Absolute Honor

Chapter 278: People need to be saved, money needs to be taken

"We still need a new plan." Old Yu said, "Since we have so many children, we can't go to Liberty City from Rockel as originally planned. Although this road is easy, it must be a rebel. It’s the main attack direction, but if we walk along the road, we need to walk more than 100 kilometers. Once we encounter the rebels on the road, I am afraid that we will suffer a lot in terms of numbers."

Qin Fei stared at the map, his eyes suddenly falling onto a river.

This river is located to the northwest of Lonza, and from the map, it seems that there is a port.

"What is this place?"

The old fish looked at it and said, "That port is called Port Loko, and that river is called Rockel River. It originated in the highlands of Northeast Guinea, flows through the northern region, and flows into the estuary in Freetown."

"I think the waterway here is very spacious. If you can walk by waterway, I think it will be safer than by land." Qin Fei said.

The front sight intervened and said, "Yes, if you board the boat from Port Loko, you can enter the Bayou Bay in just 50 kilometers. Next to the Bayou Bend is Liberty City, which is much faster than by land!"

"Furthermore, as far as I know, because the rebels have been deployed all year round in the Eastern Province, which is inland, so there are no ships!" Lao Yu slapped his head: "Why did I forget this? If so, this route would be even better. Suitable for us!"

Qin Fei shook his head and said: "Let’s not be too happy too early. The key now is not whether it’s safe to go from Port Loko to Liberty City, but the distance between Lonsa and Port Loko is the key."

His finger clicked in the middle of the two cities.

"I think it's about 30 kilometers here, and it's all densely forested. No one knows if there is a way out in this virgin forest."

"Have you forgotten?" Lao Yu smiled: "I'm a jungle warfare expert. Back then, the two mountain rounds were fighting between the mountains and the jungle. Even if I don't have a GPS, I can walk out if I don't have a GPS."

"Okay! Now that it's decided, let's do it! Anyway, we have fewer people, but our personal combat effectiveness is stronger than them. Jungle combat is the place where the individual combat level is most demonstrated. Let's drag them in!"

After speaking, Qin Fei changed his words: "But we can't do it for nothing. Don't say anything later, let me say, since everyone has decided to be a good person, we can't do it for nothing. Doesn't Rhodes feel sorry for his daughter? You have to see how much his baby girl is worth in his heart."

Everyone discussed and returned to the jeep. As soon as Qin Fei got in the car, Emily silly and sweet began to spit at him again, "Servant! Murderer!"

Qin Fei turned his head, staring at Emily, and Emily's heart suddenly grew furry.

She had been studying at the noble school and then went to the Royal Women's College to read the book. He had never seen this murderous look in her eyes, and she was immediately frightened.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Rhodes quickly changed the subject: "Qin, what's the situation now?"

"A few rebels are killing people in front of us, we have settled it." Qin Fei said lightly.

Rhodes heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a heartbeat, "I knew that Robert would send the best person to rescue me."

Qin Fei thought to himself, it seems that your friendship with Robert is really not good, and his reward is not the highest.

He was suddenly interested in the compensation Rhodes paid to Robert, so he asked: "Mr. Rhodes, is Robert your good friend?"

"Well, I was in the diamond business in South Africa before, and his protector company has always worked for me." Rhodes said with some pride: "I am the largest individual diamond dealer in Africa. Although De Beers is huge, But when it comes to the quality of diamonds, it may not be as good as mine. Even the royal family of the empire that never sets in the sun..."

Having said that, he suddenly shut up and stopped talking, as if he didn't want to go any further.

"Since your life is so precious, how much did you pay to Robert? Did he give you a discount?" Qin Fei asked.

Rhodes said: "Ah, I have always paid very easily. This time I paid a hundred thousand dollars. After all, my baby girl is here. I told Robert that I want to send an expert."

Qin Fei was taken aback, thinking that Robert's draught is really deep, Lao Yu seems to have mentioned to himself that the Protector Company only collects 40% of the commission to provide information and transportation, but Lao Yu pays for the equipment.

Looking back at the old fish, it turned out that the face of this veteran had long been angry with a green-faced beast, and it was estimated that Robert's ancestors had already been scolded in the bottom of his heart.

Qin Fei stopped paying attention to Rhodes, turned his gaze to Silly Baitian, and said, "Miss Emily, I want to ask if you really want to take away your students? Is it possible to take away your students? Will you do it?"

"Of course!" Emily answered without hesitation.

Qin Fei admired this silly white sweetness, saying that it was a bit silly, but people's hearts were not bad.

So he said: "I made a few conditions. If you can do it, I will help you take the children to Liberty City."

Hearing that Qin Feiken took the child, Emily couldn't believe what she had heard.

"What? Are you willing to rescue those children?"

It was completely different from the gaze that was about to dig Qin Fei's ancestral grave just now. For a moment, there was only surprise in her silly eyes.

"As long as you agree to my terms." Qin Fei said, "We are mercenaries, and mercenaries work for money. Since you promised to save people, we must follow our mercenary rules."

"Are you asking for money? My father has a lot of money! His suitcase is full of diamonds!" Emily was a prodigal daughter, and Rhodes was anxiously blushing on the side, pulling her daughter's hand wildly, letting She shut her mouth.

"Dad!" Emily ignored her father's hint at all. "They want money, you just pay them."

"I..." Rhodes almost choked to death with his own breath, "Daddy doesn't have that much cash..."

"But you can go back and write them a check." Emily turned to Qin Fei, no longer the resentment she had before, "Qin, did you take the check right? Cash check!"

Rhodes almost fainted from the side...

Qin Fei was amused secretly. In fact, Emily did not force Rhodes to take the money. Qin Fei also planned to take away the children, at least not to let them fall into the hands of the Alliance Front or the rebels of the Western Boys and get free. City, those children can take refuge in Guinea, or follow Emily and let her settle.

"We accept advanced, including bank transfers. As long as your father agrees, the transaction will be considered complete."

"Great!" Emily got the affirmative answer, and pestered Rhodes again, "Dad, you are not without money, if you save people, God will bless you. If you don't promise me, I will never Cut it off with you, I will never admit that you are my father again, anyway, if my mother is dead, you don't love me anymore..."

As he said, he began to wipe his tears~www.wuxiaspot.com~Rhodes is now looking like death. A businessman, of course, cares about his money bag, but there is nothing wrong with having such a baby **** the stall. NS.

Qin Fei and the others almost didn't laugh when they looked at the father and daughter like the living treasure.

"Okay! I agree!" Rhodes gritted his teeth and said to Qin Fei: "How much money do you need to take away those children? But I declared in advance that I must bring them safely to Liberty City before I can pay."

"200,000 US dollars, I will post it immediately when I get to Liberty City. I took a look at those children. There are exactly ten. If we die, we will do nothing!" Qin Fei said, "How?"

Rhodes's teeth were biting, and although the two hundred thousand dollars was not an astronomical figure, it also made him feel distressed.

When he hesitated, Baitian made trouble.

Rhodes would be better off dead than a foolish mess.

"Okay! I promise you two hundred thousand dollars!" Rhodes finally nodded and finally agreed.

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