Absolute Honor

Chapter 221: Hit hard

Pain is just the beginning of the battle.

The old fox Santos soon discovered that Qin Fei wanted more than just killing himself.

This cabin has two doors, one on the left and one on the left, and one of the doors is now behind him.

This is an aluminum door, which has been concealed all the time. Outside the door is also a one-meter-wide corridor. The railing outside the corridor is more than ten meters below the sea.

If Santos thought Qin Fei was almost crazy just now, he had no doubt that Qin Fei was really crazy.

He wants to push himself off the railing!

There are only two possibilities for this, either falling on the deck and turning into meat sauce, or falling over the ship’s rail into the sea because of the strong enough momentum.

Either way, it is almost equivalent to death.

Because in the vast sea, especially at night, if you fall into the sea without a life jacket, the chance of survival is extremely low.

Especially when both of them were injured, their chances of surviving dropped exponentially.

But for Qin Fei, he has no retreat at all.

Now he is in a situation where he is dead, unless he is in desperate situation.

If you wait for FOX to lead someone to rush up, there will be a dead end.

Killing Santos and FOX and others are fighting head-on, and it is also dead.

Since they were all dead, Qin Fei felt that he could not fall into the hands of the enemy even if he died.

A soldier, a member of the top special forces, is not terrible to die. What is terrible is that he cannot die by his own temperament and thoughts.

Shroud of horse leather, that is the way to die in your own camp.

If you are in an enemy camp, you don’t need a shroud at all.

Amid the desperate screams of Santos, the crew on the deck saw that under the lights of the driving tower, the two huddled together and smashed through the door of a cabin on the third floor, and then hit the railing. In the end, they didn’t lose their energy. Falling into the sea below.

The height of more than ten meters is fleeting.


A huge wave splashed on the surface of the sea, and then there was no sound.

The dark sea swallowed Qin Fei and Santos.

FOX came in and rushed to the side of the railing, slamming the railing with his fists in anger.

"Stop the ship! Let the captain stop the ship!"

He raised his gun and fired two shots on the deck, yelling like a mad dog: "Let your captain stop the ship!"

It’s just that no one listened to him. There was a mess on the deck. The engine caught fire and ignited the oil tank. The fire spread everywhere. The entire ship could explode at any time. The power system was completely destroyed. No one could. Take control of this ship that has run out of control.


A huge fire burst from the stern of the ship, and the whole ship shook violently. FOX clung to the railing firmly, his face turned blue.

He saw that on the flaming deck, the crew had begun to put on their life jackets, and some people were already shaking off their lifeboats to escape. Everything was like the end of the world, and no one could control the scene.

The cargo ship still relied on inertia to move forward, and soon left Qin Fei and Santos behind.


When entering the water, Qin Fei almost fainted due to the wrong posture.

After sinking into the sea in a daze, choking a few mouthfuls of water, the harsh underwater training of the special forces quickly played a great role at this time.

When his consciousness just recovered, Qin Fei paddled desperately and floated towards the surface of the water.

Gang Lu blew the surface of the water with a sigh of relief, and Qin Fei was dragged into the sea again as if something was being pulled at his feet.

Santos is not dead, he is also in the water.

At this time, the two of them were in an extremely helpless state.

The so-called helplessness is because the guns on both of them were empty, Santos's knife was also lost, and Qin Fei didn't have the M9 tactical knife that he had snatched from Adams.

The only way the two can deal with each other is the most primitive-drowning each other.

This fight is water-based.

Originally, Qin Fei's water quality was not worse than Santos, but he is now passive, Santos is active, he was dragged into the water suddenly and choked.

Before he could breathe in enough oxygen, Qin Fei quickly became hypoxic.

Santos triumphantly slammed Qin Fei on the bottom of the water, entangled Qin Fei in every detail, so that he could not rise to the surface to breathe.

This is the slowest and most cruel way to fight to drown the opponent!

Qin Fei choked again, and his head began to feel dizzy.

Santos saw Qin Fei's situation. He had just given out the water one step before Qin Fei, and he had already absorbed enough oxygen.

As long as he can hold it back, the final winner is himself.

Qin Fei waved his hands in vain and stroked his feet desperately, unable to get rid of Santos's entanglement.

The hope of survival was shattered little by little, and Qin Fei was almost desperate.

Death seems to be right in front of you.

The image of his father Qin Anguo flashed in his mind, the distant back, and in the winter snow, Qin Anguo yelled at him: "Victory yourself! Hold on! You yourself are the greatest enemy!"

Qin Fei, who had gradually lost his strength, suddenly moved.

Santos was taken aback. He thought he had the chance to win, but he didn't expect that this kid's life was really tough enough, like a slashing cowhide!

He swam over, grabbed Qin Fei's shoulders, and pressed towards the bottom of the water.

Qin Fei's eyes lit up, and a white light flashed in the phosphorescence in the dark sea.


M9 tactical knife!

It is still firmly inserted on Santos's shoulder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Maybe it got stuck in the shoulder blade, so it hasn't fallen off!

Qin Fei suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the handle of the knife, and twisted it hard!

Santos opened his mouth all of a sudden. He couldn't help himself because of the pain. He wanted to cry, but when he shouted, the cold water rushed into the throat.

Strings of bubbles emerged from Santos's mouth, and he choked on several sips of water, and suddenly panicked.

After all, he was also a member of the U.S. Special Forces, which is known as the most powerful military and most systematic and advanced training member on the planet. In a critical moment, he also tried his best. His shoulders were pulled out.

Qin Fei already felt that his eyes were dark, and the oxygen had been exhausted.

At the last moment, he grabbed Santos and tugged, stuffed something in his arms, then slammed Santos away and swam toward the water.

Santos pulled out the knife and finally took a sigh of relief. He must now breathe out of the water immediately. As long as he takes a breath, he can fight for a few more minutes!

He chased in Qin Fei's direction.

Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, I couldn't tell what was wrong.

Excessive consumption of oxygen caused his mental agility to drop sharply, and he decided to go upstream to the surface of the water to make plans.

As long as I have a breath, I won't lose to that kid. After all, I was born in a special naval force. I am in the sea and I will never fail that little lunatic!

As soon as he opened his arms, he had a certain prediction, suddenly bowed his head.

He remembered that Qin Fei seemed to stuff something into his tactical vest.

He couldn't see anything in the dark water, so he immediately reached out to touch it.


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