Absolute Honor

Chapter 292: Take the initiative

"Old fish, how many kilometers are we still from Port Loko?" Qin Fei asked.

Lao Yu looked at the map: "There are still 28 kilometers."

Qin Fei turned to Rhodes: "Mr. Rhodes, if you want to survive, you must increase your speed in the next time."

He glanced at the silly sweet Emily again: "Stop talking about your feet hurting and you need to rest. After you rest, you can go to the permanent scene of heaven. It will be a long rest, and you will never need to hurry. NS."

Emily looked pale and nodded. Although she knew that her father had a deal with the rebels, she didn't expect the matter to be so complicated, and she even regretted the impulse just now.

"Dad, I'm sorry."

Rhodes shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's too late to say anything, Emily, it doesn't matter if I die, I hope you can escape."

Turning to Qin Fei, Rhodes said: "Qin, I am willing to raise the price again. As compensation that I concealed before, please be sure to bring our father and daughter to Liberty City."

When the crosshair heard the price increase, he immediately became interested: "How much price do you plan to increase?"

"Double!" Rhodes held up two fingers, "I think the big people are willing to pay this money, and I can call them right away."

The front sight immediately swallowed his saliva, his eyes lit up.

"Fak! This is the task I have taken on the highest price."

"Front sight!" The old fish couldn't help pouring cold water on the front sight: "If you have money, you must have life to enjoy. Five people deal with more than 300 people. It's still on someone else's land. Have you seen this in the African mercenary circle? A very different and successful battle example? Back then, the M Army sent more than 140 D-BOY and Rangers, as well as Black Hawk and Bird helicopters in Mogadishu, Somalia. The result? There were heavy casualties, you. Do you think the equipment of our five-person team can be compared with those of D-BOY?"

"You can try, I think you can try." The sight said: "A mercenary is a person who walks on the tip of a knife, earning money in hell, and enjoying a career in heaven. 400,000 US dollars, each of us It can be divided into 80,000!"

"Yu, we can't get out of our bodies anymore." Raytheon said: "Unless everyone does not plan to do the mercenary business in the future, otherwise the employer will be abandoned in the middle, and no one will hire you if you have a bad reputation."

Lao Yu nodded and looked at Qin Fei, "What do you think?"

"Eric is right, we can't get out of it anymore, but think about it the other way around, if we succeed, will we be worth a hundred times?" Qin Fei smiled and said, "Think about the good in everything, right? ?"

Qin Fei’s words of course make sense. Lao Yu also knows that the reputation of eating mercenaries is very important. Once this time, more people will hire you, just like celebrities. Good works will naturally rise in value. .

"hope so."

He said, "What are you going to do?"

Qin Fei said: "Although I am very reluctant to contact those rebels again, it seems that we have to fight them again. Especially this time we must take the initiative and not passively block. I think we should have a hunt. kill."

"Hunting?" Everyone was taken aback.

Can't run in time, and turn over to hunt others? This sounds a bit fanciful.

Qin Fei said: "Old fish, sight, why do you think we can't get rid of their tracking?"

The front sight said: "They seem to have a hunter following. Hmm...that's right..."

He thought of the little black man who walked in front of the line and saw through the traps they had installed.

"If I'm not wrong, the hunter of a tribe who walked at the front of the team may be from this area. They are familiar with this place, and can recognize all kinds of earthen traps. You can see that we have put so many traps. None of them were useful, let him tear them down."

"Yes." The old fish said: "You must kill the hunter, otherwise you can't get away. This kind of person is as familiar in the jungle as in his own home, and he can smell our scent with his eyes closed and nose."

"So, I decided to kill their hunters, so that even if Tours did not give up on tracking, in the end I am afraid that they will not be as fast as before, let alone track our traces." Qin Fei said.

"How are you going to kill him?" The sight said: "That guy is a personal spirit. Anything wrong around him will be spotted by him. Even if I want to sniper him, it will be difficult. There is no good sniper position here. If it’s too far, my vision will be blocked. If it’s too close, he will immediately notice and hide. If he goes a little further before, our broadsword mines can blow him into a fishing net."

Everyone was silent.

This is indeed a difficult problem.

Even though the five of them are all military masters, you have to admire these hunters in the jungle. The others are in turn for their livelihoods. They have been walking in the jungle for decades. It’s hard to hear that the position of the grass is wrong. It can be seen.

It is not easy to ambush a native hunter.

"I'll be responsible for killing him!" Qin Fei gritted his teeth and said, "If we can't kill him, we still can't escape. We have to do this!"

"How to kill?"

Everyone looked at Qin Fei in surprise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thor took the people away first and left the polar bears. He cooperated with the two of you to form a decoy group. I will leave the team and act alone. If I'm done, you run away. , Run as far as you can, and run as fast as you can. "

Qin Fei stretched out his hand and said to Lao Yu, "Give me a copy of the map, and give me a compass. If I am not dead, I will go to Port Loko to meet you. Old rules, if you arrive before me, Evacuate immediately when you find the ship, don't wait for me."

"Qin Fei, don't kill yourself!" Lao Yu took a breath of air, "If there is any mistake, you will be surrounded and chased by hundreds of people alone, and you won't have a chance to survive."

"If you can distract most of their forces, I have a chance to attack." Qin Fei said: "My life or death depends largely on your success."

He waved to Eric and said, "Go, take them away immediately."

He said to Rhodes again: "I hope you know your current situation. I suggest you try to take a break every two hours. If you can, even take a break every four hours, so that you can reach Port Loko after two breaks. Once you take a break, the risk factor will rise exponentially. If you don't want to die, you have to work hard."

Rhodes nodded gratefully, he knew that Qin Fei was desperately working now.

"Qin, don't worry, I just called the big men above, and they are willing to pay the money. After all, no one wants to be involved in a scandal at this time. The promise I said will be fulfilled. If we live In Liberty City, 400,000 US dollars were cashed out immediately."

"Let's go! Stop talking nonsense!" Qin Fei waved his hand, and Thor Eric took Rhodes, father and daughter and the black children on the road.

Qin Fei took a deep breath and said to the others: "Now, it's up to us to say how to act."

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