Absolute Honor

Chapter 291: Get into big trouble

Rhodes held a plan to kill him and refused to let go.

Qin Fei suddenly didn't know what to do with the Rhodes in front of him. He was his employee anyway, so he couldn't use tough methods. This would definitely damage his reputation.

But if he doesn't understand the purpose of the rebels, he can't judge how tough the opponent's intentions are. Finding out the opponent's combat intentions is an important piece of information for arranging the entire escape plan.

Qin Fei said coldly: "Mr. Rhodes, now we are chasing more than 300 people behind us. If you don't want to lose your life in this jungle, I think you'd better show a frank attitude, I My brothers fought a fierce battle just now, and their lives are almost gone. If you still want to keep your little secret, don’t blame me for not reminding you, I can tear up our employment agreement at any time."

"You are immoral!" Rhodes was a little panicked, "You are mercenaries, you are selling your lives with money, and I have paid the money, you must abide by professional ethics. I said, they are for my diamonds, diamonds Do you understand!?"

"Professional ethics is used to treat employers who have the same integrity, not to hide the employers who let us get confused and kill our lives." Qin Fei said, "I believe the rebels are definitely not for your diamonds, you must know , The Eastern Province they control also has many diamond mines."

As the two of them were talking, Silly Baitian suddenly interrupted: "Dad! Just tell others clearly, do you think that no one knows your dirty things!?"

"Emily, what are you talking about!? Shut me up!"

Rhodes's face suddenly collapsed, and Qin Fei's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, the girls are extroverted, and they are the No. 1 number in the deceitful word, especially the patients with Notre Dame disease like Emily, who is the leader of the white lotus.

"Qin, my father won't tell you, let me tell you." Emily never seemed to put her father in her eyes, "The rebels who died in my house have also come to my house before."

"What!?" Qin Fei knew that there was another hidden story, but he didn't expect it to be so turbulent.

I've been here before, so to speak, Rhodes and the Western Boys are rebel branches that know each other.

Lao Yu and the others were also stunned. Which one did this sing?

Uneven division of the spoils infighting?

Or does the dog bite the dog?

"My daddy is their shipping agent. I used to have a lot of deals with them. Once they had good diamonds, they would send them to my daddy for a good price." Emily's heart is definitely big enough. The relationship between her father and the rebels was not concealed at all, and she was shaking out.

"Mr. Rhodes, what do you have to say now?" Qin Fei said, "I think, if you continue to conceal, I can really stop the transaction between us."

"No!" Rhodes was at a loss now, and suddenly became a little discouraged. He glared at Emily and sighed: "It seems I really spoiled you."

Looking back, thinking for a while, staring at Qin Fei: "Qin, I can tell you the whole story, but you must keep it secret."

"To make it clear, that is your responsibility. Keep it confidential. That is my responsibility." Qin Fei said: "Although I am not clear about the rules of mercenaries, my personal style of doing things has a beginning and an end. As long as you make it clear, let me I understand the intentions of the rebels and can take corresponding measures against them. I think everyone can continue to cooperate."

"I am not an ordinary diamond dealer." Rhodes said: "I am the imperial gem agent of the Empire that never sets. After the first Sierra Leone Civil War, many of the diamonds here were labeled as'blood diamonds' due to the pressure of public opinion. Notorious, under pressure, companies such as De Beers will only sign contracts with the current government of Sierra Leone to formally mine in some places controlled by government forces, but in areas controlled by the rebels, the ore produced cannot be sold to the market. On the other hand, if it is smuggled out through Liberia or Côte d’Ivoire through smugglers, the price is not high and it is not in the interest of the rebels.”

"Are you the agent who shipped the goods for them?" Qin Fei asked.

Rhodes nodded: "European royal families and nobles, and even the 3160 carat diamond on the queen's crown are from Africa, so they have always had a strong demand for diamonds. I am a bridge between the two parties. All the high-grade diamonds extracted from the rebel-controlled area are sold by me. I get them and send them to Europe/Continent, and then resell them to the nobles and members of the royal family, so that they don’t have to bear infamy, and they can get rare diamonds. , And the rebels can sell for a good price, even..."

"You can even trade arms directly with them?" Qin Fei smiled.

"Well, that's right." Rhodes nodded in default.

The old fish frowned and couldn't help asking: "So, you and the rebels are not good partners with old friends? Why did they kill you?"

Rhodes looked at Old Fish and Qin Fei again, his expression hesitant.

"Since I have said everything, why not make it clear?" Qin Fei said.

Rhodes sighed again: "The problem lies in the fact that the imperial army is going to send troops to interfere in the Sierra Leone civil war. As far as I know, there are already ships on the sea near Liberty City, and there are thousands of sas special forces. Soldiers of the Irish regiment have begun to land in Liberty City, which used to be our colony. Although we withdrew, we still want to retain our influence here. This action has angered the leader of the RUF, Kosan, and the west. The boy’s Tours and others, they know that there is a transaction record with me, which contains various lists of transactions with those big men and in and out of bills. They actually didn’t want to kill me, but wanted or kidnapped me and died. I don’t have the value of being alive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No wonder.” Qin Fei looked back at his teammates, “Sight, this seems to explain your suspicion.”

The sight was smoking a cigarette and said coldly: "In the final analysis, it stems from the greed of white people. Okay, I don't want to listen to these bad things. Now that things have been clarified, I don't think Tours will let us go... "

Rhodes suddenly said: "The matter may be more serious than you think..."

Qin Fei asked: "Why?"

Rhodes said: "Among the rebels you killed in my villa, one was the brother of Tours. Their brotherhood has always been very good. In the past, his brother brought diamonds to me and traded with me. ..."

"Fak! I knew that this old guy must be nothing good for paying such a good price!" The sight scolded, "This is terrible. No wonder those guys are all taking drugs and trying to fight us. It turns out that we are not only involved in the rebels. The dirty deal with the royal family is now involved in their personal grievances."

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