Absolute Honor

Chapter 307: Do it yourself

"You are too good." Qin Fei replied indifferently.

He couldn't have fun with this guy, otherwise he was worried that Babel would really jump up and kiss his face with that blood basin.

"It's not an exaggeration at all! Thank you so much, Qin, you have done a great job this time! The Western Boys originally cooperated with the RUF rebels to encircle our capital Liberty City, and they have already attacked Lunsar, as long as We can approach the city in less than a day, and our reinforcements will not be able to reach here within 24 hours. If they invade Liberty City, the current ruling government will definitely suffer, and everything will be over by then. And you killed Tours, The West Boys rebels all retreated, and Liberty City was relieved! Now that our reinforcements have landed on the pier, even the RUF rebels dare not go any further."

Babel became more excited as he talked, and opened his hands to hug Qin Fei. Qin Fei was afraid of the stifling cologne smell on his body, and quickly stretched out his hands and shook his hand.

"Everyone, Qin Fei just woke up and his injuries have not recovered yet. I think I should give him a good rest. Let's go out first!" After all, the old fish was mature and respectful, and immediately chased away guests.

"Yes, yes! Rest is right! Don't worry, this hospital is the best hospital in Liberty City. I have already ordered you to take good care of Qin. Don’t worry, I promise that he will receive ministerial treatment here. ." Babel swept his head and promised.

"But." He turned around and glanced back at the few men he had brought. One of them immediately drew a document from his black briefcase and handed it respectfully to Babel.

The Fat Commander Babel took him and handed him to Qin Fei: "In view of your bravery, Qin, you have not only saved our government, but also saved the people of Liberty City from the ravages of war. We have discussed it and decided to grant You have the right to mine a diamond mine in the Mangai area."

Qin Fei was taken aback, Lao Yu winked behind Babel and asked him to accept it.

He had to take it and said thank you.

The document was in English, and it was stamped with the seal of the Sierra Leone government. Although Qin Fei didn't know the value of this thing, he knew that the value of a mining right was of course not low.

It would cost tens of thousands of dollars to find a broken land near Bo City before Song Cui died. I am afraid that the value of the mine in Mangai area will not be less than the value of the mine in Song Cui.

After completing the task, Babel exchanged a few simple greetings and left with someone.

Only Qin Fei and Rhodes and his daughter were left in the room.

Rhodes was naturally grateful, and sat quietly on the side, looking at Qin Fei intently with a fan-like expression.

"Qin, you are really awesome. I owe you a favor this time." Rhodes said.

Qin Fei shook his head: "You don't owe me anything. I use people's money to help people eliminate disasters. You really don't owe me anything."

"No, no, you may not know that not every mercenary is capable of dealing with tracking troops of hundreds of people." Rhodes said, "Qin, don't think I am an ignorant businessman. You may not I know, I still have a very wide network of contacts in the Empire, including some elite special forces, such as SAS and SBS. I have also met people. They are not better than you."

Qin Fei could only smile and shook his head.

"I'm curious, where did you serve before?" Rhodes asked.

This is a difficult question for Qin Fei to answer, after all, the identity of his fugitive hasn't been figured out yet.

Seeing that Qin Fei seemed unspeakable, a shrewd diamond dealer like Rhodes immediately knew that he shouldn't ask any more.

"Look, I'm just asking casually." Rhodes said: "I'm just thinking, if you want, I can hire you as a bodyguard, and the reward will satisfy you. I have been around the world for these years. In the jewelry trade, because they are all precious things, you must find a good bodyguard."

Emily's eyes lighted up, and she seemed extremely hopeful that Qin Fei nodded and agreed.

"For the time being, I don't have this plan." Qin Fei quickly found an excuse: "I have something to go to Eritrea later, maybe I will delay some time there, so..."

Emily's eyes quickly lost their light, she stood up with a whirl, and walked out of the ward exhaled.

Rhodes looked at his daughter's back in surprise, and turned around and said to Qin Fei: "Excuse me, Emily is a bit gaffe."

He took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Qin Fei.

"Qin, if you need help in the empire, you can come to me. There is my address in the West End of London. I have friends in the political and military circles. Even many nobles are my guests. Some are busy. , I can still help."

Qin Fei certainly wouldn't let this gift to the door when he went out and had many friends and different paths.

As soon as he received the business card, he saw Lao Yu walking in angrily and sat down on the side of the bed.

"What's the matter? I didn’t have a pleasant conversation with Robert?" Qin Fei seemed to guess what Lao Yu was talking about with Robert. Rhodes inadvertently revealed that the remuneration he paid to Robert was US$20,000. The fish has only eight thousand in his hand, even if it takes a 40% tap, it is not that small.

"The South African!" The old fish cursed angrily.

"How does he explain?"

"How to explain?" Lao Yu took a piece of paper from his pocket and patted it on the bedside table. "He gave me a list of all the expenses he had paid. After calculating it, I still took advantage. "

Qin Fei picked up the list curiously and looked at it for a while.

There are various expenses listed above, including vehicle usage and loss expenses, as well as intelligence informant fees, etc. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To calculate, the Protector Company has already spent $40,000 in the early stage of this Lonza mission.

Among them, the informant fee alone was as high as 20,000 U.S. dollars, and the broken jeep abandoned by Qin Fei and the others in Lonsa was estimated to be as high as 9,000 U.S. dollars.

This kind of entry is completely undocumented. Moreover, the mission protector company did not provide much valuable information this time, so it spent 20,000 US dollars, which is really nonsense.

"I can't tell, Robert is really dishonest." Rhodes on the side couldn't help shaking his head.

"Yeah, this kind of account is too lame." Qin Fei smiled and threw the list on the bedside table. "He is eating you up."

The old fish sighed, "Being under the fence..."

Qin Fei knew that Lao Yu was tricked by the cunning Robert. Lao Yu was an excellent mercenary, but he was definitely not a shrewd businessman.

"You might as well do it by yourself." Qin Fei said.

"Go it alone?" Although Lao Yu also organized his own tactical team, he never thought about leaving the Protector Company. The people of his time had been institutionalized and deepened into the bones of his bones. He always felt that relying on the big tree was good for the cold, even if he went abroad. Like to be attached to big companies.

"Well, go it alone, organize your own mercenary team, and then start a PMC company by yourself." Qin Fei said: "Instead of letting people like Robert exploit it, it's better to work for yourself."

"But... if you do it alone, it is not a simple matter for arms, transportation, intelligence, etc., to form your own network." Lao Yu frowned and hesitated: "Especially customers, the source of customers is not easy to find. A small company with no reputation can hardly receive a good order."

"I think I can help a little bit." Rhodes, who hadn't interrupted his mouth all the time, said suddenly.

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