Absolute Honor

Chapter 279: Evacuate the north of the city

Lao Yu watched Qin Fei's performance like a profiteer, and was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

His life as a mercenary is not short, it has a history of ten years, and he has never thought about bargaining before. It’s no wonder that people like Lao Yu were born in an era where personal gains and losses are not considered. They can be said to be pure and simple, without so many twists and turns. They spent time in the army when they were young, and went abroad after retiring. After working as a part-timer, I joined the Foreign-French Corps. I belonged to the older generation who immersed themselves in hard work. They had never thought about the issue of remuneration. People said how much they would cost and just did it if they thought it was ok.

Qin Fei is different. This kid has lost his father. The children of single-parent families have a very strong sense of self-protection. They are cautious and clear-hearted. That's why he deliberately used Rhodes's words and learned from him about the payment to Robert. In fact, the pay is not lower than that of Vincent's team, but in the hands of the old fish, it is inexplicably less.

It can be seen that this fellow Robert treats the old fish as a water fish, even swallowing his life money.

Five people only gave 40,000 US dollars, each of whom was paid 8,000. Qin Fei received 200,000 US dollars in a few words. How could he not let Lao Yu drop his jaw?

Even the front sight and the polar bear felt that the reward was really good. After calculating it, if the mission is completed and the trip back to Liberty City, each person can get forty-eight thousand dollars.

This remuneration is a top-level income even in the war-torn Sierra Leone. It is important to know that the mercenaries in the rebels or government forces only have 30-200 dollars a day. Income from trips.

Due to the change of route, unknown changes may occur, so Qin Fei, Lao Yu and others seized all the guns and ammunition from the dead rebels into their own hands.

The firearms used by the Western Boys are also pretty good. In addition to a few AK47s, there are actually two R4 assault rifles made in South Africa. Although these are old-fashioned guns, they are extremely reliable in performance.

These r4 assault rifles are small-caliber assault rifles, with a caliber of 5.56mm. The rebels would not have these guns, but after years of civil war, many of them were snatched from the Sierra Leone government forces.

Although all of these r4 assault rifles are not equipped with optical sights, they benefit from the advanced level of the South African military industry and use high-strength metal materials and structures, which are more suitable for jungle combat environments. In some African countries with harsh environments, they are even better than AR guns. The system is more stable, and it rarely happens to jam or explode under extreme conditions.

After returning to Rhodes's house, the time had been delayed for more than half an hour. The old fish let the sight on the top of the building to be responsible for observation. He and Qin Fei went to the second floor and hoped to find those children.

How empty the house is, no one is left.

Seeing that the child was gone, Baitian went crazy and searched every room in the room.

There is indeed no one, maybe those students have already left.

"Let's go!" Qin Fei noticed the time. So much time has been delayed. If he doesn't leave, I am afraid that the rebels who have been tricked into chasing inevitably will return to the city. They will definitely find that their hands have gone to Rhodes's house. Haven't come back yet.

"Qin, I seem to see rebels coming here."

The front sight who climbed to the top of the building and was responsible for observation reminded everyone in the same headset: "It is almost a kilometer away from us. There are three or two trucks coming here. I don’t know if they are coming to Rhodes’s house, but I’m sure if they If you drive this far, you will definitely find something went wrong."

"Withdraw withdraw!" With a wave of the old fish, everyone started to leave the house.

Qin Fei dragged her reluctant silly Baitian into the car, jumped into the trunk of the car, patted the roof of the cab, "driving."

As soon as the car started, Qin Fei heard Emily yell from the cab: "They are there, they are there!"

Qin Fei and Lao Yu stretched their heads and looked out from the rear of the carriage. They saw a black child running out of the small woods near Rhodes's house, shouting timidly in the direction of the truck: "Is it Teacher Emily?"

Qin Fei hurriedly jumped out of the car and Emily got off. The two ran to the black student. Emily hugged her student: "Where are they? What about the others?"

"Teacher, I thought you were gone..." The black student pointed to the woods behind him. "They are all in the woods."

"Call them out, let's go to Liberty City." Emily knew the value of time at this time and didn't dare to delay.

The student yelled at the woods, and soon all the little black people ran out.

Qin Fei drove them into the car as if they were chasing sheep. The younger ones squeezed into the back seats of the truck with Emily and Rhodes. Raytheon was in charge of driving, and Lao Yu was in charge of guarding the front of the car in the co-pilot. Qin Fei, the front sight, and the polar bear set up their guns in the trunk of the car, ready to kill the rebels who are catching up.

The truck roared toward Port Loko to the north, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Qin Fei and their truck had just left for a few minutes, and two or two Soviet-made Ural trucks drove into the compound of Rhodes's house.

When the car stopped, a large number of rebel soldiers jumped out like dumplings in the car, and soon surrounded the whole house.

A young man in his twenties jumped out of the cab of the second truck. He was wearing a certain red beret without a badge. His facial features were ugly and he looked fierce. There was a centipede-like scar on his forehead that was slanting downward from his right forehead. After passing the bridge of the nose, he stopped on the left cheek.

This 30-centimeter scar increased the guy's evil spirit. He held the ak-74u submachine gun in his hand and swaggered to command his hands: "Search this house and see where the people are! ?"

Three or two trucks, hundreds of rebels, poured into Rhodes’s "mansion", of course, it was not good to grab things.

Soon, the search was completed, and everyone came out with something in their hands, what kind of tableware, cups and saucers, some people didn’t know where they got a string of white women’s crystal necklaces, and they hung them around their necks with joy. This guy picked up a pair of sunglasses that Rhodes didn't want, and regardless of the black light, he almost broke his nose without breaking his nose.

"Damn it!" The red beret rushed into the hall, grabbed a subordinate who was just looking for things in the house with one hand, and kicked him to the ground. "I will let you come in and search for the white pigs. Are you still at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Also, find me Maris, I want to know where Maris is!"

The rebel soldier was holding a desk lamp, looking over the red beret, swallowing, and struggling to reach out his finger and point to his leader behind him: "Sirron, Malis..."

The name of the red beret is Salon. He is a commander of the Western Boys Rebel branch. Of course, these ranks are actually self-proclaimed. The leader of the Western Boys, the Bomb Commander, Turs, also called himself commander. , Sarron is his right hand, and at any rate he is self-aware. He only has a team leader for himself, otherwise he will be the commander of the whole team.

Sarun looked back abruptly, and found that the Maris he was looking for had already rolled up a pair of dead fish eyes. He was paralyzed in the corner of the door like a dead dog. Several bullet holes in his body were beaten into a sieve. .

"Fak!" Sarron's eyes rounded, and he rushed over and put his fingers under Malis' nostrils. Without breathing, he felt his pulse again. The wind was calm, and the guy was dead.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

He suddenly became irritable, and started spinning around in circles like a mule.

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