Absolute Honor

Chapter 268: Chaser

The rebel soldiers who had slid down the steep **** screamed over the heads of the three of them, and then slammed into the pile of rocks.

Qin Fei could hear the crisp sound of broken bones in the rebel soldier's body.

Three people look at me, I look at you, can't believe that besides these three lunatics, there are people in this world who are crazier than themselves.

The most unbelievable thing is that Qin Fei and the other three are running for their lives after all. The so-called rabbits bite people in a hurry, and the dogs jumped over the wall in a hurry. These are all forced, but these rebel soldiers are chasing themselves with superior forces. It would be so hard to understand.

The three of them hadn't recovered yet, and another rebel soldier appeared in the line of sight above their heads, but this guy still did not have the luck of Qin Fei and others. Like the previous rebel, he fell into the gravel pile.

Next, a succession of rebels started dropping dumplings and fell on the rocky beach in front of the three of them. Suddenly their brains and blood were splashed everywhere. Every time a person fell to death, the three of them frowned and their eyebrows were furrowed. Jump a bit.

And he had to sit under the cliff and watch it. It was a cruel performance.

Of course, not everyone was so unlucky. There were also rebel soldiers who grabbed the small tree on the edge of the cliff like Qin Fei did, and did not fall to death.

But from the perspective of the three-person team at the bottom of the cliff, these rebel soldiers who hung more than ten meters above their heads were still unconscious, and did not even come to their senses, just like strips of bacon hanging on the beams of the kitchen.

Nothing is easier than shooting at these guys, only ten meters away, Qin Fei hardly needs to aim to make their heads bloom.

After a total of more than a dozen rebel soldiers were killed in Huangquan, it finally calmed down.

It seems that Bomb Commander Toures also felt that going on like this was equivalent to letting his men die in vain, so he stopped this almost suicidal behavior.

"If you talk about courage, I really admire these scumbags." Qin Fei shook his head and sighed, "They are more courageous than us."

"I don't see it as courage, but these people are simply lunatics, they are mentally abnormal." The sight went to a corpse, squatted down and started rummaging the corpse, looking for ammunition and guns. Anyway, they searched for everything they could use. "They are not. They have the courage, but they are in a state of excitement. The Western Boys are the most adept at using drugs to increase their combat capabilities in all the rebel branches. I see that these guys are 80% injected with certain drugs or chewed chatter grass. It is estimated that he was still in a state of self-esteem before he died."

Qin Fei cautiously looked towards the top of the mountain, his eyes swept around, and finally saw his vz58 beside the stone not far away, so he ran over and picked up the gun.

The quality of the vz58 assault rifle is really good. Although the body has some scratches, it does not look serious.

Qin Fei loaded the bullet and fired a shot on the ground. He found that the gun was good and the accuracy was okay. It was just that the red dot mirror had broken. He removed the sight and threw it away.

Anyway, it's jungle warfare now, and the mechanical sights are enough.

"Now is our best chance to get rid of them." Lao Yu said: "Hurry up and collect ammunition and guns, get all useful, and then evacuate. If these guys really knock the medicine, the situation may not be great, you should be very clear. , The drug addicts are in a state of excitement, and it’s okay to stay in sleep for days and nights. We must get rid of them immediately."

"Old fish, what happened to your injury?" Qin Fei asked.

The old fish shook his head: "It's okay, it didn't hurt the bones, that is, the skin is traumatized. At most, it hurts a bit, I can hold it back."

Qin Fei went over, regardless of Lao Yu's objections, pressed him to the ground, and then checked his wounds.

Because it was a ricochet penetrating injury, and it was the peripheral tissue of the calf muscle, it was really not too heavy, but it was too violent to slide down the hillside, tearing the wound that was already scabs.

Qin Fei took Lao Yu's medical kit, poured the remaining quick hemostatic agent on top, changed a new bandage, and then started looking around for ammunition and spare guns around Lao Yu's instructions.

The ak47s on most of the three rebel soldiers were broken, including Qin Fei and the crosshairs who had been carrying the ak47, but they didn’t know where to go when they slid down. Three of them were hung on the treetops and hit directly by the three. It was shot down like a bird, and these people's guns were less damaged and could be used.

When looking for a gun, he passed by a rebel who fell into a pile of rocks. This guy was not dead. He lay there with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his knee was broken, his bones were outside, and he had a blood vessel pierced directly. , Breathing out blood, Qin Fei estimated that this guy's ribs were almost broken, and the sharp broken bones pierced into the lungs, so this guy's mouth would keep popping out of blood with bubbles.

This is a chronic and cruel method of death. His arteries are fine, but internal bleeding increases the bleeding in the common veins of the legs. It takes at least 30 minutes or even longer to die.

There are also many mosquitoes here, and Qin Fei saw that his thigh bones were already covered with flies, and even ants had climbed up to drink blood and eat meat.


The black rebels could only move their eyes and looked at Qin Fei sadly, speaking in a native language that Qin Fei could not understand.

Although Qin Fei didn't know what he said, he guessed that it was 80 to 90%. Maybe it hurts too much now, and it hurts that even the drugs he took can't stop the pain.

He was begging to die, and the despair was seen in his eyes.

"This guy suffers a lot..." The sight leaned over, glanced at the rebel, frowned and shook his head, "You might as well give him a shot."

Qin Fei thought for a while, still picked up the ak-47 and shot him directly in the head.

The rebels lost their breath on the spot, and they were completely softened.

If you don’t count explosives such as grenade, the sight svd also has three magazines with 30 rounds, an ak47 and eight magazines totaling 240 bullets, while Qin Fei and Laoyu’s vz58 assault rifles There are also three magazines, the ak47, like the front sight, also has eight.

In terms of injuries, all three of them were fine, and skin trauma was inevitable.

The front sight retrieved his tool accessory kit, and used pliers to pull out the wooden thorn that pierced into Qin Fei's palm. Qin Fei grinned in pain, and the front sight looked sorry. After all, Qin Fei suffered a lot from this crime. responsibility.

"Qin, are we friends of life and death now?" The sight said: "According to our previous H Gang, the person who can experience life and death with you is your brother for the rest of your life."

Qin Fei stretched out his hand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and held the crosshair together: "I am honored to be a brother with you."

"Me too!" The two elders came into a bear hug and patted each other on the shoulders.

Lao Yu walked towards the dense forest in the distance, and said as he walked, "You two should wait to return to Liberty City and then take your time. There are many bars and good wine. Now let’s think about it. How to get rid of those lunatics above."

Qin Fei and the front sight caught up, and the old fish held the map as they walked and said, "They have to walk at least half an hour longer to get around this cliff..."

He stopped and looked around.

Then pointed to the small river: "We walked along the river for a while and got here..."

He pointed to the location on the map: "From here, turn right and we will be able to return to the original route agreed with Eric and the others. It is estimated that they have gone out at least seven or eight kilometers now. We will have to chase for an hour and a half before we can chase Get on them. And there is an advantage to walking along the river, to leave no traces, so that they cannot be tracked."


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