Absolute Honor

Chapter 269: Something strange

Things don't seem to be as simple as the old fish thinks.

It was expected that it would take an hour and a half to catch up with Rhodes and the others. Unexpectedly, an hour later, the trio team would catch up with Eric and the others.

"What's the matter with you guys!? Why are you moving so slow!?" The old fish looked at his watch and then at the map, and suddenly became angry. "Eric, your forward speed is only two kilometers per hour! This way! Go down, when can I get out of this jungle? We are still chasing a group of drug-ridden lunatics behind us!"

"I can't help it." Eric said: "I took a middle-aged rich businessman, a lady who called her feet to rest before she disappeared, and a group of underage little guys..."

He looked innocent.

Qin Fei walked to the silly white sweet Emily and asked, "Do you know that you are joking with your own life now? There are at least 300 rebels chasing after us. We and they fought desperately just now. I can tell you that the three of us can come back alive not because we are able to fight, but we just have a little more luck. If you can choose, I am reluctant to contact them again, so if you want to die, you can Take a break every two kilometers, and I promise that in an hour, the rebels will catch up."

"My feet really hurt!" Silly Baitian's big eyes were immediately filled with tears, "I really can't walk anymore, I am a female, unlike you are professional mercenaries, I am not that good. physical strength!"

Qin Fei squatted down and grabbed Silly Baitian's feet. A blisters formed on the soles of Silly Baitian's feet. Qin Fei drew out a dagger and stroked it, and the water inside flowed out.

Silly Baitian screamed, screaming pain.

"How can you be like this! No manners, no manners, have you asked for my consent? You hurt me!"

Qin Fei's fire jumped up, grabbing Emily by the collar, scared Rhodes hurriedly to dissuade him: "Calm down, calm down, don't hurt Emily."

"Hey! Gentleman's demeanor?" Qin Fei stared at Emily murderously, scared her jade face pale, she couldn't speak, tears slipped from the corners of her eyes like broken pearls.

"If you fall into the hands of rebel soldiers, I hope you, the eldest lady, can talk to them about gentlemanliness, talk to the drugged lunatics about your humanitarianism, and ask them to seek your advice. Opinions can do and can’t do anything! I tell you, black people like white girls like you, especially white girls like you who are still pretty and fall into their hands. I'm sure you can get a kiln 100% Treat me as a chicken, so now give me back your arrogance and put away your poor ignorance, you look at me in particular—"

Qin Fei pointed to his right shoulder, where he was hit by a bullet, and the wound was still bleeding.

"Look at these!"

He also pointed to various scratches on his face and hands.

"Just now, the three of us just jumped off a cliff several hundred meters high and got rid of those lunatics. If you are still holding your eldest lady's shelf here, I can leave you behind and let you reason with the rebels. go!"

Emily only saw the wounds on Qin Fei's body at this time. There were a dozen large and small wounds. It was the first time that she saw someone who was so seriously injured but could still threaten herself so calmly.

Does he hurt?

Vaguely, she felt that the oriental man in front of her had a mysterious temperament. This temperament can only appear in males. It is something called masculinity.

Conquer, often only in a flash.

Emily suddenly realized that the man in front of her really didn't have any power to resist.

So nodded: "I will try to speed up."

Qin Fei said: "That's good!"

While speaking, he took out the medical kit and wrapped Emily's toes with clean cotton wool and emery cloth.

Emily looked at Qin Fei fixedly, her green pupils shining lightly, like a docile cat.

Wrapped Emily's toes, Qin Fei was dragged aside by the sight as soon as he stood up.

"There is one thing I haven't figured out."

Seeing the confusion on the front sight, Qin Fei curiously asked, "What's the matter?"

"Before the battle was too tense, so I haven't had time to think about it, but now I suddenly remembered that this is not right." The sight said, touching his chin.

Lao Yu and other people also gathered around.

"What are you two whispering?"

Qin Fei pointed to the front sight: "The front sight said he couldn't figure out some things."

The old fish turned his sight to the front sight: "If something happens, hurry up and say, we are now on a boat."

The sight continued to touch his chin, glanced in the direction of Rhodes and his daughter, then retracted his gaze and said, "Don't you think that we are being chased a little incomprehensibly?"

"What is incomprehensible?" Almost everyone asked in unison.

The front sight finally stopped touching his chin, and held his finger in the air for a few times: "Do you think the Bomb Commander is a fool? I mean, everyone knows he is a lunatic, but no one has ever said he is. Fool."

Lao Yu said: "Of course not. A man who can survive a civil war and grow his team can't be done by a madman alone. This guy is said to be very cunning."

"Yes, the problem lies here." The sight saw that the old fish agreed with his statement, and became more confident. "Think about it, from a military point of view, sending so many people to hunt and kill us, the soldiers in Lunsar City. Almost all came out. Now they were supposed to attack Liberty City. Why did they give up this direction and throw everyone in to chase us? Did it cause such a big loss? Worth it? Just to grab the diamonds from a diamond merchant Or just for these ten little black people? Or find a silly white sweet to go back to be a wife?"

The others looked at each other, and after thinking about it, the front sight made sense.

Is it necessary to spend such a high price to hunt down Rhodes and his daughter? Sierra Leone has more than one diamond dealer in the empire, but Rhodes is so jealous?

Since Bomb Commander Toures is not a fool, everyone knows how to calculate this account, so many people die and pay such a high price to hunt down Rhodes and his daughter, there must be something worthy of them in the father and daughter. .


Sierra Leone is full of diamonds, it seems unnecessary.

"You have a point, do you have to ask clearly? Otherwise, even if we die, we will be very wronged~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said the old fish.

Qin Fei said, "Who is going to ask?"

The old fish said: "I think you are very suitable. Your eloquence is so good. You are the one who settles the price with Rhodes. This glorious task is none other than you."

Qin Fei did not refuse, after all, the sooner you figure it out, the better.

When he walked to Rhodes, Qin Fei asked in a bowler hat: "Mr. Rhodes, are we people in the same boat?"

Rhodes froze for a moment, stroked his few hairs with his hand, nodded and said, "Of course, I am your employer, and you are the employees who protect me. I die and you won’t get the reward. You die. I can't live without it. Of course we are people on the same boat."

Qin Fei said: "Since you are so clear, it is easy to handle. I want to ask you one thing, why the bomb commander Tulse is chasing us."

Rhodes's face changed, but he quickly returned to normal, pointing to his suitcase: "Diamonds! That greedy rebel leader must be for diamonds!"

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