Absolute Honor

Chapter 211: The police are here?

"Boss! You found it!" Kunchai suddenly appeared in the room, rushed over and took the envelope and everything from Qin Fei's hand, looking through it ecstatically, "That's right! That's right! Wrong! These are the things!"

He stopped suddenly, took the black leather-covered notebook, and looked carefully: "What is this."

While talking, he turned over and watched.

"Why did my sister leave this thing in there?"

Qin Fei said: "It is estimated that some accounts and funds are exchanged, and the secrets involved are probably not small. I think that your sister Zhang Lan's death is not only because of the huge amount of funds of 3 billion, but more importantly, I think it is in this book."

In fact, Qin Fei also set off a storm in his heart at this time. He did not expect that what Zhang Lan left was just an account, but he did not expect to have unexpected gains.

If this book is so important to the Black Sun organization, obviously the secrets in it are also incredible.

Otherwise, they will not be so unscrupulous and take a huge risk to send a SEAL team into the territory of Country Z to plan a kidnapping case, and the target is still a famous drug lord in Southeast Asia.

Kun Guai's attention completely stayed on those materials, and Qin Fei needed to make a decision at this time.

So far, although the password has not been obtained, the account is obviously in hand, and there is also a black ledger with a huge secret hidden. You can immediately take down Kun Guai, and then find a phone call to Lei Ming and the others. Interpol came to take the two people away.

He can return to the army again and restore his identity.

But I don't know why, he felt so intolerable towards Kunchai at that moment.

However, the task is ultimately a task, a duty or a duty. He made up his mind that Lei Ming must intercede with Kunchai and tell the police that Kunchai was actually framed in the so-called drug case.

Walking towards Kunchai step by step, Qin Fei sighed inwardly.

Suddenly, a harsh brake sound came from outside the window.

The two were surprised at the same time.

"somebody is coming!"

Kun Guai almost jumped up like a frightened mouse.

"How to do how to do!?"

He panicked around the room and went to open the window again, trying to jump out of the window and escape.

For Qin Fei, he calmed down at this time.

When I walked to the window and looked out, three Toyota vehicles with black and white stripes and national police badges painted on the beach were parked on the beach. Police officers from national D in gray and black uniforms surrounded the house with long and short guns in his hands. stand up.

Qin Fei walked around to the window at the back of the house, and there were two similar police cars at the back door.

He and Kunchai were surrounded.

"Kun guess, can you trust me?" Qin Fei asked.

Kun Guai was pale and nodded, "Believe it, I can only trust you, the boss."

"I think these police officers are not good. It stands to reason that no one knows that we are here. How did they know?" Qin Fei said, "I said earlier, your uncle can't believe it."

Kunchai was already too shocked to speak. Although he was unwilling to accept this fact, his closest relatives also betrayed him for profit, but he couldn't deny what Qin Fei said.

"No... my uncle won't..."

"Do you want to prove it?" Qin Fei asked.

"Boss, what do you mean..."

"You have to take a risk."


"Open the door! We are the police!"

Outside the door, the leading policeman was holding a pistol and standing by the door, "Guess Guess, I know you are inside, you have been arrested! Come out and surrender immediately!"

The door creaked open.

The police were taken aback and hid on both sides.

No one expected Kun Guai to really open the door.

"What's the matter?" Kunchai asked, standing by the door.

The police stunned for a moment, and then rushed in and threw Kunchai directly to the ground. Before he yelled a few times, the handcuffs snapped him up.

"What did I commit! What did you arrest me for!? My sister gave you less benefits before!?"

The leader of the policeman waved his hand to the side of his hand and motioned: "There is another person, look for it."

Then he held the gun against Kun guess's head, hehe smiled: "You? You can't be accused of any crime? Drug trafficking? Murder? As long as I want, you are a criminal!"

"Damn you guys don't move me, although my sister is dead, my uncle Zhang Kang is very powerful, he will not let you off if I offend me!" Kun Guai continued to act according to the script Qin Fei gave him.


Several policemen suddenly laughed and bent their waists, pointing at Kun lying on the ground and guessing: "You little idiot, it's no wonder that people used to say that you are an idiot with water in my head. I think it's true. You. Who thought we were here? Old-fashioned tells you that it was Zhang Kang who asked us to come!"

He squatted down, grabbed Kunchai by the collar, and lifted him from the ground.

"Quickly, take the money, the account number and the password, where is it? Hand it over, I can give you a way to survive, at most let you stay in jail for a while, if you don't pay it..."

He pulled the gun and shot it directly into Kunchai's mouth.

"I will send you to see your sister immediately."

Kunchai's mouth smelled of gun oil, and he almost peeed his pants in fright.

Suddenly there was a muffled noise upstairs, followed by a second muffled noise.

"Who else is up there!?" The police chief changed his face and shouted at the door: "All come in and search this house!"

There are four people at the back door. In addition to the four men who brought them into the house by the front door, there should be three other people who are responsible for the wind.

But no one answered, it was terribly quiet outside.

The sky is getting bright, the sky is white with fish belly, the sea breeze is soft and cool, the police chief’s back is covered with cold sweat, a dangerous smell permeates all around, quietly oppressing his nerves.

Withdrawing the gun from Kunchai's mouth, he cautiously approached the door, stretched his head and swept outside.

The police cars were there, but none of his men saw them.

"problem occurs……"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a figure outside the door flashing.

The neck was tightly looped from behind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then a barrel with a silencer stuck out from my ear.



With the dull gunfire, dark red flames flashed a few times in the room.

The two men standing beside him had no time to fight back. People had already hit the furniture. One of them fell directly into the glass coffee table and shattered the thick glass table top.


The glass **** shattered to the ground.

The police chief immediately realized that he had encountered a professional-level person, perhaps the assassin's bodyguard of Kunchai, his knees instantly softened, and he fell to his knees with a plop.

"Don't kill me...Don't kill me..."

Qin Fei handed over this guy's gun, pushed him to the ground, looked at Kun and guessed: "You know now, in country D, you have nowhere to stay, and you are chasing you everywhere."

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