Absolute Honor

Chapter 171: The answer

Coming out of the briefing room, An Ruosu and Qin Fei walked back along the gravel road on the sand.

"Comrade Captain, what is my psychological assessment?" Qin Fei came out of the house and kept aiming at the folder in An Ruosu's hand, wanting to see what was written on it.

"Don't look at things you shouldn't! How did you learn your rules?" An Ruosu collected the folder, "If you weren't in the 203 army now, I would doubt if you had ever been a soldier, how did you become a soldier?"

Qin Fei became dumb again when he robbed him.

Bickering, he is really not An Ruosu's opponent.

He whispered secretly in his heart, "You are still called An Ruosu, An Ruosu, but I didn't see the quietness..."

"What did you say?" An Ruosu suddenly asked, staring at Qin Fei.

"Nothing!" Qin Fei was startled. Does she even know what she says in her heart? It's so evil!

"Qin Fei, don't play tricks in front of me. I study information analysis and psychoanalysis. You can't escape my eyes for anything you want."

"No, I'm just thinking, there are three days of vacation, should I go home and have a look." Thinking of his mother, Qin Fei suddenly missed it.

An Ruosu said: "Just right, there is something else to tell you, you can go with me tonight."

"Follow you!?"

"Yeah" An Ruosu didn't blink his eyes. "My grandfather said, "I want to see you, are you going?"


Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "He hasn't seen me for many years, and does he recognize me?"

An Ruosu stopped and his expression became serious: "You must go to see my grandfather. He was the direct leader of your father back then. You can pass the assessment of Unit 203 this time. I believe there will be a conclusion soon. You should stay in the team, at this time my grandpa wants to see you, you'd better go see you."

Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "The son of a traitor, it's rare that the old man is willing to show his face."

An Ruosu turned around, facing Qin Fei, looking at Qin Fei's face with a pair of big eyes, for a long time, he suddenly sighed and said, "Qin Fei, where did your arrogance go back then?"

"Arrogant?" Qin Fei looked confused.

"Yes, the Qin Fei I knew back then was a confident, sunny, and righteous person who dared to face all difficulties, but today I saw you, but I was a little disappointed."

"Disappointed?" Qin Fei shook his head. He had to admit that his back then and his current self might be really different.

"Don't mention to me that year, my dad was a hero back then, and now..."

Qin Fei said sadly: "He is a traitor among all the population..."

"You have lost too much of your old temperament." A disappointed look flashed from An Ruosu's eyes, and said with a trace of contempt: "You forgot how you helped me with that brick? I still remember you. When I stood outside the back door of the school, I stood in front of dozens of rascals with the kind of undaunted arrogance. In my memory, you are a hero, not a tortoise with a bowed head. Your father is your father, You are you! Do you know why you can be a soldier this time?"


Qin Fei trembled suddenly. In his memory, he took the initiative to find Wei Tiansheng and proposed the idea of ​​being a soldier. It was Wei Tiansheng who handled the formalities for him, and he didn't worry about everything.

"When I was in college, Uncle Wei gave me the procedures..."

"Joke!" An Ruosu interrupted Qin Fei, "Qin Fei, do you think that in China's system, a tainted person can join the army? Even if it can, do you think he can enter the top special forces like 203? No? Among other things, you need three generations of political trials to enter a military region-level special squadron. Don’t you think it’s strange? You can actually enter the selection of Unit 203?"

Qin Fei's heart was trembling, and he had to admit that he had never paid attention to these issues.

In his own consciousness, perhaps being a soldier is just relying on his own ability, but the fact that he has never known but ignored is that being a soldier is a political trial.

That's right, how can one's own political trial pass?

The father's file has been transferred back to the local area, and the scene of the civil affairs cadres talking about their mother and son seems vivid.

But as a soldier, he really didn't encounter any obstacles.

Obviously, some people are dealing with and solving for themselves behind the scenes.

Qin Fei suddenly found out that he was just a rookie just like Lei Gong said. The rookie represented not only the lack of military skills, but also the psychological naivety.

More than a year has passed, never thought about the tricks behind joining the army?

"If I want to know the reason behind all this, am I going to go with you to see your grandpa in the capital?" Qin Fei said with a cold face.

An Ruosu nodded: "Yes, I will give you a psychological evaluation this time because Troop 203 has a task to perform for you alone, which may be very dangerous, so I will give you a psychological evaluation."

Having said that, An Ruosu stopped talking.

When he came, he said: "This task is very difficult. From the bottom of my heart, I don't want you to go, but you are indeed the best candidate. Of course you can refuse, but I believe that your character will not refuse. Therefore, I think before you go to the capital to meet my grandfather, he can tell you many things, not me, I am not qualified to talk about people of their generation."

"I understand." Qin Fei nodded and said, "When will I leave with you?"

Hearing Qin Fei's promise, An Ruosu smiled immediately, as if all the serious conversations just now were just a joke~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will set off tonight, the plane is arranged, and there is an 8th National Games in Beijing. We can follow the transfer training at the suburban airport. "

"Well, it seems that everything is within your arrangements, I can only do my fate." Qin Fei sighed.

"Okay, let me arrange everything. After reading my grandfather, your hometown is not far from the capital. Let's go back to your house together. I haven't seen Aunt Liang for many years. She looked at me like a girl."

An Ruo Su Gege laughed twice, smiling like a flower, staring at Qin Fei in a daze.

In my impression, Little Chili is not like this. The Chili, who cuts the boy's head and dared to do things with the little ruffian on the street, has really become a big girl today.

A captain is actually his superior.

Qin Fei couldn't help but smile, vaguely stepping on the trap.

Maybe destiny is a naughty child who likes to make fun of people, and everything can't help but decide on his own.

However, since the 203 unit has a task to perform on its own, it means that it is already on the list.

If this is the case, who among the rest of the teammates will be out?

After thinking for a while, Qin Fei didn't want to understand, so he didn't dare to think again.

He also had questions about how he could enter the army unimpededly.

It seems that there are many unknown inside stories behind this.

According to the records of one's own files, it is impossible to pass a political trial.

The truth may be in the mouth of Grandpa An Ruosu. He was one of the initiators of Unit 203, and he should have come to ask him personally.

The fifth update, I tried my best, brothers and sisters, I wish you a happy reading! Thanks to book friends Pailongwan, eileensasa, Lingfeng Liubi, and Zaire Longbow for their support! bow!

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