Absolute Honor

Chapter 273: Be careful behind the door

"Don't worry! He is white! I can tell black and white!" The polar bear rushed while answering in English with a strong Russian flavor.

The rebels on the first floor were quickly brought down by Shasa, and Qin Fei couldn't get a shot.

The continuous firepower of the RPKS machine gun is very strong, coupled with the fierce fighting style of the polar bear Shasa, like a bull breaking into a porcelain shop, rampage and mess everywhere.

Bullets hit the sofa, wall, desk lamp, etc. wherever they went, goose feathers, sawdust, and glass shards flew everywhere, like an earthquake with a magnitude of nine.

Shasa's extensive combat mode caused Qin Fei a headache. Many times he was in charge of killing and burying him. When he saw the rebels passing by and throwing people down, Qin Fei had to follow Shasa to make up for him. , Like an old mother.

Killing all the way to the second floor, there were two rebels in the corridor. As they were alert, they squatted behind the marble flowerpot and fired back with R4 rifles.

Shasa finally stopped the pace he had been charging. At the corner of the stairs, the bullet hit the wall, and the sawdust suddenly splashed.

Qin Fei just wanted to talk to Shasa about a tactical coordination. He didn't expect that before he could speak, Shasa cursed in Russian while pulling off a grenade, biting off the tab, and squeezing it over.


Qin Fei was startled. This guy didn't care if there were any innocent hostages in the room beside the corridor. This was a complete mess. It is said that when GRU attacked Daru Aman Palace in 1979, the entire palace included the president. The young and old Aming family didn't leave alive, and at the time the battlefield reported that all the dead had at least a dozen bullets per person.

This kind of special operations is extremely rare, because members of the special forces often rely on bursts of fire, and even if the gun is refilled, it is just a shot in the head.

Shooting more than a dozen guns to kill a person is completely different from any special operations force.


The grenade exploded and stirred up air waves. The furnishings in the corridor and the oil paintings on the walls were all tattered. The air waves swept these fragments out of the corridor. When the explosion had just passed, Shasa returned to his sorrow. With the RPKS machine gun, he once again played the role of the commander of the devil, suddenly passing all the way.


Qin Fei rushed up and pressed down the machine gun in this servant's hand.

"Shasa, we are here to find the hostages. You are making a lot of noise. The rebels around will know that someone has broken in here! Damn! How did your army instructor teach you to shoot?"

"Kill everything you see with the fiercest firepower..." Shasa said, "the enemy."

Qin Fei's head was immediately full of black lines. This guy was really not suitable for exquisite combat, only suitable for fire support and destruction.

"Everyone is dead. See where the Rhodes family is?" Qin Fei immediately found a way to get rid of the crazy polar bear, "Go and check downstairs to see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net."

Shasa glanced at Qin Fei, snorted, and went downstairs with his machine gun.

Thor Eric came up and said: "Russians are just like a bear. Ask them to rescue them and kill them together with the hostages."

Qin Fei pointed to the left, "You check the room on the left, I will check the right."

There was only one row of rooms on the second floor, and Qin Fei carefully inspected it room by room.

Every room was in a mess. Apparently these rebel soldiers started rummaging through boxes and cabinets when they entered here, looking for everything they could take away.

When passing by two fallen rebel soldiers, one of them had died, and the other could not die temporarily, but it was almost dead.

Shasa uses a defensive grenade, which is extremely powerful and has many fragments. Every guy has countless steel **** and fragments. The eyeball of the one who is not dead is shot out, and there are several holes in the throat. Bleeding blood out.

Qin Fei cautiously kicked the gun next to him, and the rebel soldiers looked at Qin Fei pitifully with only one eyeball left, stammering and begging: "Kill...Kill...I..."

Qin Fei bent down and saw that his body was covered with holes made by steel balls. He was like a hornet's nest. It was estimated that there were a few steel **** stuck in his throat, and he couldn't speak.

The deadliest thing of this kind of fragmentation is that if you no longer die in the explosion, then you will suffer from pain alive until the last moment of life before the blood dries out.

Pulling out his Sigsauer P228 pistol, Qin Fei sighed and fired a shot at the center of his eyebrows.

Behind the eyebrows is the brainstem, a key area linking the nerve center. If a bullet shoots through the brainstem, people will die in an instant.

Without any pain, the rebel soldier's head tilted and the person died.

Putting away the pistol, Qin Fei continued to walk forward and came to an iron door that was completely different from the others.

Most of the doors here are wooden doors, and the door in front of you is an iron door, a bit like an anti-theft door.

The keyhole on the door has been shot, and there are two bullet holes, which have been loosened. It is estimated that they can be opened by hitting them or firing another shot.

Qin Fei pushed, but didn't push away.

He put down the VZ58 and drew out the pistol, because indoors, the pistol is easy to turn and will not hit the muzzle, which is more suitable for fighting in a small space.

He couldn't judge whether it was a hostage or a rebel inside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he couldn't rush to shoot at the lock, otherwise it would be no fun to kill Rhodes inside once the broken door was penetrated.

"Is anyone in there?"

He first stuck to the side of the wall, reached out and knocked on the door.

"We are here to pick up Mr. Rhodes."

There was a sudden movement inside, and someone seemed to be talking in a low voice, but soon fell silent.

what happened?

There were obviously people in it, but Qin Fei couldn't tell who was in it. Just now, it seemed that he heard two different accents of English, one is a pure English accent, and the other is obviously a Sierra Leone accent.

Could it be that the rebels took hostages and hid inside?

Qin Fei looked back to look for Eric, but he could not find Eric. It is estimated that he entered a house price search.

I can only go in by myself.

Qin Fei stepped back two steps and kicked the door fiercely.

With a bang, the door was kicked open and hit the wall on the right. Qin Fei didn't wait for it to bounce back, and stepped in.

The room was dark, and Qin Fei quickly found that he was a little uncomfortable entering this dark environment in a light outdoor place.

However, he could hear the sound of heavy breathing on his left side, and a black shadow leaped forward, like a monkey jumping up, hugging him tightly from behind.

The smell of perfume penetrated into his nostrils, and Qin Fei was stunned. Damn, it was a woman!

In the darkness, a cold light flashed, and something pierced Qin Fei's neck.

Qin Fei blocked his left hand, grabbed this wrist along the way, and stooped down and threw the shadow to the ground. The muzzle was directly on top, and he was about to shoot.


The lights in the room are on.

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