Absolute Honor

Chapter 261: treachery

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded from outside the city.

Vincent stopped his steps and quickly picked up the night vision observation goggles and looked in the general direction of the SA-3 launch vehicle. As expected, he saw a huge fireball rising in the distance.

"God bless! They succeeded!"

Sure enough, his subordinates ran over quickly.

"Boss, he got it done!"

"Old fish?! You got it done!?" Vincent held the microphone excitedly, as if standing on the Oscar stage waiting for the candidate to announce the final winner of the Golden Man, he heard his rapid heartbeat and heavy breathing.

This is the moment when life and death are announced.

"It's done. Our location is about 7 kilometers northeast of the city. The map marks the area No. 221. You will pick us up right away. It is estimated that we will be surrounded soon. Come!"

The old fish's voice came from the radio microphone, like a sound of heaven.

"God bless!" Vincent breathed a sigh of relief.

He immediately took out the satellite phone, dialed the number of Lieutenant Colonel Tapiva, told the other party about the destruction of the SA-3 air defense missile, and demanded that the Mi-17 be immediately landed at the entrance of the hospital.

Not long after putting down the phone, I saw that Mi-17 flew up from the air tremblingly, and then landed steadily on the ground under the guidance of his men.

"Go up! Go up!"

Vincent and his mercenaries carried a few corpses onto the plane, and turned around to guess Kun who was standing next to the plane: "Boy, lucky you, go up!"

"Captain, can I take my cousin's body?" Kun guessed.

Vincent refused: "No, the space is limited, or you don't have to go, I will take your cousin's body out."

Kunchai stood there, hesitating.

Vincent said impatiently: "The plane doesn't have much fuel. Your cousin is dead. The dead person is a pile of rotten meat in Africa, no different from the animal carcasses in the wilderness. Dust returns to dust. Earth, are you going or not!?"

Kunchai gritted his teeth, still hesitating.

"Well, since you are willing to accompany your cousin, don't blame me for not believing." Vincent turned around and left. He didn't plan to spend any more time with Kunchai. After a few steps, he said: "You My friends are still waiting outside the city. If you don’t want the plane to run out of gas and they can’t get on the plane, you'd better give me a hurry!"

Kun Guai finally made up his mind.

Vincent was right. People are dead. In Africa, the most important thing is the corpse.

He ran away, chased after Senter, and jumped into the plane.

The Mi-17 quickly lifted off, with a little nose in the air, and flew out of the city.

"Captain!" Vincent got to the nose, stretched out the map, and pointed to the SA-3 launch position above: "Flying here, three of us are still on the ground."

The pilot was a black captain. He took off his headset, looked at the map and then at the fuel indicator, his head shaking like a rattle.

"No! We don't have enough fuel. I don't know if we can fly back to Waterloo Airport. Landing and taking off will cost me a lot of fuel, no!"

"Damn it! They blew up the missile launcher, otherwise you won't be able to get in!" Vincent said, "Can you give it a try!"

"The fuel gauge will not deceive people, I will not take the risk! If you insist on this, I am afraid that everyone will easily make an emergency landing. Now all areas leading to Liberty City are insecure. The latest news is that the rebels have already attacked. In the Rockel area, if we make an emergency landing near there, I am afraid we will be surrounded by rebels!" The black captain refused to agree to Vincent's request.

Rockel is located at the back of Bo, less than two hundred kilometers from Liberty City.

Since the rebels have attacked there, that is to say, within a few hundred kilometers between Bo City and Liberty City, except for the two hundred kilometers outside Liberty City, no other places are safe areas.

Once the plane made a forced landing in an enemy-occupied area, the thousands of rebels swarming up could not be resisted by the dozen or so mercenaries.

"You must make a choice!" said the black captain, "and I will not take risks for two or three of you! There are more important people on the plane!"

He pointed to Julit.

"For God's sake!" Vincent raised his head and closed his eyes severely.

The helicopter flew out of Bo City in a blink of an eye. If it doesn't turn, it will fly out of this area very soon. At a distance of 7 kilometers, the plane seems to be as simple as raising and lowering.

Whether to land or not to land is a matter of life and death.

Finally, when he lowered his head again, he said to the pilot: "Divert! Let's not go to the 221 area, and fly directly to Liberty City!"

Vincent made his own decision.

The sky was getting brighter, and he looked out through the porthole at a land of lush and yellow mud. The huge smoke from the 221 area was still there, and the location of the SA-3 launcher turned into a raging fire.

"Old fish, it's not that Vincent is not kind, but your luck is really bad."

Lao Yu's call came from the radio.

"Vincent, I saw the plane, you can descend! I'll guide!"

Soon, a red smoke bomb indicator appeared on the ground, and it was obvious that someone threw a red smoke bomb toward the ground. There was Lao Yu and Qin Fei where they were, and it was the landing site where Mi-17 was supposed to go.

Looking at Vincent with the radio station behind his back, Vincent turned his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and pretended not to hear.

Kunchai, who was sitting across from the radio soldier, suddenly ran away and rushed forward. With a punch in the radio soldier’s jaw, he directly beat him to Venus. Before he could respond, Kunchai grabbed the microphone and pressed The call button is pressed.

"Boss! They want to abandon you! They don't land, they fly straight..."

Before he finished speaking, Kun Guai was directly embraced by a few high-profile mercenaries. He pressed on the floor of the plane cabin and couldn’t understand, but still cursed uncleanly: "I’m a horse, countryman M. , You **** have no credibility! You are a scumbag, you are not worthy of being a man!"

Above the ground, Qin Fei cast a shadow on his heart as he looked at Mi-17, which was already beyond the landing range.

He said to the old fish beside him: "It's not right, they seem to be flying over."

The old fish picked up the radio microphone and called Vincent.

"Vincent, we have marked the landing field with red smoke bombs, please land immediately..."

On the radio, there was no response.

Qin Fei looked around. The ground was full of rebel soldiers' corpses. There was a platoon of rebels, but now they are all dead.

There is also a row of Indian peacekeepers who were also sitting aside. They were captured by the rebels and operated SA-3.

Thor Eric pointed his gun at these guys. He didn’t intend to be too polite to these curry soldiers, because if it weren’t for these pigs, I’m afraid the first Mi-17 would not fall. Indirectly, these people are also accomplices of the rebels. .

The Mi-17 has already flown out of the range where it should have landed.

Old Yu's face changed. He seemed to realize something. As soon as he picked up the microphone, he heard Kun Guai's cry.

"Boss! They want to abandon you! They don't land, they fly straight..."

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