Absolute Honor

Chapter 222: Lost in the Deep

What Santos felt was a round and hard thing.


At the last moment, only one thought flashed through his mind--

It's over...

The defensive grenade exploded Santos's chest. As he was attached to the tactical vest, it caused a chain reaction and detonated several other grenades hanging on you.

Santoston became a human firework in the water.


With a loud noise, a ball of fire flashed out of the deep dark seabed, and a white water column arose on the sea.

Although the fragments of the grenade are almost useless in seawater, the shock wave is greatly enhanced due to the incompressibility of water.

One meter away from the water, Qin Fei was directly shaken by the strong shock wave like a bombed fish, and the person turned over in the water.

Qin Fei fainted as soon as his eyes went dark.

Like the stunned fish, Qin Fei soon surfaced, floating on the sea like a floating corpse.

A lifeboat quickly took over.

On the orange gunwale, Kunchai rowed and whispered into the darkness: "Boss, Boss...Is that you?"

No one answered Kun guess, and the surroundings were as silent as death.

He wanted to call out Qin Fei's name aloud, but he looked around like a guilty conscience, for fear that those damned SEALs hadn't gone far and looked back and tied himself to another adult meat dumpling.

"Boss...Boss...Qin Fei..."

Still no one responded.


Kunchai scratched his head. He clearly heard the explosion from here just now.

After Qin Fei sent him away, Kun guessed the more and more things went wrong on the lifeboat. He knew that Qin Fei would die forever if he stayed on the boat. This was a farewell.

Kun Guai wanted to leave, but after a few strokes, his hands stopped again.

He always felt that something was going to happen. There seemed to be an invisible voice repeating the same sentence to himself-don't go! Don't go! Keep up and have a look!

Touched the pistol in his waist, Qin Fei picked it up on the boat and gave it to him.

With the gun, Kunchailue has some guts,

"Death to death!" He gritted his teeth and rowed in the direction the ship was leaving.

Kunchai felt that in the thirty years he had lived in this life, he was the most courageous tonight.

He risked his death to steal a paper cup to Qin Fei, and now he could smear the soles of his feet, but he turned back into the fire pit.

Even he himself couldn't tell why.

Soon, Kunchai saw an explosion at the stern of the cargo ship, and a raging fire was burning. The fire became more and more prosperous, like a light on the invisible sea.

Occasionally, gunshots and explosions can be heard from the ship, and Kun Guai felt that these sounds sound so clear and creepy in the silent night.

Kunchai couldn't catch up with the boat and was soon left far behind.

Fortunately, as long as everyone is immortal, he can see the direction of the cargo ship and won't get lost.

After paddling for a full twenty minutes, he suddenly heard an explosion from the sea in front of him, and he seemed to see someone floating up and sinking again.

Could it be that Qin Fei jumped off the boat and escaped! ?

Kunchai was overjoyed and began to call Qin Fei everywhere, but no one responded.

After drawing a circle of water around, Kun guessed a little frustrated, the vast sea, or late at night, if Qin Fei really jumped into the sea, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to find it.

After sighing, Kun guess sat down in the boat, feeling a little dazed.

Just as he was planning to continue tracking or turning the bow of the ship to leave in the opposite direction, he suddenly saw something faintly floating on the sea, very close, only five or six meters away.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a person lying on the water.

I just couldn't see who it was, but he was wearing a tactical vest, apparently a fighter who jumped off the ship.

who is it?

Kunchai was overjoyed at first, and then a little trembling.

In case this guy is the **** SEAL, wouldn't it be that he went up to rescue him by himself and sent the sheep into the mouth of a tiger.

After thinking about it, Kunchai quickly drew out the pistol and checked the barrel.

The bullet inside was already in the chamber. He pushed away the safety, then placed it in front of him, picked up the oar and rowed towards the floating person.

After a few meters, there seemed to be many odds and ends floating on the water. Kunchai curiously pulled an object up. When he saw what it was, he almost jumped into the water in fright!

That is a hand!

A furry hand that was blown off!

"I fuck!"

Kunchai felt that the little courage he had just gathered suddenly disappeared, and his whole body was upside down. Those things called guts were like deserters who had been defeated, rushing to get out of their pores and escape.

Shocked, Kun guessing comforted himself. The hairy hand just now was obviously not an Oriental hand, and it shouldn't be Qin Fei's.

Finally came to the side of "Floating Corpse".

Kunchai first picked up the gun and pointed it at what he thought was a "corpse", then lay on the side of the ship, reaching out and turning the corpse upside down.


When he saw the "corpse" clearly, Kunchai was overjoyed and threw the pistol directly on the bottom of the tank, then grabbed Qin Fei's tactical vest with both hands, and pulled Qin Fei onto the boat with all his strength.

Qin Fei's face was pale and did not respond.

Kun Guai shook Qin Fei's shoulder ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and shouted: "Boss! Wake up! Wake up!"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance, and Kunchai was so scared that he looked back and found that the cargo ship that had sailed far and far suddenly had a big explosion, and the sky was turned dark red by the flying fireball.

"Fuck me!"

Kunchai looked back at Qin Fei, Qin Fei now looked like a **** in his eyes.

One person actually confronted a team of SEALs, and finally managed to escape by jumping into the sea and bombing the ship.

I don’t know if the boss has done the explosion procedure and rescued his teammates?

It was too late to think about it too much. Kun guessed that Qin Fei was in a very bad condition. He stretched out his hand and was shocked again. Qin Fei had no breath!

"Don't die! Boss!"

As he said, he hurriedly took off Qin Fei's tactical vest and removed Qin Fei's pistol. He had no other weapons except a few grenades and a pistol.

Touching Qin Fei's pulse again, it is faintly visible, and the air is like a gossamer.

After all, Kun Guai is a person who has met the world. He has also studied in T country at any rate, and he still has basic common sense.

Although Qin Fei is now on the verge of dying, it does not mean he is dead. Maybe, maybe, as long as you try to rescue it, there is hope!

He squared Qin Fei on the deck and began to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration...

"Don't die... Don't die... You have to live! You are the most powerful Special Forces soldier, how could you just die like this! I promise you, I must find out the ledger and send it to your superior, the money... "

Speaking of money, he still hesitated. After all, it was three billion dollars, not thirty dollars.

He muttered while doing CPR for Qin Fei. As he did it, his nose was sour, and his tears came down.

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