Absolute Honor

Chapter 228: Kunchai's plan

Qin Fei put down the gun and smiled at Kun. "I didn't think about it. I just thought it was strange. I seem to be very familiar with guns. I feel safe when I pick it up. It's as comfortable as chatting with an old friend. "

Kun Guai breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you remembered something..."


"Nothing, I said, I thought you remembered something in the past." Kun guessed.

Qin Fei shook his head: "No, my head is blank, and there are some reflections, but like individual fragments, they can't be combined together. Maybe they can be put together in the future. I don't think I will have permanent memory loss, right."

Kunchai really didn't want to see the day Qin Fei regained his memory.

Once that day comes, I am a thief, and others are soldiers, and there is opposition between soldiers and thief.

"Don't worry." Kun guess said: "When I rescued you from the sea, I almost couldn't feel your pulse. It is estimated that your brain's temporary hypoxia caused memory loss. Don't force yourself to be too tight. ."

While talking, Kunchai saw two figures carved on the wooden board on the ground.

Tilting his head for a long time, he didn't seem to see why.

"What is this?"

Kun guessed that the two men looked like one was a man and the other was a woman. The man seemed to be back, and the woman had only an outline, without a specific face. After all, Qin Fei carved it with a knife, not so clear and delicate.

"I don't know, these are the images that remain in my mind. When they appear, I will draw them. I am worried that I will forget them." Qin Fei said.

"Okay, don't think too much." Kun guessed his stomach and said, "It's dusk now. It's time for dinner too? Go, go out and have something to eat. I have something to discuss with you."

Qin Fei put on camouflage uniforms, and the two of them walked out of the house together. At this time, the indigenous people had set up a fire by the beach. The living habits of these people are still in the stage of almost primitive society. Even the fish is directly grilled on a slate without using a pot at all.

Fortunately, the ingredients are top-notch, even if there is no seasoning and just sprinkle with salt, it is delicious.

The sky gradually darkened, Kunchai stuffed the last bite of lobster meat into his mouth, wiped oil on his clothes, took out a plastic bag from his trouser pocket, and patted it in front of Qin Fei.

"Boss, guess what is here?"

Qin Fei frowned and asked, "What!?"

"U.S. dollars!" Kunchai opened the plastic bag with a smug look, and took out two bucks of U.S. dollars from it. "This is all my belongings. It is the money I have saved over so many years. A total of 30,000 U.S. dollars have been exchanged. Alas. It’s unlucky enough to say it. The 30,000 US dollars used to be considered a fart. Back then, I was the one who spent money like flowing water. I didn’t expect that I was really going to fall to the point of being a savage on a deserted island..."

"You went to the city today?" Qin Fei asked.

This deserted island is actually one of the southern archipelagoes of country d. The islands have beautiful scenery, but they are undeveloped and inaccessible. There are hardly any modern facilities. To withdraw money, you must go to the opposite shell market, where there is a bank.

"If I don't go out of the city, where do I go to find a bank?" Kunchai said, "It's really heartbreaking to say that, according to the exchange rate, my money can be exchanged for at least 40,000 US dollars. The black market dealers I asked for I redeem it, they actually charge me a 20% handling fee, it's so black!"

"Didn't you say that there are thirty thousand? I think you only have twenty thousand here." Qin Fei said.

Kunchai smiled bitterly and pulled out a plastic bag from the other trouser pocket, and pulled out the contents, "These two things cost me almost ten thousand dollars."

Qin Fei took the two hard-covered notebooks from Kunchai and flipped through them. They were actually two passports from country T.

"Passport? Where did you get it?"

"Don't you remember that I mentioned it to you before? I went to take a photo with you? We are also lucky. Recently, the king of country t had his birthday and relaxed his nationality acquisition qualifications. Anyone who has lived in country t for more than ten years can get a nationality. There is a good thing about the country. Money is easy to handle. I spent almost 10,000 dollars to find an acquaintance who falsified our information and gave us these two passports. The previous passports are no longer usable. You and I must have new identities. ."

Qin Fei opened his own copy, and it was really a big picture of himself with a steel seal on it. It was a genuine passport of country T, and now he became a Chinese of country T.

Think about it a little bit ridiculously and slightly bitter.

After putting his passport away, Qin Fei couldn't help asking: "Didn't you say that both the black and white channels of country D are looking for you now? Do you dare to run around?"

Kunchai said with a sad face: "There is no way. We have to run away. There is a toll for running. We must have a passport. Otherwise, we will not be able to enter the country. If we don't take the risk to get money, how are we passports? How do we run?"

"Run?" Qin Fei tore off a piece of fish and chewed slowly in his mouth. "Where are you going to go?"

"Oh, there's no way. My sister left me the 3 billion dollars, and I don’t know where the documents are. Before she died, she told me to go to my hometown and my ancestral house, but she almost died there. If it were not for you, the boss, I would have been tortured and thrown into the sea to feed the sharks. Country D can’t stay..."

Kun Guai looked distressed, Qin Fei believed that this guy must be distressed by the money.

However, everyone will feel distressed when they are changed. With 3 billion US dollars, they will immediately become one of the richest people in the country.

What's more, Kun Guai is a good character, a person with a dollar more than the sky, and it is not bad to have a heart attack because of this.

"Boss, I have planned a place to run, I want to ask you, will you follow me?" Kunchai put away his pained expression and looked at Qin Fei and asked.

Qin Fei said, "Where are you going?"

"Africa." Kunchai said.

"The Americas can't go. The Black Sun organization has too much power in the Americas. It is said that there are people in the government of country m. North America is the place to send sheep to the tiger's mouth, and South America...no, there are drug barons. There is no safe corner of the site. Asia does not work either. How many times have we been hunted down here? I guess there are people who want my life everywhere now, and I can’t stay here either."

Qin Fei smiled: "You are a sensible person."

"It's a matter of life, if you don't understand it, you can't do it." Kunchai sighed, and suddenly said angrily: "Damn! If I want to get the 3 billion, I will offer a reward of 1 billion to kill those **** who chase me. Egg!"

Qin Fei smiled. He had already recites the story of Kunchai. In the few days after waking up, Kunchai babbled with himself about his unlucky experience and painful life every day, saying that his poor sister ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Saying that the 3 billion that should belong to him and can't get it, anyway, it is all kinds of sighs.

In fact, in Kunchai's heart, the reason why he said this is an extremely clever approach.

He concealed Qin Fei's true identity, but all other words were true.

The whole story can be said to be 20% false, 80% true, true and false.

After all, Qin Fei is definitely not a fool. Although he has amnesia, his IQ is still there, especially combat skills and other things, which makes Kun guess not a fool. It is obviously the wisest choice to choose this method.

"What about Europe?" Qin Fei asked.

Kunchai shook his head: "Now we are running away. Europe is a place to enjoy. If we get 3 billion, let alone Europe, I can take you to Antarctica. Question: What is good for people like us to run to Europe? Be a beggar ?"

"Then what are you going to do in Africa?" Qin Fei asked

"Africa?" Kunchai said about Africa, and Kunchai's eyes lit up.

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