Absolute Honor

Chapter 169: The little pepper is here again

The Zhi-8 landed at the 203 farm base.

The singer jumped out of the cabin first, dropped his rucksack casually, and threw one forward on the sand.

"Motherland! I love you so much!"

After speaking, he buried his head in the sand and rubbed it several times, and his face was covered with fine white sand.

"The soil here still smells familiar."

Qin Fei got off the plane and walked to the singer with a rucksack on his back. He couldn't help looking at this guy's idiot-like intoxicated appearance: "I said the singer, this is sand, sea sand, not mud."

The singer was taken aback, and then continued to rub the sand: "It's all the same, it's just a metaphor."

"What about food!? Why didn't you eat it!?" The singer stopped suddenly, as if thinking of something, looked up everywhere, and then yelled in an aggrieved stomach: "The **** cooking class didn't come here all the time. Welcome to welcome us? Anyway, we also came back desperately from the rain of bullets, so there was no welcome ceremony or something?"

"Would you like to beat gongs, drums and firecrackers? Or prepare a cake for you?" The other team members got off the plane, standing next to them holding their hands and watching the jokes, watching the singer make a fool of himself.

Lei Ming walked to the singer's side and kicked the singer's leg hard: "Get up! You won't be here if you want to eat."

"Ouch!" The singer screamed, and quickly got up from the ground.

"Come here all!"

Thunder beckoned to everyone.

Everyone gathered and lined up immediately.

The singer didn't dare to make a fool of himself again, and ran over and stood straight in the line.

"I am very happy to see that the mission of Country J was completed successfully, and I am also very happy to see that you have survived the counter-interrogation. Everyone has worked hard. From tomorrow on, I will give you three days off. You can go home and have a look. Also, due to our year-round combat preparations, we have relatively little time to visit home. As a special benefit of the 203 army, you can report the home visit plan and report to Deputy Captain Chen Kefan, and he will arrange for you to take a transport plane for training at the nearest military airport. Go back, but you can only send it to the military airport closest to your hometown. When you come back, you can also report to the airport."

There was a lot of discussion in the team.

"Wow! There is such a good thing?"

"Special forces are special forces! Great!"

"I want to go home and have a look. I haven't been home for more than half a year."

"Okay, three days later." Lei Ming looked at his watch: "The limit is 12 o'clock noon, if it is exceeded, it will be handled as a violation. In addition, the noon cooking class has prepared a good meal, as a celebration of the successful completion of this task, everyone can Open your appetite to eat! Disband!"


The team members cheered happily, entered the row room to put their luggage, and rushed into the dining hall together.

After Qin Fei finished his meal, he just sat down and took a few mouthfuls, and he saw the teammates sitting across from him looking straight towards him.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"Who is looking at you?" The singer stretched out his hand and pushed Qin Fei, "Don't block it! Block my sight!"

Qin Fei was a little dazed, followed the singer's eyes and looked for it. As soon as he turned around, he saw An Ruosu, who was wearing a uniform and captain's epaulettes, walking towards him.

"Fuck me!"

Qin Fei was taken aback, and quickly buried his head to eat.

"Ruosu, sit here."

On the contrary, Jin Donghai was very enthusiastic. He stood up and dragged a stool from the side to greet An Ruosu to sit down.

"Donghai, it's been a long time." An Ruosu smiled politely at Jin Donghai, then walked to Qin Fei's side.

"Qin Fei!"

"Ah?" Qin Fei pretended to have just seen An Ruosu, pretending to be surprised: "Oh! Little Chili!? Why are you here?"

"Why can't I come? Didn't you see me just now? What kind of pretense?!" An Ruosu was not at all polite, "Why? I am a tiger? Cannibalism?"

The few teammates who were eating at the opposite side chuckled, and they all sprayed.

The singer choked into his lungs with a mouthful of soup, coughing earth-shakingly.

Jin Donghai's face went dark.

Obviously, An Ruosu's attitude towards himself and Qin Fei's attitude are completely different.

"No, no, no!"

Qin Fei waved his hand hurriedly, dropped his bowl and chopsticks and said, "You are not a tiger..."

But in my heart secretly said: That's weird!

"What should I see the superior? You are a superior soldier, and I am a captain. Didn't the squad leader teach you military etiquette when you recruited? Didn't you recite the rules and regulations?"

Qin Fei cried so courageously that he wanted to die.

To be honest, it was not the first day that An Ruosu met him. He was a well-known person in the compound back then.

Children in the military compound have always been at odds with the children outside. It is often the children in the compound who organize gang fights with the children of the large units or locals nearby, so they are not entertained.

For a period of time, local children often blocked the entrance of the school, specializing in repairing the children of the army in the compound. Seeing the beautiful army girls, they would booze, whistle, and do some obscene gestures.

Generally, the girls in the compound passed by with their heads down, but An Ruosu is different. She is the only master who dares to really pull up her sleeves and fight with the children in those places~www.wuxiaspot.com~Qin Fei for this. He once blocked a brick for An Ruosu, opened a hole in his head, and still has a scar.

So Qin Fei always feels headaches for An Ruosu, but since she was a child, she still loves to cling to herself, and she can’t drive her away. When she grows up, the boundaries between men and women begin to become clear. Qin Fei doesn’t want her classmates to laugh, and deliberately alienates An Ruo. White.

It's a pity that he didn't succeed. Qin Fei felt helpless with An Ruo Su Xing Ge's tenacity.

That is a fierce horse on the grassland. He admits his death and kicks people if he doesn't like it.

"Hi Captain!"

Qin Fei had to stand up and salute.

"Sit down, recruit!" An Ruosu replied and gave Qin Fei an order.

As soon as Qin Fei sat down, An Ruosu said again, "There is still a seat next to you. Let me sit down."


The singer on the opposite side spouted another sip of soup.

"Take your lungs! What's the matter with the people in the cooking class? Why is the soup so hot? I don't know how to cook it earlier and let it cool down before taking it out?"

Qin Fei felt that he was not human right now, so he quickly stood up and gave up his seat.

When An Ruosu sat down, he finally didn't have to worry about it, but the joking atmosphere just disappeared at the dinner table, and each of his teammates immersed themselves in the meal, not daring to speak.

Jin Donghai sat down with his stomach full of sourness, slurping rice, his eyes bursting with fire, and if Qin Fei glanced at him, he would burn it to ashes.

"Qin Fei, after dinner later, come to the briefing room with me and let's talk."

"What are you talking about!?" Qin Fei was so startled that his chopsticks almost fell off.

"I will give you a psychological evaluation." An Ruosu took a sip of the soup, with a business-like expression on his face: "Do you think you are in love?"


This time, except for Jin Donghai, all his teammates sprayed.

The third is more. There are two more updates, so stay tuned.

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