Absolute Honor

Chapter 276: Tragedy

At the door, Thor had already driven a jeep from the woods, and Baitian was thrown in the corner of the back seat like a sack.

"Get in the car!" Qin Fei pointed to the back seat and said angrily to Rhodes.

Rhodes didn't seem to understand why the oriental man in front of him was a little angry with him. Of course he wouldn't know that Qin Fei had just made a difficult decision-to leave the dozen or so black children alone.

Rhodes got into the car, and the polar bear squeezed into the back seat. The car turned its head and drove toward the north of the city.

There are two roads to Liberty City in Lonsar City, one in the south and the other in the north. According to the previous plan, the old fish and the sight blew the car at the rebel gathering place in the south of the city, deliberately leaving traces pointing to the south to lure the rebels towards the city. After chasing in the wrong direction, he turned back to the intersection of the north of the city and met Qin Fei.

After waiting for a few minutes, I saw the old fish and the front sight flying all the way, jumped into the jeep and panted and said loudly, "Go! I don't think it will be long."

As soon as Thor stepped on the accelerator, the car jumped onto the highway and drove towards Liberty City.

Not long after driving, the silly Baitian in the back seat woke up. Seeing that she was sitting in the car, she seemed to understand what was going on. She rushed to catch Qin Fei in the co-pilot and scratched and scratched, crying earth-shattering, and still Swearing: "Look at what you have done! You murderer! Murderer!"

It was not Qin Fei's wish to leave a bunch of underage children, but it took too much risk, so Qin Fei was more irritable than anyone else, and when he was silly and sweet, the fire rushed up.

Without saying a word, he directly drew out his pistol and held it against the silly Baitian: "If you quarrel, I will shoot you now!"

Silly Baitian had never seen such a posture after all, she was stunned for a while, stopped making trouble, and then suddenly cried and cried, lying on the lap of Daddy Rhodes and crying so sad, it was a feeling of heartbreak.

"Damn it!" Qin Fei put away his gun and couldn't help but cursed to himself, who? He didn't know it himself.

The car did not dare to turn on the lights for fear of encountering rebels on the road. Sierra Leone’s highways are said to be highways. In fact, they are not even comparable to domestic rural roads. They are neither cement nor asphalt, but the road is compacted with loess. Not to mention the potholes, mud will fly all over the sky in rainy weather, and yellow dust in dry weather. Billowing.

When the car drove out more than ten kilometers, I heard a gunshot from the front.

Everyone hurriedly parked their car on the side of the road. They quickly got out of the car to take cover, and observed for a while, and found that the gunshot was on the road in front, and the tree was blocking the view at the corner of the road. It was not clear what happened. .

"Front sight, go have a look." The old fish gestured towards the front sight.

Snipers generally play the role of observer in the team, because to be a qualified sniper, you must first have extremely keen observation.

The front sight was holding a gun, passing through the grove and disappearing into the night.

Soon, Zhunxin informed everyone on the communication channel: "Lao Yu, Qin, you should come over right away."

Lei Shen and the polar bear were left to protect the Rhodes women. Qin Fei and Lao Yu moved in the direction where the sight had left, and soon came to the sight.

"Fak!" The front sight pointed to the front right and said: "It's the rebels, look at this."

The first thing Qin Fei saw was a truck fifty meters away, with the lights on, shining on the nearby woods.

In the woods by the highway, there was a small open area, four black adults kneeling on the ground in front of five rebels, and three children who looked more than ten years old.

The black child was holding a gun in his hand, and the rebel soldiers yelled at him fiercely and fiercely beside him. His voice sounded very clear in the quiet late night, but Qin Fei couldn't hear it in native language.

However, Qin Fei noticed that one of the three was actually holding a pistol in his hand, looking very frightened.

"They will force their children to kill their parents..." The crosshairs can speak some local dialects, so they can understand the meaning.

Qin Fei shook his heart, and hurriedly asked: "What? Killing his parents?"

"Yes, this is the usual method of the Western Boys. The rebels here, including Sankoh's Revolutionary Alliance Front, are very short of soldiers, so they like to recruit teenagers to join the army, but their methods are not that way. I was glamorous, and I repeatedly brainwashed and told these children that they were oppressed by whites, that the current ZF and whites were oppressing the people together, and then gave them drugs and told them to be a man, and the best way to be a man was to kill. Especially killing one's own family..."

"Fuck! What theories are these?" Qin Fei couldn't believe what he heard, "Is there anyone who believes this?"

"Qin, you don't know Africa." The sight said: "The children here are low-educated, and there is not much right and wrong judgment, plus fear, drugs and brainwashing. Don't say it, now Kosang or Western boys There are a large number of baby soldiers in the house, and that’s how it came. Killing your own relatives is the easiest way to break the thoughts of these children~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as you do this, it is true that they really have nothing to dare to do. No one dares to kill anymore, and is only loyal to his leader."


The noise suddenly sounded again.

The child holding a pistol fell to the ground.

Obviously the child didn't do what he wanted, so the rebel soldiers were already impatient. He decided to kill the chicken and curse the monkey, then picked up the pistol on the ground and handed it to another child.

The child was so frightened that his legs became noodles, and he couldn't lift his gun.

The rebel soldier leaned over his ear and yelled at him.

"Alas, these rebel soldiers also grew up as child soldiers. The main composition of the rebel army is some militants from Sierra Leone, as well as some mercenaries from nearby countries, and then these child soldiers. Among these people, the child soldiers are The most ferocious, the personal guard, which is regarded as the commander of Cosan and the bomber, is the most favored."

The sight said and shook his head: "These baby soldiers, they were forced to join the rebels in the same way back then, but now they are using the same methods to persecute other children..."

"Kill them!"

Qin Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Catch up with the action now and kill them!"

Looking at Lao Yu, Qin Fei asked, "Lao Yu, do you agree?"

The old fish nodded: "Damn, I can't watch it anymore, although I also crawled out of the dead, but this is the first time I have seen this method of killing. Scumbag!"

The sight also said: "Okay, I can't stand it anymore. Although I am a mercenary, I am still a human being. Go on, and I will support you."

Qin Fei checked the VZ58 assault rifle, opened the insurance, and leaned against the open space from two different directions with the old fish.

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