Absolute Honor

Chapter 170: Who is going? Who stay?


"Look at it, what does it mean to throw away goods, and people are more deadly than people?"

When Qin Fei and An Ruosu left the dining hall, the singer pointed at the backs of the two and said enviously: "That little pepper has come to see them both times. This stupid Qin Fei still can't see it, I think. ,"

"Nonsense! What's the point? They came out of a compound and knew each other!" Jin Donghai retorted from the side: "Are you really serious?"

The singer glanced at Jin Donghai and said with a smile: "Donghai, didn't you come out of the same compound? Why didn't you see Xiaojiao close to you? Look, I said hello to you just now, just like meeting two diplomats... "

After speaking, he pinched his nose and imitated the conversation between Jin Donghai and An Ruosu when they met just now.

"Ruosu, sit here."

"Donghai, it's been a long time since I saw you." Catalogue of the works of the Chinese Army Corps

The singer has a weird tone, and the tone is quite decent, and everyone can't help but burst into laughter.

After finishing speaking, the singer broke his fingers and settled, "Look, there are only 12 characters in total."

I swept everyone in a circle again, "Tell me, how many words did she say to Qin Fei? Do you still remember? Do you remember?"

Except for Jin Donghai, everyone shook their heads and said, "I can't remember."

Before the singer finished, Jin Donghai put his rice bowl on the table and stood up suddenly.

This action shocked everyone.

Jin Donghai's face looked like a rotten tomato.

"I'm going to make soup..."

After enduring it, Jin Donghai still had no episodes and left the table.

"Tsk tusk" the singer shook his head and said: "Some people eat to lose weight, some die from starvation without food, die from drought, die from waterlogging..."

Everyone laughed again.

"You said, this time our selection should be coming to an end, right?" Old K Wang Kai said: "The counter-interrogation has passed. Before Lei Gong said that 7 of us will be left, now there are 8 of us. Which one do you think we will be unlucky? Choose to kick out?"

"I think it's 80%..."

The singer looked towards Jin Donghai and whispered: "It must be Jin Donghai. He made a mistake on this mission. Qin Fei would definitely be dead if it weren't for his life."

Gao Ming nodded and said, "It makes sense... and Jin Donghai fought Qin Fei the time in the cell. He obviously didn't believe Qin Fei. I think that was also part of Lei Gong's test of us to see if we were not. Absolutely trust the other party. You said, what is the most critical task for our kind of troops?"

"Of course it is trust!" Wang Kai said: "Even if your teammates don't believe it, how can you achieve a tacit agreement? On the battlefield, when back-to-back, you have to hand over the weakest place to your comrades to protect you, including yourself. Life." The latest chapter of the Supreme God Emperor

"Don't chew your tongue here, old K. You might have suspected Qin Fei's disclosure of information in the cell, right?" Xu Wu glared at old K with dissatisfaction, "Your big mouth, stop it."

"Old squad leader, I didn’t talk nonsense. Although I suspected that a little bit, I was not as impulsive as Jin Donghai. He didn’t believe it at all. If it wasn’t for Qin Fei who later told us his own guesses, and I also went to confirm in person, I guess the two will have to hit one of them and fall."

"I said, they are really incompatible with each other. I think Donghai has a prejudice against Qin Fei, and it seems a bit old-fashioned." Hu Yong, who has always been silent, suddenly said, "If I were in my team, I would not let such two Individuals work together."

"Look, the boring Hulu Tiger agrees with me, right?" Wang Kai found his supporter and slapped the table with joy.

"Don't be happy too early." The singer said: "Jin Donghai has a great background. I heard that his grandfather and his father are both generals, not ordinary military families." Zhan Long Lingtian's latest chapter

"What's wrong with the military level?" Liu Feilong couldn't help it. "What kind of unit is 203? If the 203 type of units are all about the back door, I, Liu Feilong, will be the first to withdraw!"

"Hey, warm, that is to say, what are you excited about, Big Worm?" The singer said: "Don't you look at who our team leader is? Lei Gong, this guy looks like a guy who doesn't make money."

"Don't guess at all. I don't think Qin Fei can leave. Do you know why Xiaojiao came to give him a psychological evaluation?" Gao Ming asked.

Hu Yong said: "It is estimated that we have just received the counter-interrogation training, so we are afraid that there will be some psychological problems, right?"

"Then why we all participated in the counter-interrogation, but Qin Fei was the only one for the psychological evaluation?" Gao Ming said again.

"Maybe..." The singer thought for a while, "The rookie guy suffered more..." Football Record

"Bullshit, who of us suffers less?" Gao Ming interrupted the singer unceremoniously. "To tell you the truth, this is the prelude to the task. Generally, there is a special task. After selecting the object, a psychological evaluation will be done, and then take a look. Is it suitable to perform tasks, because everyone's emotions have ups and downs, and you must perform tasks in the best condition, understand?"

"Oh! I see, I remember that little pepper seems to be from the intelligence team, engaged in psychoanalysis? Going with you!" The singer and the others nodded, as if suddenly realized.

"Well, I can see that girl, peer." Gao Ming finished speaking, did not forget to emphasize, "but at the interrogation, I can be no worse than her!"

"Or, let's take a gamble?" Wang Kai said with a grin: "Just gamble on a meal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to see if Jin Donghai or rookie Qin Fei is leaving!?"

"I bet Jin Donghai will leave..." the singer responded first. Write the latest chapters in this novel to learn martial arts

"Me too." Liu Feilong raised his hand for the second time.

"I believe in the masses, just like you." Hu Yong responded third.

After that, the singer asked Gao Ming: "Who are you betting on? Are you gambled on Jin Donghai to leave, just like us?"

Gao Ming pushed his glasses and lost a wink.

"Why are you winking at me? I'm not a beauty..." The singer asked in a puzzled way.

Gao Ming's mouth hushed twice, and then lost another wink.

"Cut! Are you a ghost? So many people bet that Jin Donghai is leaving, what are you doing, express your attitude!" said the singer.

As soon as the voice fell, the singer felt his feet hurt and couldn't help but hand it over.

At first glance, Xu Wu stepped on himself.

"Old Xu..."

Before I said anything, I heard a loud bang from behind.

The singer was taken aback. Looking back, he saw Jin Donghai's figure disappearing at the entrance of the dining hall. His soup bowl had been turned over and spilled all over the floor.

"Look at what you have done!?" Xu Wu looked angrily at these few jokes. "Everyone is an officer, and his rank is higher than me. They are all like a kid!? No brains. Got a long **** on the head?! Gambling, gambling, is the army where you gamble? Always thinking about Qin Fei and Jin Donghai, why don't you think about it, maybe one of you is leaving?"

The singer stuck out his tongue and smiled bitterly: "Old squad leader, we are just joking, who knew he would come back..."


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