Absolute Honor

Chapter 280: Come out

Malis is not an ordinary person. Malis is the younger brother of Bomb Commander Tours, so the fattest job after entering the city is assigned to Malis, because Tours knows that the richest man in this city of Saron is Rod. This diamond dealer.

   Unexpectedly, now good things have changed into funerals.

   But after all, I couldn’t keep it secret. Sarron took the walkie-talkie and started calling the Western Boys Command.

After    was connected, Tours finally heard the voice over there.

   "My dear Salron, is there any good news to report to me? Those intruders, have you caught it?"

   "No..." Sarron couldn't help but began to stretch out his fingers and pinch his brows.

   "Then you went to the north of the city and found my brother Malis? I called him many times and didn't respond to me. I was a little worried about him."

  Saron sighed secretly, held back for a long time, and then whispered: "Commander, Malis is dead..."


   In addition to Turse’s scream, there was also a scream of Ding Ling Dang, apparently the rebel commander knocked over something in consternation.


   Qin Fei, Lao Yu and the other five had no idea that at this time they had already caused a terrible disaster. The polar bears swept away and killed the brother of a rebel commander.

   It was twenty kilometers from Rhodes’s house to the edge of the dense forest. At this time, their Ural truck was bumping and swaying to the intended destination, without knowing that the city of Lonza had been bombed.

   Ten minutes later, four armed pickups and six trucks drove Huang Chen all the way to the door of Rhodes’s house.

   The armed pickup jumped off the leader of the "West Boy" rebel army-the legendary "Bomb Commander" Toures.

   This guy is not very old, he is also in his twenties. The soldiers in the entire Western Boys Rebel Army are generally very young, and many are even in their teens.

   Benefited from the good athletic talent and physical advantages of blacks, although Sierra Leone was a poor one, the commander ate very strong, like an adult silverback chimpanzee.

  Getting out of the car, Tours ran all the way into the lobby of Rhodes's house.

   Malis' body was placed on the ground at this time, covered with a tablecloth.

   Turs went up, squatted on the ground, and lifted a corner of the tablecloth. Under the light, he saw the terrified face of the dying Malis before his death.

   reached out his hand to cover his face, and Turs rubbed his face a few times before standing up.

Suddenly, this guy drew out a large-caliber desert eagle pistol, and shot wildly at the other corpses like a gorilla in love, until the guys who accompanied his brother over to make money but let his brother die. His face was smashed, and he didn't stop until he emptied the bullets in the Desert Eagle's pistol.

   "Go! Call Alito for me right now! I want to find these murderers! These white pig murderers!" He let out a huge growl, almost scaring his men standing aside.

   Soon, Ali Tu, who Turs said, was called over.

  In stark contrast to Tours, Alitu was thin and short, and he was not as tall as one meter six. He is a member of the Tata tribe near Lonsa. People of this tribe live in the clumps all year round and are best at hunting and hunting beasts.

   Alitu is one of the outstanding hunters in this tribe, and he has a good track record.

   "Alitu! Go, find me the traces of the white-skinned pigs right away. I will catch them and skin them all! Kill them all!"

   Alitu nodded, and immediately left the house.

   "Assemble everyone, I want to speak!" Tours ordered to Sarun, "Assemble everyone, we are leaving Lonza City!"

   "Commander, the RUF people are advancing towards Liberty City, shall we not be one step ahead?" Sarren reminded Tours.

   Turs turned his head with an angry face and stared at Dessaron's heart. He saw Turs's gaze and knew that nothing could make the commander in front of him change his mind.

   "Yes, I'm going to gather everyone at once."

The entire Western Boys’ rebels had more than 300 troops in the city of Lonza. In addition to the more than 20 people left in the headquarters to take care of the supplies, a total of 300 rebel soldiers were all hit in Romania. In the courtyard of Des's house.

   Tours stood on the doorstep, preaching indignantly.

"Those shameless and vicious white pigs, they not only eroded our country and sucked the blood and sweat of our people, but now even our people dare to kill! We will not give in. We have to tell the white pigs with our guns, We Sierra Leoneans are not animals to be slaughtered. We want them to pay the price of blood..."

   He pointed angrily at the corpse of Maris who hadn't moved like a salted fish on the ground.

"My brother, my dear brother Malis, has died in the hands of these white-skinned pigs. Today, I want to avenge him. If you kill a white-skinned pig, I will reward you with $1,000! There is also 500 grams of charter. Grass!"

   1,000 US dollars is really not a small amount here, and the 500 grams of Chattergrass is a tempting reward. There are almost no soldiers in the Western Boys Rebel branch who do not take a mess of drugs, and all of them are typical addicts.

   "Before I set off, in order to reward my warriors, I decided to give you unlimited courage!"

   With a big wave of his hand, several rebel soldiers carried a large bucket of white liquid and placed it on the steps.

   "These are for you. Everyone can get them for free. After the injection, God will be with you, and you will be extremely brave and will never be disadvantaged on the battlefield."

   Seeing the bucket of white liquid, every rebel soldier's eyes lit up.

This is a kind of drug extracted from Chattergrass. Chattergrass can be chewed and eaten directly. Some people squeeze the juice and mix with water for injection. It is no different from ordinary drugs. Once the Chattergrass is chewed for a period of time, it depends The absorption of the digestive tract can no longer satisfy the drug addiction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, so direct injection into the meridians will make people happy and refreshed.

   Each rebel soldier began to line up, used his own syringe to draw white liquid from it, and then walked aside to inject himself directly.

   The whole team was quickly in a state of excitement after the drug was over.

   Tours can become the idol of all rebel soldiers, and it is not without reason to obtain almost god-like status. He knows how to use all kinds of means of grace and power to win people's hearts.

   Using guns to kill relatives to destroy the humanity of children and teenagers is one side, and drug control is also the other side.

   Seeing that everyone was beginning to enter the state, he began to agitate loudly again: "Warriors! Are you going to kill a few white-skinned pigs today to relieve your hatred!?"

   "Kill the white-skinned pig! Kill the white-skinned pig!"

   "Are you going to avenge Marris!?"

   "Vengeance! Revenge!"

   "Will you follow me to death!?"

   "Follow Tours to the death!"

   "Follow Tours to the death!"

Rhodes’s compound suddenly became a lunatic compound, and a group of rebel soldiers who had reached the climax, each had red eyes, like a beast who had been hungry for a week and was filling their stomachs. Everyone held their gun. , Yelling like crazy.

  Alitu appeared next to Tours. Tours lowered his head, and Alitu pressed his ear and said: "Commander, I found the traces of the white pigs. They fled to the jungle on the back."

   Tours nodded, raised the desert eagle and fired a shot into the air.

   "Warriors! Let's go!"

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