Absolute Honor

Chapter 272: Scream

Pointing to the home of the diamond dealer Rhodes on the map, Qin Fei said: "Look. Rhodes's home happens to be in the north of the city. This is a very good condition."

The old fish seemed to have the clue: "Are you trying to adjust the tiger away from the mountain?"

"It's okay to hit the east and the west." Qin Fei said: "If the Western Boys' troops occupy the entire Lunsar, then his army must be scattered, because he must search for property everywhere in the city, so we can't judge now. Rhodes’s house is still unsafe. If he is unsafe, if he wants to go in and bring people out, he must lead the rebel soldiers away, at least most of them, and lead them in another direction, so that we can have enough. Time to evacuate."

"There are only five of us, who will lead the rebels away?" The sight looked at the big guy, it was a dangerous job after all.

"I count one. Since they want to distract their large forces, the most effective way is to blow up their vehicles. The most powerful thing for the rebels is to arm the pickups. I can blow up as much as I can, and kill their commanders. Officer, so they will chase us and bite like crazy." The old fish's eyes fell on the crosshair: "The crosshair, you are a sniper, you are the best at assassinating high-level commanders, you go with me."

The front sight flattened his mouth: "It seems that there is no more suitable person besides me."

With that said, there was a proud expression on his face. This guy is a very narcissistic person.

Lao Yu pointed to the map and said: "Well, Qin Fei, you, Thor and Polar Bear, drive to Rhodes’s house. First control the scene. If they have died unfortunately, the mission will have failed. We can only evacuate. It's not dead, you told me on the radio that the crosshairs and I will immediately make a noise and draw them away. When there is a movement on our side, you will do it again and take people away as soon as we succeed..."

His finger points to the back of Lunza town, "There is an intersection, we meet there, and then drive back to Liberty City along the highway."

Everyone thought the plan was good, and everyone nodded.

Soon, the old fish and the crosshair left the road and disappeared into the night. Thor Eric was in charge of driving, leading Qin Fei and the polar bear to Rhodes's home in Saron City.

When Qin Fei saw Rhodes's house, he felt that something was wrong.

Sierra Leone is a poor country, almost at the level of the poorest country in the world. Except for brick houses in the urban areas of a few large cities, many people in the countryside live basically in twigs and muddy thatched houses. To a bungalow built of mud bricks is already a symbol of the rich.

Rhodes seems to have been in the diamond business in Sierra Leone for a long time, and the business is obviously doing well. It seems that he wants to live here, so this guy’s house is actually built of stones, which belongs to that kind of green. The brick house is two stories high and has a garden of thousands of square meters. The plants in it are neatly trimmed, and they should have been hired to take care of them.

Not to mention this kind of house in Lonza, even in the whole of Sierra Leone, it is even more outstanding outside the poor town of Saron. It is almost as if a large flagpole is erected outside your house and a flag is hung on it. It says-I am rich, come and rob me!

Rhodes’s garden does not have any walls, but there are fences. The fences made of wood are only one meter high. They are actually very limited. They protect gentlemen from villains.

When Qin Fei was observing with a night vision goggles in the woods opposite the house, he found two rebel soldiers with R4 automatic rifles chatting nonsense at the door.

"It seems that Rhodes's house has been invaded." Qin Fei told Lao Yu what he had seen on the radio.

The old fish responded quickly: "Are you sure Rhodes is still alive?"

Before Qin Fei could answer, there was a gunshot from the opposite house, followed by a scream.

"Not sure, but one thing is certain, we have to do it, otherwise Rhodes will definitely be dead in the future, because there are gunshots."

The old fish said: "We are already in place, wait three minutes for us, and you can do it when you hear the explosion."

What followed was a not-so-short period of silence.

As time passed bit by bit, Qin Fei was anxious, because he knew that since someone fired the first shot, it meant that the killing had already begun. If he couldn't attack in time, Rhodes would definitely not be able to survive.


Gunshots were heard again in the room on the second floor.

Qin Fei's heart was beating, and he quickly asked Lao Yu on the radio: "Lao Yu, what's going on with you? I can't seem to wait any longer here."

Lao Yu didn't answer, and the radio seemed to be in a silent stage.

A moment later, the sight of the sight came over: "Old fish has infiltrated the rebel headquarters and is loading bombs. He can't speak now."

Qin Fei had to wait.

This is a kind of suffering. Although Rhodes did not die under his own protection, once the VIP died, it represented the failure of the **** mission, which was not the result he wanted.


There was a loud noise from the south of the city. Since there were no tall buildings and the sight was unobstructed, Qin Fei could see the fireball rising in the distance.

"Do it!"

Qin Fei, Thor, and the Polar Bear jumped out, and the three of them formed a forward triangular offensive formation and began to advance towards Rhodes's gate.

The two rebel soldiers guarding the door were obviously attracted by the explosion in the south of the city and were looking south in amazement.

The fireballs raised one after another so that they didn't realize that three people had walked out of the small tree in the front.

When Qin Fei and the others walked to a place less than ten meters away, the two guys turned their heads stupidly, and saw that Qin Fei was headshot before he could raise his gun.

According to Qin Fei's previous intention, he should try to attack as small as possible, and it is best to be able to covert the enemy. No one knows how many rebels are hidden nearby.

The explosion sounded well to cover up the shooting sound of the P228 in Qin Fei's hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The three of them quickly rushed to the door.

An accident happened suddenly. The door on the first floor of the house was pushed open. Two rebel soldiers walked out from inside. Obviously they also heard the explosion and figured out to see what happened.

Before Qin Fei could shoot, fierce gunfire came from behind him.

Da da da--

It was the sound of RPKS machine guns. The two poor rebel soldiers didn't know what was going on. The bullets penetrated their chests, and they shot back a few steps and fell into the hall.

Qin Fei’s mouth suddenly became O-shaped, and he found that he had overlooked the fact that although the polar bear was born in GRU, he is a big boy after all. The fighting style of the big boy is completely different from that of Europe and the country M. , Like their weapons, rough, wild, and fierce.


He wanted to stop the polar bear and make him quieter, but suddenly felt that it was unnecessary to say anything at this time.

The polar bear was carrying his own RPKS machine gun with 100 rounds of drums on it. It was almost a personal launcher. He entered the house before Qin Fei, and suddenly all the way, he saw people killing and didn’t know where to rush out a dog. He was also swept to fly.

"Fuck me!"

Qin Fei suddenly felt that it was a mistake for him to bring Shasa the polar bear to save people. This kind of person should be sent to sabotage. That is his old profession. He first experienced this kind of sturdiness without any scruples. The combat style is completely improper for one's own safety and for the enemy. If hostages are a problem, then there is nothing wrong with killing the hostages.

"Polar bear, watch yourself carefully, don't kill when you see people!" He couldn't help shouting at the crazy big boy.

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