Absolute Honor

Chapter 223: file

203 base, early morning.

It has entered early winter, but the weather in the south has not seen any coolness, and when the sky is dark and still bright, a wake-up call sounded in the camp.

Lei Ming stood in front of the bathroom mirror. The reflection in the mirror made Lei Ming a little strange to herself.

The red eyes, the stubborn beard, and the hair that has clearly exceeded the length of the regulations, are twisted together like a chicken coop that has just been picked.

If you are in an ordinary army, this kind of military appearance will definitely be severely criticized by your superiors.

It's been more than half a month.

It has been more than half a month since Qin Fei's disappearance.

The soldier who was sent out with his own hands, the rookie who admired him and saw him inexplicably, of course, he would never be seen again.

Lei Ming in the past believed that as long as Qin Fei made a slight mistake, even if it was a trivial mistake, he could justifiably let him get out of the bag.

Now, there is no need to do anything anymore.

Because Qin Fei will not come back anymore.

This was the first loss of the first member of the 3rd Division of Unit 203.

Although he has served in Unit 203 for many years, Lei Ming has long been accustomed to life and death, and it is not the first time his comrades have left, but Qin Fei's sacrifice still makes him inexplicably sad.

For more than half a month, Lei Ming hadn't sorted out his military appearance, and the entire 203 training base was shrouded in a strange cloud of sadness. Even the most sparsely popular singer in Ma Daha did not show a smile.

Yesterday, the final information was finally sent to Unit 203.

That explosion was a trap. Obviously, someone wanted to use Qin Fei to induce the entire third team into a death trap that was already full of explosives.

Although the explosive exploded strangely in the end, the reason is still unknown, but at last he didn't let himself lose one more team member. It was a blessing in misfortune.

Santos had apparently absconded, and no trace of Santos was found in all the information sent back overseas. This person disappeared into the air without a trace like a wisp of water vapor evaporated in the summer.

What made Lei Ming most saddened was that a large amount of industrial oil was stored in the exploded factory building. The explosion ignited the fire, and finally the entire abandoned factory building was completely razed to the ground.

According to the report brought back by investigators from country d and the investigators sent by the 203 army, the person who set up the trap added white phosphorus to the C4 explosive. The consequences of these things that are banned from military use are all people in the factory. And the objects were all burned to ashes, no matter whether it was an enemy or a friend, there was no trace left behind.

Lei Ming knew very well that even if there was no such big fire, the equivalent of c4 plus the professional explosive point setting, the other party did not intend to leave anything that can be traced, because this involves a very sensitive relationship, itself. It's an invisible front, and neither side will make any announcements.

Lei Ming washed his face with soap, washed his hair again, then picked up the electric hair clippers and began to cut his hair slowly.

This is the tradition of the army. Every soldier who has served in the army all year round basically cuts his hair. All his hair is used by his comrades to help each other, and sometimes they just do it by themselves.

It is not difficult to cut the board-inch head, but it took thundering twenty minutes, and then began to apply foam to shave.

Until the last extra beard was hung up, he held up cold water and poured it on his head and face, washing off the broken hair, the thunder in the mirror had returned to its former appearance, but he knew that there was something It has changed, and it is no longer the same as before.

Back in his private room, Lei Ming got onto the chair, opened the drawer, took out a kraft paper portfolio from the inside, slowly rolled up the white cotton rope on it, and drew a file from it.

Turning to the first page, Qin Fei hung up a photo of Hao Ran with the rank of superior soldier without a champion outfit.

This is a very special class soldier.

In Lei Ming's eyes, if there were no things about Qin Anguo, he would appreciate this high class soldier who was scolded as a rookie by himself.

Qin Fei's character seemed a little deep and melancholic to Lei Ming, which may have a lot to do with his personal growth experience. But Lei Ming had to admit that this was the best seedling in the 3rd squad of 203 troops.

Calm, perseverance, although sometimes impulsive, but full of daunting fighting spirit.

Thunder felt a bit sore in his nose for no apparent reason, and his eye sockets became hot.

Stabilizing his mind, he continued to read the remaining files carefully.

This includes Qin Fei's soldier files, as well as local files, commendation orders, merit reports, d volunteers, etc. All of a person's life is on these dozens of pieces of paper.

A person's life can be very heavy or so light.

This is a necessary procedure. Every soldier who sacrifices has to go through various levels of audit, and then finally sent to the operation commander for a final check, and then a conclusion is made.

After flipping through all the information, Lei Ming couldn't help but turn to the first page again.

Staring at the young face in that photo, Qin Fei seemed to be fixed at the age of 24 forever. Lei Ming suddenly felt that great and ordinary might be able to be with him, especially those special forces soldiers who fought on secret fronts and got the best. Interpretation.

He picked up the pen. According to the regulations, he must sign his name in the blank area, then seal the file, and hand it over to the higher-level department for final filing and sealing.

These files will disappear for a long time. No one knows what happened to this soldier or what he experienced.

Everything will be top secret at the highest level.

Hands were shaking, thunder hadn't written for a long time, time passed by bit by bit.

Tuk tuk ——

There was a knock on the door.

Lei Ming sighed slightly, and the nib finally fell on the paper, black ink flowed out of the pen, and Long Feifeng Wu wrote the handwritten words of Operation Commander Thunder.

"Come in."

He said faintly toward the door: "The door is unlocked."

Chen Kefan opened the door and entered, sniffing the room ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is full of thick smoke.

"Lao Lei, it's time to prepare, everyone has assembled, and we will wait for you to pass."

Thundering was taken aback, and immediately seemed to be dragged back to reality from another world.

Today is Qin Fei's funeral. According to the treatment of military martyrs, he will be buried in the Martyrs Cemetery, and then...

Then what?

Qin Fei's mother Liang Shaoqin has received Qin Fei's notice of sacrifice. Of course, there will be no description on it, only the sentence "sacrifice for business", nothing more.

Leiming suddenly became a little frightened. Liang Shaoqin is expected to come over today. He really doesn't know how to face Qin Fei's mother.

Putting on the pen cap, Lei Ming suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Kefan and said, "Is Jin Donghai here?"

"Yes." Chen Kefan said.

Thunder groaned for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "You let him come here for a while, I have something to talk to him."

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