

"Look at what you all look like!"

Seeing a person downcast and dejected, Xu Wu frowned, the fire suddenly jumped up, and stood up abruptly.

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we can't give up. We are the ones who give up so easily? Where does your sense of honor go? Everyone is like a chicken? Be worthy of the dead Thunder Lord? Now, I order you, eat! Keep it! There is hope for physical strength!"

Everyone looked at Xu Wu in silence.

After a long time, the singer was the first to respond.

"Eat! Even if you die! Be a satiated ghost! If you can't die, take revenge on Lei Gong!"

He looked at the others and said, "If you want revenge, eat. At least you have a chance if you are full. There is no chance if you don't eat!"

Open the paper bag, inside is a thin half bag of food that I don’t know what to make, it looks like mashed potatoes.

The singer grabbed a hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

I just took a bite and immediately vomited it out.

"Fuck me! Pooh pooh--"

With a nauseous look on his face, he spit on the ground a few times and said, "What are these things!?"

Xu Wu quickly opened his paper bag, smelled it, and immediately twisted his eyebrows.

Qin Fei also opened his bag and looked through the light, and found that there were maggots wriggling in those "mushy"!

Smell it, the nose is full of bad smell.

Obviously these things have been stored for an unknown period of time, maybe they were picked up from the trash.

"Eat!" Qin Fei grabbed a ball of potato paste, stuffed it into his mouth, gritted his teeth and swallowed, "I want to live! If I have a chance, I must kill that big nose!"

Seeing Qin Fei eat it, the singer was stunned for a while, and started to eat too.

"Very good! The maggots are rich in protein! Good stuff!"

Jin Donghai looked in the bag, his throat couldn't help but retching, his stomach turned upside down.

However, as Xu Wu said, if you eat, there is still a glimmer of hope. If you don’t eat, you will be hungry and half to death, even if someone comes to save you, it will only be a drag.

Holding back the nausea in his heart, Jin Donghai also began to swallow these nauseating things.


The door opened suddenly.

Everyone's heart beats fiercely.

Every time I heard the door opening recently, I was subconsciously startled.

Everyone expected that the door would not open, and once it opened, there would be nothing good.

Osmonov appeared at the door, his big nose covered with a thick layer of tape and blood was still oozing.

His gaze fell on Qin Fei, and the soldier under his opponent said, "Bring him out!"

A dozen people swarmed into the door, some of them stopped the other team members, and two of them came over and set up Qin Fei.

As soon as Qin Fei wanted to resist, he got a truncheon on his stomach, and what he ate was vomited out again.

In the end, Qin Fei, who had suffered more than a dozen sticks, was dragged out.

Out of the door, Osmonov stared at Qin Fei fiercely, and couldn't help reaching out to touch the bridge of his nose.

"Today, you feel better!"

He smiled slyly, looking like an old fox hiding in a bush.

Qin Fei suddenly opened his mouth, showing his teeth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and his head jerked forward.

Osmonov immediately reflexed like a thud and backed away a few steps, hitting the wall, his eyes horrified, and he looked embarrassed.

To be honest, he felt that he was really afraid of Qin Fei. This guy was simply not a normal human being. He shattered the bridge of his nose and almost snapped his throat.

Thinking about it, I felt a faint chill on my back.

Qin Fei laughed, even Osmonov's men couldn't help covering their mouths.

"I make you laugh!"

Osmonov hit an uppercut directly on Qin Fei's stomach.

The huge impact made Qin Fei feel that his eyeballs were about to be shaken out of his eye sockets, and he couldn't help but vomit out again.

There was nothing left in his stomach. I was beaten in it just now, and all that should have been vomited up. Qin Fei vomited only a few mouthfuls of yellow water, or bile.

"I'm telling you! Let's wait and see!"

Osmonov carefully kept his distance, threatening: "I must ask you to confess the information I want to know today, otherwise..."

Qin Fei grinned and said, "Otherwise? Kill me?"

"No, no...you are still valuable, and I won't kill you." Osmonov shook his head and said, "I will make you more uncomfortable than death!"

Qin Fei was startled, as if he had been shocked, something seemed to pop out of his mind, but suddenly he couldn't remember what it was.

The current state is too bad, Qin Fei feels that his thinking is like a broken engine, it is good to be able to start, don't think about stepping on the accelerator.

"Take him away!"

Osmono raised his head, and several of his subordinates held Qin Fei like wolves, and walked toward the depths of the corridor.

Third! There are two more updates, please pay attention to book friends.

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