Absolute Honor

Chapter 262: Fly me back!

"Do you stand up for me!" Qin Fei heard the conversation in the microphone, and immediately walked to the Indian peacekeepers with VZ58, "give you one minute to lock the helicopter! Otherwise, I will shoot you. go back home."

The Indian soldier was stunned.

"Now the countdown begins...60...59..." Qin Fei didn't say much. The Indians in English would definitely be able to understand. He raised his hand and swept a bullet in front of the Indian soldiers. These guys suddenly looked like a group of frightened people. Jumped up like a rabbit, and jumped to the only SA-3 launch vehicle that was not destroyed.

Qin Fei took the radio microphone from Lao Yu and coldly connected to the channel.

"Joker, I am Qin Fei. If you can hear it, I will order you to fly back immediately, otherwise I will shoot you down immediately. I don’t care who you are on the plane, who you are, and regardless of your company. Who is the boss, let me stress again, I will shoot down your Mi-17 helicopter."

Lao Yu looked at the sky, and Mi-17 had become a small black spot in the sky. Fortunately, SA-3 shot for a full 15 kilometers and was still within the locked range.

"It seems you really got it right, Vincent is playing tricks."

"The heart of defense is indispensable." Qin Fei said.

Lao Yu suddenly sighed: "Is it because I am old? Is my heart soft or is it too easy to trust people?"

Qin Fei smiled and said, "Your generation is too simple."


In the air, there was silence in the cabin of the Mi-17.

No one spoke except the roar of the plane.

Vincent looked at the radio soldier, who was holding the microphone in his hand, and Kunchai was tied into a dumpling and threw it on the ground.

Everyone heard what Qin Fei said, but no one understood.

Didn’t the SA-3 anti-aircraft missile be blown up? That's a fact that big guys have seen. Why does the Z national threaten to shoot down this helicopter?

Also, aren't there his friends on this plane? Does he really dare to do this?

No one knows what will happen, no one knows whether Qin Fei will do that, and why dare to speak wildly.


As everyone looked at each other, a red warning light flashed on the bridge.

The two black pilots suddenly became a little frantic, and one of the co-pilot exclaimed: "God! We are locked! A missile has locked us!"

Vincent's expression changed. He knew that Qin Fei was here for real this time. If so, Qin Fei seemed to have deliberately left a too-launched vehicle and didn't blow it up.

But how does he operate these SA-3 missiles?

Has he studied?

But these are all secondary issues, the key is that Qin Fei dared not press the launch button.

"Joker, I did five times. I can't see your plane turn around. I will press the launch button, unless you don't look like you are alive and take your men back to Liberty City."

Vincent's face changed.


Qin Fei's voice was extremely cold, as if coming from the **** faintly.

"Go back! Turn around!"

Vincent yelled at the pilot, "Damn it, turn around and fly back right away! Otherwise he will shoot us down!"

"We are out of gas!" one of the pilots subconsciously shouted.

Vincent hardly hesitated. This guy has experienced countless actual battles and has enough decisive power. He drew his pistol like lightning and directly hit one of the pilot's foreheads: "I said, fly back!"

In the end, the three words "fly back" were almost roared, and everyone in the cabin was startled.

With the cold muzzle on his temples, the black pilot immediately became sober and smarter, and he didn't talk about technical issues such as fuel.

In the face of Xiaoming, what is the problem with Goto? The following is the crater, and you have to descend. If you descend, you have to live or die. If you don't turn around, you have to die now.


When Qin Fei counted to four, the side of the Mi-17 fuselage in the sky made a large-scale maneuver, turning his head towards the 221 area.

"OK, I will still lock you down until I land. It's not honest, I still count."

Vincent's face was greener than an immature orange. As the height lowered, he gradually saw the ground clearly. Sure enough, Qin Fei left a hand, and there was a launch vehicle that was not destroyed.

I really underestimated this kid's IQ. It seems that it is not easy to betray him.

The Mi-17 hovered in the open space in front of the gun position and landed.

Qin Fei walked over and looked at Vincent and said, "It seems that the people of Country M are still afraid of death. After so many years, you are still paper tigers just like on the Korean battlefield."

This is a completely insulting remark.

It's just that Vincent is at the wrong end, just like a thief who has been caught and revealed, even if he is humiliated, he has to grit his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"Boy, we still have a chance to compete in the future, let's just take a look."

"Wait until you can live until that day." Qin Fei didn't even look at Vincent, and raised his head to indicate to the old fish.

Old Yu and Thor Eric jumped onto the plane, Qin Fei returned to SA-3, shot the console and swept all parts into parts, then turned and walked towards Mi-17.

"This..." The Indian soldier chased behind him, looking at Qin Fei pitifully, "Can you take us along?"

Qin Fei looked at the Mi-17 and then at so many Indian soldiers. It’s not that he didn’t want to bring it. Including himself, there were already 26 people and four corpses on the plane, and the number of people on board the Mi-17 was nuclear. There are only 27 people, even if they are forced to squeeze, the fuel will not be enough to return to Waterloo Airport~www.wuxiaspot.com~Qin Fei jumped on the plane, sat on the side of the cabin, pulled the safety buckle, and faced India below. The soldier said loudly: "If I were you, I would immediately pick up the weapon, and then find a suitable place to break through and find my own force."

He looked at his watch, "You estimate that there is not much time left. If you are willing to waste it here, I have nothing to say, but the plane can't fit so many people."

Vincent couldn't wait to urge the pilot to take off.

The Mi-17's tripod lifted off the ground and slowly rose to the sky.

An Indian soldier suddenly couldn't help but rushed up, crying: "Please take me, take me..."

When he cried, everyone cried, chasing the plane, and some even held the plane's tripod and didn't let go.


Vincent fired a gun at a soldier's arm, and the pain directly caused the soldier to let go.

Then, he swept a bullet at the feet of the INDIA soldiers, and shouted fiercely: "Don't challenge my patience and bottom line! Otherwise I will kill!"

The INDIA soldiers were stunned and stood where they were. Finally, someone listened to Qin Fei's words and ran back to pick up a gun.

Qin Fei looked at the ground as it was farther and farther away, watched the Indian soldiers panic picking up their guns and fled, and watched the rebel troops approaching here in the distance.

He didn't know whether these people could rush out, and this was not the result of his control. Even if he stayed with them, it would be useless. In the end, he couldn't escape the end of death.

When the plane rose to an altitude of fifty meters, Qin Fei pressed the remote control.


A brilliant ball of fire soared from the ground, and the last SA-3 launch vehicle was turned into fragments in the fire.

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