Absolute Honor

Chapter 176: Practice gun

Early the next morning, Qin Fei and An Ruosu came out of the courtyard of General An Ruo Su.

"Are you planning to go home today?" An Ruosu asked.

Qin Fei said: "I thought about it all night last night. I decided not to go home for the time being. I should continue to hide it from my mother. I want to make things clear and go back, so that my mother won't object to my stay. In the army."

"If you don't go back, will Auntie be suspicious?"

"Do you have a cell phone?" Qin Fei asked suddenly.

"Yes." An Ruosu handed Qin Fei the phone.

Qin Fei took the phone, walked to the side and talked for ten minutes before hanging up.

Going back to the door, handing the phone to An Ruosu, An Ruosu said strangely: "What reason did you make up for talking nonsense with your mother?"

"Shanren has a clever plan!"

Qin Fei didn’t want to talk about this topic with An Ruosu. After all, it’s not a glorious thing to lie to his mother, especially when she thought of what her mother would do if she found out that her son was lying. shudder.

"You said that your mother knew that you were not in college at all, but in the army, or in your dad's army..." An Ruosu didn't open the pot or not, "What do you think will happen to her?" "

Qin Fei felt his scalp numb when he heard it, and smiled bitterly, "What should I do? I guess, if she really knows, I guess I will find me at all costs, and then drag me home with my ears. The fire burned all my military uniforms."

An Ruosu said, "It's a bit exaggerated, isn't it? Your mother is also a soldier and has no affection for the army?"

"There are feelings, of course." Qin Fei said sadly: "If hate is a kind of feeling, of course it is."

At noon that day, Qin Fei was still arranged by An Ruosu to arrive at the Beijing Suburb Airport. He took the air force transfer training and returned to the south, and then flew back to the base from the southern air force airport by the 203-only straight-8.

After getting off the plane, Qin Fei found that most of his teammates had gone back to visit their homes. Except for the logistical support soldiers, even Lei Gong had also disappeared from Chen Kefan.

After dinner in the dining hall, Qin Fei was bored and wandered around the base, and finally went to the gun storehouse under Lao Xiao.

Qin Fei came here once before the last mission to Country J, and the guards recognized Qin Fei.

Lei Ming once said that the training team members have the right to enter the underground gun warehouse to practice their guns. There is a small indoor shooting range where they can conduct some shooting subjects such as CQB or timed rapid fire.

Inside, the iron door of the gun room was closed. Looking through the hole in the barbed wire, he didn't see Old Xiao.

Qin Fei was a little disappointed. He was a little confused now. No one was there anyway, and there was no need to find someone to talk about. He just came here to practice guns.

Gun practice is very helpful to vent your inner emotions. Any depression, dissatisfaction, and grievances are all put into the magazine and shot out with bullets.

Just as he was about to leave, suddenly his head was stretched out from under the Type 63 armored car, and Lao Xiao's dirty face appeared in the light.

"Yo? You recruit egg?"

Old Xiao crawled out of the car repair slot, wiped his hands with a greasy towel, came over and opened the door.

"Why? Want to practice guns?"

Old Xiao opened the door and entered the weapon hall on his own, pointing to the weapons hanging on the wall and the weapon cabinet at the end of the opponent.

"I’m not a novice, I’m not a novice, I’m not a newbie, right? Also, tell me how many bullets you need. I’ll go inside and get it for you. After I take it, I’ll sign it, and I’ll sign it when I return it. ."

"Thank you Old Xiao."

Qin Fei walked to the weapon wall. The weapon hall was very large. Except for the front entrance was a long one-meter-high table with iron fences and iron gates, the other three walls were covered with various weapons. , One wall is heavy weapons such as anti-tank weapons and machine guns, one wall is various automatic rifles, and the other wall is pistols.

Qin Fei stopped before choosing a German MK23MOD0 pistol.

It took him a while to see that this was an MK23M0D0, because its appearance was very different from the ordinary MK23. Although it did not have a muffler and LAM, it was modified with a competition-grade barrel and brake.

Qin Fei has always been interested in this HK company's products. When he was in college, he had learned about this gun in countless weapon magazines. After joining the army, one used the 92 type and had no chance to use foreign military equipment.

For him, this place is simply a treasure trove.

Picking up this MK23, it turned out to be very heavy. Like the rumors, the biggest disadvantage of this gun is that it is too bulky and bulky. It weighs nearly 1.5KG. Some people think that this is a failed product.

"This gun is not easy to control." Old Xiao's voice came from behind, "If you choose it, why not choose a tactical HKUSP? It is lighter than it, and not worse than it."

Qin Fei quickly recovered, smiled and said, "Yes, but how many pistols can shoot 4MOA at a distance of 45 meters?"

"Want to try?" Old Xiao asked.

"Are there any high-pressure bullets?" Qin Fei knew that there are several types of MK23 ammunition. The ordinary standard .45ACP bullets have a slower initial velocity and a general lethality. However, replacing the 11.43×23mm A475 competition-level high-pressure bullets is better in accuracy and penetration. The strength will be greatly increased.

"Know the goods!"

After Old Xiao finished speaking, he turned around and walked to the small door at the end, opened the lock with his fingerprints, and disappeared inside.

After a long time, he returned to Qin Fei, with a green box in his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Putting the box on the table, Lao Xiao opened the box, and inside was a box of .45ACP bombs.

"I made a special .45 high-pressure armor-piercing bullet. Try the effect?"

Qin Fei was aroused by Old Xiao, and it seemed that he really wanted to try the power of this gun today.

The two immediately put on tactical vests, loaded dozens of magazines, and then each took an MK23 into the shooting range.




Qin Fei continuously fired at the human-shaped iron plate at a distance of 30 meters, and the target body was not very shaken.

When the two walked to the iron target, the iron plate with a thickness of 1cm was completely penetrated.

"Fuck me!"

Qin Fei was taken aback, and hurriedly withdrew a bullet, took it in his hand and looked at it carefully. From the outside, the bullet seemed to make no difference.

"What bullet core?"

"Alloy steel has been lightened, and the incendiary charge in the bullet body has also been improved. The power of this gun is 15% higher than that of the ordinary original MK23MOD0. Why, are you interested in it? If you are interested, I can. According to your needs, we will tailor one for you, and you can come to me to pick it up when you have a mission."

"I'll try to make it easy to use." Qin Fei felt that he should experience the overall performance of the MK23 for himself, not just looking at the surface data.

The two returned to the firing line and put on silencer earmuffs. Old Xiao pressed the button, and the special shooting training system began to eject twenty-six steel targets.


Old Xiao waved his hand in front of Qin Fei, and at the same time stuck the stopwatch.

Qin Fei pulled out MK23MOD0 and started to attack forward.


Fifth more. Thanking nerves today is an attitude, longbow zaire, and old wolf rewards.

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