Absolute Honor

Chapter 277: Human choice

The attention of the five rebel soldiers was completely focused on the kid who had just gotten the pistol. They seemed to find this kind of game very interesting, maybe it was also a kind of vent deep in their hearts-others treated themselves that way, so Today I can do the same to others.

People are two-sided, one side is an angel, and the other side is the devil.

The extreme psychological distortions they have suffered made these baby soldiers have long since become abnormal, and the ancient killing genes had been smashed deep in their hearts.

Blood and pain are a means for them to pursue happiness.

Qin Fei has no compassion for this kind of person. In his eyes, this kind of person is no longer qualified to be a person or to live in the world.

He and the old fish are in an outflank formation. Once they fire, they can directly form a crossfire. The X-shaped crossfire can not only prevent the enemy from escaping, but also make the opponent feel at ease.

Sneaking into the bushes ten meters away from these rebels, Qin Fei stood up abruptly and fired at the five rebels.

Seeing Qin Fei moving, Lao Yu immediately cooperated.

However, he found that he seemed to be superfluous. Qin Fei’s burst accuracy was almost astonishing. Four of the five rebels were headshot by Qin Fei, and one was overthrown by the old fish. The old fish found that he had only caught A human head.

As soon as the gunshot sounded, the sleepy driver who had been sitting in the truck on the side of the road was awakened. He grabbed the gun, jumped out of the car, and opened the insurance. He leaned against the car and did not dare to go any further.

Because he heard the screams of his companions, and in less than two seconds, the screams fell to the ground, and there was no sound anymore.

Crouching under the bumper of the front of the car, he pushed off the AK47 insurance, and just about to aim at the woods, suddenly a 7.62mm warhead penetrated his left temple and directly hit his head on the bumper.

The bullet penetrated the head and began to roll violently, and then opened the right skull. The brain of the rebel driver was like a bowl of tofu brain accidentally spilled, splashing on the sheet metal of the front of the car.

After defeating the five rebels, Qin Fei and Lao Yu quickly entered the open space from both sides.

"Give me the gun... child." Qin Fei held the VZ58 in one hand, and reached out to the little black man with the pistol in the other. "That's a pistol, be careful."

He couldn't guarantee that the black child would shoot himself nervously, so he was still holding the gun in one hand for precautions.

The black child obviously did not understand what Qin Fei said. At this moment, Qin Fei could see the child's expression clearly following the light from the truck on the road.

The tears on his face, like the spring water, never stopped, pouring out from the eyes and flowing continuously.

Holding the pistol in his two hands, his whole person was shaking like a swing, his lips moved up and down, and the panic in his eyes was so extreme that it could not be described in words.

His face and hair were full of blood and brains. I don't know if it was splashed by the companion who was shot by the rebel soldier or was sprayed by the rebel soldier who was headshot by Qin Fei and Lao Yu.

The several adult blacks who were kneeling on the ground finally came to their senses and waved frantically at Qin Fei, beckoning him not to shoot the child.

One of them who can speak English has been yelling in horror: "He is not a rebel soldier, he is just a child, child..."

Qin Fei nodded and said to the Sierra Leonean who could speak English: "I am not a rebel. You let the child put down the gun."

The adult said something to the child, then stood up from the ground, took the gun from the child's hand, and handed it to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei took it, returned the bullet, and threw it aside.

"You are safe, now, take your children and leave here."

Several adults woke up like a dream, and he seemed to see that although these people were not like government troops, they were not rebels either.

Suddenly, one of the adult black women rushed to the corpse of an adult black male nearby, crying, and dragged the teenage boy who was shot down by the rebels, holding it in her arms and crying to the sky.

Qin Fei felt sour after hearing this.

The sight suddenly appeared behind him and said to Qin Fei: "They are relatives of a family. The dead child is the son of this woman, and the man lying on the ground is his husband. Her son killed his husband, and then Killed by the rebels again..."

Having said this, the front sight sighed: "Maybe the child is dead, or else he will have to live in the nightmare of shooting and killing his father for the rest of his life. Life is better than death."

Qin Fei's brows were frowning tightly, and all this made him feel a great shock. These people were probably fleeing people, maybe they were caught by the rebels.

As long as it is caught, there is really no end to it.

Leaving the open space, the three of them walked back in silence, Qin Fei suddenly stopped.

The old fish and the front sight also stopped and looked at Qin Fei.

"What's wrong with you?" Old Yu asked.

"I have an idea." Qin Fei raised his head which had been lowered, looked at the old fish, and then at the front sight, "but I don't know if I should do that, and I am not qualified to ask anyone to do it with me. ."

"I have something to say too." The sight looked at Qin Fei and smiled, "And I know what you have to say."

The old fish seemed to smell it too: "Actually, I also have something to say."

The three of them looked at each other and laughed, and walked towards the jeep together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When they arrived at the car, they called Thor and the polar bear in the woods beside the road.

The old fish spoke first.

"Eric, Shasa, the three of us have just discussed that we have something to ask for the opinions of both of you. Of course, you are free and can fully express your own opinions."

"Yu, please tell me, when did I not listen to you?" Thor Eric and Lao Yu are old partners, and they agree without asking what they are: "I will support you in any decision you have."

The old fish's eyes fell on Shasa: "Just now the three of us discussed that if Emily's students fall into the hands of the rebels, death may not be possible, but it is more terrifying than death."

He pointed to the open space, "Just now, a few rebels used guns to force the children to kill his own father. Damn, I don't think I can stand it anymore. I think I want to help the students of Emily. "

Qin Fei also said: "I know it's irrational to bring those black children, but it's not without hope. Since I met, I think just leaving them so is to let them die..."

"What do you think?" Shasa asked the sight directly.

The front sight said: "I haven't done anything good in my life. Doing good deeds may lead to heaven in the future."

"Okay, how many people have you killed before you can go to heaven?" Shasa attacked the sight and said: "We are all goods going to hell."

Turning around, he said to Qin Fei again: "Since the sights agree, you guys do it too, I'm fine, I have seen all dangerous scenes."

Qin Fei said: "Since everyone agrees, then we will work together to make this happen."

"The problem is that we only have one car, how do we bring so many children?" Eric asked the biggest question.

Qin Fei pointed to the road ahead: "There is a truck there."

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