Absolute Honor

Chapter 224: The most precious thing

In Troop 203, there is very little chance of not wearing camouflage uniforms.

But today is Qin Fei's funeral. Jin Donghai is wearing formal uniform and a big brimmed hat.

Standing in front of the thunderous door, he was about to knock, but he was inexplicably nervous, his raised hand froze in mid-air and hesitated, a trace of ominous premonition filled the surrounding like poisonous air, making his heart beat faster.

When I arrived, I knocked on the door.

Tuk tuk ——

"Come in."

There was a sound of thunder, neither salty nor weak, and Jin Donghai gritted his teeth and pushed the door in.

He saluted, and then shouted a report.

Thunder waved his hand to let him come.

Jin Donghai sat down anxiously across from Thunder.

"Team Lei, are you looking for something to do with me?"

"Yeah." Lei Ming seemed to be looking for something, did not open his eyes to look at Jin Donghai, and finally found it in a drawer. He pulled out a form and threw it in front of Jin Donghai.

"have a look."

Jin Donghai picked up the piece of paper and didn't dare to look at it at all.

"Why don't you look at it?" Leiming asked blankly.

"Okay..." Jin Donghai knew that he couldn't hide, his eyes could only fall on the form.

This is the final appraisal form of the remaining team members for the selection and training. In the final analysis, it is the most authoritative document for deciding the selection and training of the trainees.

Elimination and non-elimination, the absolute power is in the hands of thunder.

Jin Donghai saw his name in the grid at the bottom of the form, his gaze swept from left to right, and the last column will be filled with comments to leave.

What came into view were four words-agree to stay in the team.

He couldn't believe his eyes, so he rubbed them quickly, opened them, and looked again.

That's right, it means "agree to stay in the team"!

"Team Lei!" He raised his head, his face already filled with joy.

"Don't thank me first." Lei Ming waved his hand to stop Jin Donghai's statement, and then took the form back from his hand: "I have filled out this form after the last counter-interrogation task, not now. Yes. Although your performance was not satisfactory at that time, I don’t think it was hopeless at least, so I decided to leave 8 people out of the box and let you all stay on the team to become full members."

"Thank you..." Jin Donghai could not express his excitement. Joining Unit 203 is not only an honor, but a way to prove himself the best.

If he stays with his own ability, Jin Donghai feels that from now on in front of his father and grandfather, he can at least raise his head and speak hard, and more importantly, in front of An Ruosu, he can finally pat his chest openly and say himself. Is one of the best soldiers, at least one of them.

However, his smile quickly froze on his face.

Lei Ming took the watch, grabbed a lighter from the table, and snapped it.

The flame jumped from the lower right corner of the form and quickly swallowed half of it.

"Team Thunder...you are..."

Jin Donghai’s shock at this time could not be described in words. He simply couldn't accept it, and he couldn't understand everything that Lei Ming did.

What is he doing? !

Why do you show it to yourself first, and then burn it in front of yourself?

Throwing the burning documents into the steel wastebasket, Lei Ming raised his head and shot at Jin Donghai like a sharp sword.

Jin Donghai trembled all over and lowered his head.

"You should be very clear about the reason why I did this." Lei Ming's tone was like the wind that swept across the earth before a storm, making Jin Donghai breathless.

"I have no idea……"

"In Troop 203, any member of the team can allow mistakes in the mission. As long as the consequences are not serious, they can be forgiven. After all, we are humans, not gods, and I am not a tyrant. Speakable."

Lei Ming stood up, took out another envelope from the drawer, and threw it heavily on Jin Donghai.

The letter was wrapped around the chest and landed on the table.

Jin Donghai felt cold sweat on his head and sweat on his back.

"However, the members of Unit 203 have opinions. You can find a place to fight happily. It doesn’t matter if I be a referee. What is absolutely not allowed is to betray your teammates, and you are never allowed to stabb your teammates behind. Knife! Because we are a team, on the battlefield, our most precious thing is trust. What is trust? Do you know? When the enemy surrounds us, you can give me your back, and I can also give me I trust you to be my most trusted relative. You can block bullets for me, and I am willing to do the same!"

"Team Lei...I don't understand what you are talking about..." Jin Donghai swallowed hard, still holding on.

Lei Ming was furious and couldn't restrain his emotions anymore. He rushed over and pushed Jin Donghai, who was much taller than him, to the wall and knocked heavily on it.

"Boy! Who do you think the 203 unit trains are? Are they all wine bags and rice bags? Are they all reckless men who can only kill people with a gun? The people trained here are all elites. What are elites? It’s that your clumsy little tricks can’t hide from that person. This is called an elite! I don’t care what your family background or background is! I don’t care in other troops, how kindly those regiments, divisions, and even commanders will treat you. Zhongxing Pengyue, but in Troop 203, he will be a man with my tail!"

Jin Donghai's body was trembling slightly, "Lei...Lei team...I really..."

"You really don't know what I'm talking about, right?! Ah? Jin Donghai? You think I've been a soldier in Unit 203 for more than ten years. Do you think I'm full of water!? Do you think I'm an idiot? !?"

Lei Gong roared as usual, his voice shook Jin Donghai's eardrums humming.

"Don't you dare to admit it? Jin Donghai, don't let Laozi look down on you. If you have the ability, just pick up the envelope on the table, open it and take a look! See if you wrote the report letter!?"

Jin Donghai has been completely confused, and everyone is on the verge of collapse.

How did Thunder know about this? !


Although my report is under my real name~www.wuxiaspot.com~, according to the regulations, it will not be made public. More importantly, it is my grandfather’s old subordinates who are responsible for the management of this matter, and there is also my father’s military academy. classmate!

Lei Ming was able to find out, and he was able to get this letter!

"Say!" Lei Ming picked up the envelope from the table and slapped it on Jin Donghai's face. "Dare you look at the things inside and see if it's your handwriting! You scumbag! You don't deserve to say it." You are a descendant of a soldier! You are not worthy!"

"It's me!" Jin Donghai slammed his thunderous hands away, stumbled and pushed to a corner of the room, like a bereaved dog forced to the edge of a cliff, he shouted at the thunderously: "Yes, that's right. I! It’s me, it’s me! It’s the report letter I wrote, it’s Qin Fei that I reported to the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Headquarters! He has a problem! A traitor’s son, on what basis! On what basis can he enter the army! On what basis Get the opportunity that even I have to work hard to get!"

Tears flowed down his eyes, and his nose hung from the bottom of the people.

"Why is he!"

Jin Donghai almost jumped up violently and yelled at thunder.

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