Absolute Honor

Chapter 165: Divorce

Interrogation room.

Osmonov is completely different from usual.

Qin Fei thought that this guy would retaliate against him for being broken his nose. When he was ready to be abused, Osmonov walked around the table for more than ten minutes.

Finally stopped.

"I think I have a newer and more fun proposal, don't you know if you want to hear it?"

Qin Fei looked up and looked at the major, "Tell me, what else do you have?"

"If later, I will take you back to the cell and tell everyone that you are a traitor, how do you think they will treat you?" Osmonov smirked.

Qin Fei smiled: "You think they will believe it if you say it? I also said that your old girl has a kick with me, do you believe it?"

Osmonov's face changed, and he said coldly: "Do you think I really can't help you?"

He returned to the table and pulled out a pile of materials from a bag above, with a smug smile on his face.

Pulling out a piece of paper, he began to read: "Qin Fei, 20 years old, enlisted in the Chinese Department of China Southeast University, a soldier in the armed reconnaissance platoon of the former group army reconnaissance battalion, a high-ranking soldier, was removed for violation of discipline..."

Qin Fei shocked all over and stared at Osmonov incredulously.

"Wang Kai, nicknamed old K, native of Guizhou, born in 1982, rank of second lieutenant, member of the "Falcon" special brigade, precision shooter..."

Qin Fei was so startled that his eyes were about to fall to the ground.

This guy, where's the information! ?

Could it be that some of these people have already confessed! ?

Seeing Qin Fei's shocked expression, Osmonov continued reading triumphantly.

"Xu Wu, nicknamed "The King of Spears", born in 1978, member of the "Flying Dragon" Special Brigade, a third-stage non-commissioned officer, holder of the army's rapid-fire pistol record, first place in many sniper contests, sniper expert..."

There is nothing to describe the shock of Qin Fei's heart.

Although this information is not very detailed, it is by no means Osmonov's control.

Someone has already confessed!

This sentence flashed through Qin Fei's mind again.

However, he quickly denied himself.

If someone confessed, why shoot thunder this morning?

What's more, since then, everyone has been locked in the room and has never been interrogated. Where did this information come from! ?

"Do you still want to listen?" Osmonov raised the paper in Yang's hand. "I have information about each of you here."

Qin Fei's heart was completely shocked at this time.

He kept wondering, where did the news leak?

Could it be that inside line X?

However, Osmonov's words dispelled the idea.

"Now, I know your identities. What I want to know is who is the person connecting with you?"

Osmonov said: "If you can say his name, or provide a little detail to describe what he looks like, I will treat it as just a whimsical suggestion."

Qin Fei looked at Osmonov without answering.

"If you don't agree. Then I will send you back to the cell, and then publicly announce that you and I had a very pleasant conversation. Think about it, how would your teammates treat a traitor?"

Qin Fei still did not answer.

"Humph! It seems that you have decided not to cooperate."

Osmonov felt that his tough measures had no effect, so his opponent said, "Go, take him back."

The group set up Qin Fei and returned to the cell.

Opening the door, 7 pairs of worried eyes were greeted.

"Dear colleagues, I just had a very pleasant conversation with this superior soldier Qin Fei. He provided us with some very valuable information. In order to express our gratitude, we will provide you with a more comfortable environment from now on. There is delicious food. I welcome everyone to provide better information. If the deal is concluded, you will get better treatment."

The two soldiers pushed Qin Fei to the ground.

Then, when the door opened, someone came in with a plastic basin, and what was inside was a whole roasted whole lamb!

Osmonov looked at everyone and sneered: "You don't believe it?"

He took out the white paper with personal information and threw it on the ground.

"This is the information Qin Fei provided to us and the reason why you were treated as VIPs tonight."

He waved his hand and walked out of the door with his men, standing at the door with a treacherous smile.

"This is our little caution, I wish you a happy meal!"

The door closed with a bang.

The room fell silent again.

Qin Fei got up from the ground, looked around, and cast several suspicious eyes on him.

Osmonov was indeed vicious, and murdered with the knife.

It seems that explaining everything is superfluous, and it is not clear at all. After all, what Osmonov got was indeed the identity information of everyone.

However, there is always a huge question circling in his mind.

There seemed to be something wrong with Osmonov's words and deeds today, but for a while he couldn't think of what went wrong.

The stomach groaned twice.

Qin Fei felt that it was the reason that he was too hungry. His thinking was like an engine that had lost its fuel and could not operate normally at all.

"Do you really believe what he said?"

Qin Fei smiled and reached out in front of the fat roasted whole lamb, stretched out his hand to tear off a leg of lamb, and said to everyone: "This kind of opportunity is not common. If you have to eat it, hurry up."

He tore off the other leg of lamb and handed it to the singer.

The singer took it hesitantly, instead of devouring everything as usual, but hesitantly looked at Qin Fei and then at the crowd.

Jin Donghai rushed over and picked up the blank paper from the ground.

At first glance ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ eyes rounded.

After reading it, he handed it to Xu Wu, and Xu Wu passed it to the other after reading it.

Until the singer got it, he put the lamb shank back on the dinner plate after watching it, and fixedly looked at Qin Fei.

"Singer, what's wrong with you? Eat! Why don't you eat? Do you think what the big nose says is true? Do you think I told you the information?"

Qin Fei looked up at everyone, and said every word: "If I tell you, I didn't say, do you believe it?"

"Believe in you!"

Jin Donghai rushed up and threw Qin Fei down. The two quickly scrambled together.

"Qin Fei, you are a born traitor! A traitor begets a traitor! What are you pretending to be!"

Qin Fei was caught off guard, and Jin Donghai slapped his chin severely, staring at Venus.

Hearing Jin Donghai talking about his father, he suddenly became angry. A backhand clipped Jin Donghai's right hand and immediately slammed Jin Donghai to the ground.

When he went up, he pressed his knees against Jin Donghai's chest, and he couldn't breathe.

"Jin Donghai, why don't you talk about it again! I, Qin Fei, dare to dare to be, and I will not admit what I haven't done! Can't you see that this is a divorce? It grows in your head It's all shit!?"

"Instructor Lei is dead! We have never left here today. Who provided the information!? Who else is there besides you? Do you want to shift the responsibility to Instructor Lei!?" Jin Donghai panted for a few days. Interrogation and torture, he has not much energy.

"Put the blame on the dead, you have a kind of say so!"

Qin Fei was taken aback for a moment, like being shocked by an electric shock.

The question in his mind was like a dark cloud being swept away by a gust of wind, and a bold idea suddenly appeared.

"Yes, I think, that's what the ‘dead’ said!"

There is one more update, so stay tuned.

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