Absolute Honor

Chapter 229: Innocent killing

"What do you think about Africa? Gold, diamonds! It is an underdeveloped area, where it is easier to make money. Besides, I also have a distant cousin over there and others in Sierra Leone. Although I have rarely contacted in recent years, But when my sister drove me out last year, I called him and he said that he had a small mine over there and asked me to come and look for him."

After speaking, the thief with eyeballs stayed on Qin Fei's face, trying to see his attitude from Qin Fei's expression.

Qin Fei was noncommittal, just eating the fish silently.

"Boss, we have nowhere to go. You can easily get caught here and go back to the country for trial. You must know that in Southeast Asia, country Z has a lot of influence. I'm afraid you are already on the wanted list."

Of course Kun guessed that he wanted Qin Fei to go along with him. Aside from Qin Fei's skill, he actually saved himself several times. Moreover, once Qin Fei's memory recovers and remembers that he used to be a soldier, I am afraid that he will go with Qin again. Fei stands on the opposite side.

He really didn't want to fight Qin Fei.

The fire light shone on the faces of everyone around.

Qin Fei's heart was rolling, leaving, or not?

He is a murderer. If he doesn't leave, he might be found out quickly, as Kun guessed it, and then sent back to the country.

Go, and feel vaguely reluctant.

The fire in front of him gradually weakened, and Qin Fei bent down, trying to pick up two branches from the side to lick the fire.

Just bending down, there was a gunshot in the distance.

Qin Fei rolled on the spot subconsciously and threw Kunchai down.


After speaking, he pulled Kunchai and ran towards the back of his house.

Hiding behind the house, Qin Fei looked in the direction of the fire just now.

If it hadn't happened to bend down to collect firewood just now, I'm afraid I would be dead now.

Thinking of this, I was shocked in a cold sweat.

By the fire, the boy who was stabbing a fish with Qin Fei on the beach in the afternoon was lying on the ground. The bullet hit his neck and cut his spine directly. The boy was out of breath before he even snorted.

The teenager's parents knelt by the fire, hiding their faces and crying.

"Oh shit!"

Qin Fei's fist suddenly clenched, and his anger burned in his chest suddenly.

The surrounding environment suddenly became chaotic. The children sat on the ground and cried, and the adults ran desperately. No one had seen such a scene, only fear and panic.

Obviously, this attack was directed at him and Kunchai, and these villagers were just doing things in vain.


The sniper obviously saw Qin Fei and the others hiding behind the house. He didn't give up and shot at the house one after another.

These suggested houses are almost indistinguishable from paper toys in front of the sniper rifle bullets. The bullets penetrated the entire house, almost rubbing Qin Fei's body into the sand on the ground.

"Hide under the base of the house!" Qin Fei pointed to the layers of stones built underground in the house and said, "It's not safe here, only there is the safest!"

The stone is used as the foundation of the house, and only here can block the warhead.

"Boss...what do you do now..." Kunchai was so scared that he was so scared that he was lying on the ground like a lizard.

"Chill!" At this time, Qin Fei was already angry, and the villagers killed by the stray bullet made him feel extremely guilty, and he could only kill these invaders early, otherwise more villagers would suffer.

Soon after the fire, Qin Fei saw a group of heavily armed men in jungle camouflage pouring in from the right side of the village.

Judging from the shooting and advancing posture of these people, it is obvious that they have received military training, but they are not very rigorous. Maybe it was because the villagers weren't in the eyes at all, maybe it was because he didn't have a good tactical literacy. A short winter melon-like guy headed by him actually held the m16 and pretended to shoot like Stallone in the movie.

These people have no military ranks, can't see any marks, and can't judge their true identities.

Several more villagers fell down in crazy bursts.

Qin Fei's eyes were red. After all, he had lived with these indigenous people for nearly a month, and they had taken in Kunchai and himself without any request. They were as simple as this clear and transparent pristine beach.

Now we must fight quickly. According to the current situation, snipers are the biggest threat. As long as the snipers are dealt with, you can slowly clean up these cold-blooded animals.

The house here is extremely simple, all tied with dried palm leaves and branches. Qin Fei didn't waste any effort to open a hole and get in.

His p228 pistol and several grenades are still in the corner.

Just after the weapon was equipped, a sniper rifle bullet came in again, just past Qin Fei, and penetrated the wall behind.

Qin Fei lay on the ground, raised the pitcher in the corner and poured it on the palm leaves, then lit a fire and got out of the house again.

Now it happens to be the dry season in country d, and the dry matter is dry. The palm leaves themselves are dried, soaked in water, and soon a roaring white smoke emerges.

Kunchai was choking and coughing again and again.

Qin Fei patted him on the shoulder and said, "I will go to the woods to kill the sniper later, and you will find a place to hide."

"Boss, I don't have a gun..." Kun Guai said, staring at Qin Fei's gun.

"Give you a gun, you can kill that sniper, I am here waiting for you."

Kun Guai was taken aback, his eyes rolled, and then he said, "Then I don't want to grab it."

Qin Fei was too lazy to talk to Kungues, opened the sleeve to check the barrel, then looked at the fire and said: "I call 1, 2, 3, you immediately leave here as fast as you can, and find a place to hide by yourself! "


Qin Fei jumped out of the house and rushed towards the woods on the left.

Thick smoke filled the small village, blocking the sniper's sight, and he couldn't see the exact location of Qin Fei at all.

After firing a few more shots based on feeling, the sniper emptied the bullets in this American-made m14 sniper rifle. He just touched the tactical vest on his chest and was about to take out a new magazine. Suddenly, he heard rustling from the woods on the left. sound.

He immediately drew his pistol and pointed it in the direction of the sound.

Sniper He suddenly remembered that when he accepted this mission, the boss had specifically confessed to the leader of the team~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One of the targets was not an ordinary person, it was said that he was a scout of the country of Z.

Cold sweat oozes from his forehead. Before, he always thought that there are 8 people in his squad. Isn't it a matter of getting rid of two targets without automatic weapons?

Now he suddenly felt that maybe he was wrong, maybe his boss was also wrong.

Things are not as simple as they thought.

Suddenly, there was another sound behind him, as if something was rubbing the leaves and bushes.

He turned around abruptly, raised his pistol and fired three consecutive shots at the location where the sound came from.


After three shots, the sound seemed to disappear, and everything was calm.

It's so dark all around, you can't see anything.

The sniper put away the pistol, held up the m14 sniper rifle, and slowly looked around with the low-light scope.

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