Absolute Honor

Chapter 210: no idea

Country D, Langley Island, beach on the southeast side.

A small speedboat sailed into the shallows, Kunchai took a few dollar bills from Qin Fei, turned around and stuffed them into the boat's hands.

The two jumped into the sea and walked towards the shore with one foot deep and the other shallow. The speedboat turned around and quickly disappeared into the sea.

Looking at the quiet beach, Qin Fei vaguely seemed to see a lot of bungalows on the beach, there were more than twenty.

Surrounded by some water facilities, it looks like a resort.

"This is your hometown?"

"Yes." Kunchai said: "My father is of Chinese descent, and my mother is from country D. The grandfather's generation came to country D to make a living, but later came to this island. My father married my mother. Later, he was too poor. In order to live, I had to go to the Golden Triangle to find work, and finally joined a drug cartel, but soon died."

"After my sister got established, she bought this tidal flat and used it to build a private beach and resort. She planned to run it for me. Unfortunately, I am very interested in these undead."

"Oh, so your interest is drug trafficking?" Qin Fei sneered.

"No! I just want to share some things for my sister. As for what I do, I don't care." Kun Guai seemed to be hurt by Qin Fei's self-esteem, "I can't let my sister take care of me for the rest of my life."

On the beach, Kunchai pointed to a small independent corridor built on the hillside behind the square: "That is where our ancestral house was before. If my sister wants to hide something, it should be in that house."

"Are there anyone else here?" Qin Fei asked.

"There is no official business here. There are only a few staff members who take care of the facilities here." Kun guessed: "I guess they haven't gotten up yet."

Qin Fei looked at the sky and said, "It's going to dawn. We will leave as soon as we can find it. I always feel that your uncle is unreliable."

"Boss, I think you are nervous." Kun guess said, "My uncle wants to betray us, he can be outside the casino. There is no need to pay you back a lot of money. Don't worry, wait until I find the Swiss bank. With the account information, I can have large sums of money, and I can do anything at that time!"

"Kun Guai." Qin Fei stopped, looking at this already somewhat self-confident Kun Guai and said seriously: "Have you ever thought that although this money is astronomical, it is indeed a curse. Your sister is so powerful? If you can't escape death, if you take it, it's tantamount to causing trouble to your upper body."

Kun Guai was stunned. Qin Fei's words were not unreasonable, but 3 billion US dollars, which is simply an astronomical figure, immediately became rich when he got it. This kind of temptation is simply beyond ordinary people can resist.

"When I have money, I can run away. I can hide anywhere in the world?" Kun Guai still had a fluke.

"You told me that the Black Sun organization has a certain official background and is very powerful. Do you think you can escape?"

"No matter, let's talk about it when you get it!"

The two approached the three-story building carefully one after the other. Qin Fei checked back and forth and confirmed that there was nothing unusual. Kun guessed it was only then that he found a key from under a certain flowerpot in a flower tray. Poke into the keyhole and unscrewed the door.

Because someone is responsible for cleaning, the air inside is not turbid, and it is very clean.

Kun Guai turned on the lights and looked around.

It's still a familiar scene, no different from the last time I came here before.

"I should have listened to my sister earlier..."

He suddenly thought of Zhang Lan again, and his eyes were red again.

"Okay, you might as well look for a place where your sister might hide the files. Let's take it and leave. This is definitely not suitable for staying for a long time." Qin Fei said, and went into the bathroom.

Facing the mirror, turning on the faucet, Qin Fei washed his face well.

Leng Shui lay down on his head, Qin Fei was quite awake, and the escape over the past few days was really exhausting.

Touching the place where the tracker was implanted on his shoulder, Qin Fei felt that now Thunder and they should have also entered country d. I don’t know if their actions have been reported to the military and police of country d. It’s impossible to think about it, after all. For the sake of confidentiality, it is estimated that Unit 203 will not request cooperation from country d. Drug dealers, military police and local armed forces in this country are inextricably linked, and no one dares to risk telling them this secret.

After washing my face. Qin Fei went out of the living room without seeing Kun Guai, but suddenly heard the noise of turning over from the second floor.

Going up the stairs, I found that the second floor had been turned upside down, with furniture and debris everywhere.

"Not found?" Qin Fei asked.

Kun Guai hugged his head, squatted on the ground, and said with a irritable expression: "Damn, I only now know that the house has shortcomings when it is big. The files must be small things. This house is so big, and my sister is a careful person. , It’s certainly not that easy to find something to hide."

"In this building, where does your sister usually value most?" Qin Fei asked.

"Is it important?" Kunchai was stunned for a moment, and suddenly jumped up from the ground, and rushed to the third floor like a rabbit, leaving a sentence: "I see, it's on the third floor!"

Qin Fei followed him up to the third floor, and found that the third floor turned out to be a Buddhist hall!

This made Qin Fei a little unexpected. A big drug lord actually built a floor in his hometown house to make a Buddhist hall?

However, it is not surprising that most of country D believes in Buddhism.

Kunchai kowtowed and worshipped three times before the Buddha statue, muttering nonsense about the Buddha's atonement, and then went to the front and back, and finally found nothing.

"It doesn't make sense..." Kun guessed a little frustrated. "Am I guessing wrong? The thing is not here?"

Qin Fei didn't say a word. He wandered around the Buddhist hall and found a small house behind the Buddhist hall. He opened the door and entered.

This small house is very simple, with a futon on the ground and Buddha statues hanging around it, which looks like a house for cleaning.

Suddenly, Qin Fei's eyes fell on the east wall.

There is a picture hanging on it, and on it is a picture of a family.

Qin Fei could vaguely see that the little boy who was only a few years old was Kunchai. The photo was yellow and it was inlaid after processing. It is probably Kunchai's family portrait.

Walking to the photo, Qin Fei reached out and touched the photo, and found that it was not fixed, but hung on a nail.

Turning over the back, there is no abnormality.

Just about to let go, suddenly an inspiration flashed.

This photo frame ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to be too thick, a bit strangely thick.

Qin Fei took off the frame and opened the wooden board at the back. With a click, a thick yellow envelope appeared in front of Qin Fei.

Qin Fei was overjoyed and opened the envelope. Inside was a stack of documents. The watermark on it was the seal of the Swiss Bank.

"Sure enough, here!"

Qin Fei was overjoyed, his mission seemed to be completed.

However, in addition to the bank documents, there is also a black book whose skin is made of cowhide.

Qin Fei opened it. There were densely recorded lines of numbers, which seemed to be handwritten. After a closer look, it seemed to be the flow of some bank accounts. Each line of number had an account number and a string of amounts. The amount was so large. It's stunned, tens of millions at every turn!


Qin Fei seemed to understand something. Why did Hei Sun spend so much effort to kidnap Zhang Lan? It is estimated that it is not only to get a huge sum of money, but there are probably more important things hidden in this book.

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