Absolute Honor

Chapter 177: Amazing hit point

After shooting down the last set of iron targets, Qin Fei retreated to inspect the gun, and the pistol was returned.

"32 seconds."

Old Xiao put down the stopwatch and took off his earmuffs. "The results are not bad."

When Qin Fei just wanted to show humility with a smile, Lao Xiao suddenly said: "But I'm still a rookie."

Qin Fei's smile just reached half of his face and fell down.


Lei Gong often called himself by this word, because he was the lowest qualified among all the team members, which made Qin Fei very unconvinced. He was a rookie, so what was the one hundred or so eliminated?

He didn't know Xiao Zhifu's military rank. He only heard that he was a non-commissioned officer. From the perspective of Xiao Zhifu's age, he was older than Lei Gong. If he was a non-commissioned officer, his military rank might not be low.

So he said, "Old squad leader, would you give us a demonstration?"

Xiao Zhifu glanced at Qin Fei and said, "I am old, my muscles are not as strong as your young people, and my hands are probably shaking..."

While speaking, he raised his gun and slowly started shooting at an iron target in the distance.



Shots at very slow intervals, not rapid fires.

Qin Fei laughed secretly in his heart. Generally, the old non-commissioned officers in the army like to carry the air.

Maybe it was because he kept repairing guns in the gun arsenal, maybe because he was an expert in weapon modification, so he stayed as a non-commissioned officer.

Calculated at his age, it was estimated that he was transferred to volunteers, and he was transferred to a non-commissioned officer after the military reform.

Pistol slow firing is actually precision shooting. Ordinary army officers have practiced pistol shooting at a distance of 25 meters. Old Xiao is a member of Unit 203, so it’s not a big deal to hit 30.

With a smile, Qin Fei suddenly couldn't laugh.

He felt something was wrong.

Old Xiao's shooting is very regular, like an experienced player playing a beautiful piano piece.

Qin Fei frowned, and the more he looked at it, the more things went wrong.

There was an observation mirror for observing the impact point. Qin Fei leaned down, adjusted the direction of the lens, and looked towards the iron target.

I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it!

This is an iron chest ring target with only one bullet hole at the tenth ring of the bull's eye.

Qin Fei thought he was dazzled, and raised his head, Lao Xiao was still firing in no hurry, and had already replaced the second magazine.

Analyzing from the impact point, Lao Xiao hit the center of the target, but how come there is only one impact point?

A shocking fact flashed through Qin Fei's mind.

Bend down again and see the impact point clearly through the observation mirror.

The MK23's warhead has penetrated the center of the chest ring target, and every bullet fired by Lao Xiao has continued to penetrate from its original position, never missed, and there is no spread!

Hitting the chest ring target ten rings at a distance of 30 meters is not a skill, but if all the bullets hit one point, there is no slight deviation and dispersion, which requires the shooter to have extremely high shooting accuracy, and it is incredible. consistency.

The so-called consistency of shooting is your stability. The higher the level of the shooter, the higher the stability.

Lao Xiao is obviously not an ordinary shooter. Even Qin Fei, who is standing next to him, sighs that his shooting level is inferior. At least he was thrown off Jiutiao Street!

After hitting the two magazines, Old Xiao's pistol, take off the earmuffs, then pull out the magazine and pull the sleeve to test the gun, and reinsert the gun into the holster.

He sighed and walked towards the target.

Qin Fei followed curiously.

"It's still old..."

Lao Xiao stood in front of the chest ring target, with some heroes' twilight tunes, his eyes kept on the ten rings of the bullseye.

Qin Fei only saw that the bullet hole that had penetrated 24 times had a slight spread on the right side, and it was impossible to see it without looking carefully. It was estimated that the deviation was only less than 2 millimeters!

Qin Fei is not a soldier who has never seen the world before. He has even participated in the army's top shooting training camp, but he has never seen a person who can shoot this kind of result with a pistol.

There are too many factors that affect the warhead, and it must be accurate to one point, especially the pistol, which is simply incredible!

Is this the legendary one with guns! ?

There really are such people in the world! ?

Swallowing grumblingly, Qin Fei felt that his thoughts just now were really too arrogant. He actually regarded Lao Xiao as an old non-commissioned officer who can only repair guns. Fortunately, he did not provoke Lao Xiao. The children were beaten and swollen.

"you try?"

Old Xiao tilted his head and looked at Qin Fei.

The ugly daughter-in-law must finally see the family husband. Everyone played a group, and he couldn't help but fight. Although Qin Fei asked himself that he was not at the level of Old Xiao, his ambition to be competitive immediately came up again.

"Okay, I will try."

Old Xiao changed a new foam target, the two returned to the shooting line, put on earmuffs, and Qin Fei took a deep breath to relax himself.

Raise the gun, aim, shoot.

All in one go.


After playing a magazine, change another one.


Until the last bullet was fired, Qin Fei took the gun and inspected it, and then returned it.

When the two came to the new target, Old Xiao stretched out his finger and measured the impact point.

"2 centimeters." Old Xiao shook his head, "This level is considered first-rate in ordinary reconnaissance troops, but in the 203 troops, it can only be said to have just passed."

At this time, Qin Fei had already admired Lao Xiao so much. The group of shots demonstrated by the old sergeant just now had completely shocked Qin Fei.

He felt that his face was burning.

Can't help asking: "Old monitor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can you talk about skills?"

"Skills?" Old Xiao smiled: "Don't you want to watch me hit a set of rapid-fire targets? Why? I don't want to see it now?"

"Yes!" Qin Fei's eyes are shining. You must know that since Lao Xiao is willing to shoot a group of rapid-fire targets, it proves that he is willing to show his shooting skills, which shows that the old squad leader does not reject himself, wait a moment He has finished playing, he must ask for advice.

Back at the firing line, Old Xiao changed a new magazine, put on earmuffs and pressed the electric button.

26 iron targets bounced from different positions.

Qin Fei pressed the stopwatch, and the time numbers began to jump quickly.

Old Xiao’s originally slightly cloudy and godless eyes suddenly became unusually bright, and his slightly hump-backed body became vigorous. If the old Xiao that Qin Fei saw just now came with a lone wolf that was hanging down. Described, the current old Xiao is simply a tiger that has just come down the mountain!

It threw out like lightning, and almost at the same time, the MK23MOD0 in Old Xiao's hand spurted out tongues of fire continuously.


The iron targets in front of them fell one by one.

After hitting a magazine, Qin Fei could hardly see Lao Xiao's movement of changing the magazine. His gun seemed to have never changed the magazine, but directly and continuously fired at the target.

This intensive shooting speed is comparable to an automatic rifle!

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