Absolute Honor

Chapter 308: Call from Eritrea

Qin Fei and Lao Yu turned their eyes to Rhodes.

Rhodes shrugged: "The people I deal with are politicians and nobles, all over the world. They have money, so they are willing to spend money on security, and even some small countries need various military services, so I can Promote it for you."

"Thank you so much," the old fish said.

"You don't need to thank me." Rhodes said: "In fact, for this mission, you are already very famous. I believe that as long as you decide to do it yourself, many people will definitely want to hire you."

The three chatted in the room for a while, and Rhodes received a call, saying that he was in a hurry and got up to leave.

Before leaving, Rhodes set his sights on Qin Fei's diamond mining rights confirmation document and couldn't help asking: "Qin, do you plan to sell this mine?"

Qin Fei glanced at the document, picked it up and looked at it, "Are you interested in him?"

Rhodes smiled and said: "As long as I am interested in gems. Of course, I won't get them for nothing, I will give you a good price."

Qin Fei handed the document directly to Rhodes: "Yes, how much do you think can be paid?"

Rhodes was very surprised by Qin Fei's generosity. He didn't expect that he didn't even fight with him on the price.

"Mangai is a rich diamond-producing area, and the quality of the products is very good, so it is very popular in the market." He stretched out five fingers: "I can give this number-half a million dollars."

"Deal!" Qin Fei agreed without thinking.

Rhodes was taken aback again. He was taken aback for a long time before he came back to his senses. Holding the document, he said with joy: "I really admire you Z people. Doing business is simple enough! I will let London tonight. While preparing the money, I will come over to sign a contract with you tomorrow."

After speaking, Rhodes got up and said goodbye, saying that he still had a cocktail party to attend in the evening.

When Rhodes left, the old fish asked anxiously: "You didn't ask for the price, so you just sold the diamond mine to him?"

"Old fish, it's not easy to open a mine. I can understand it in the past few days. Like Song Guai, there is no power here. Even if there is a mine, it can only rely on luck. Once the war comes, there is nothing. Moreover, we have to invest manpower, material resources and a lot of time. We are not a professional jeweler like Rhodes, without his energy." Qin Fei said, "Sell as much as we can. Anyway, it is a windfall."

Lao Yu was silent for a moment, and had no choice but to agree with Qin Fei's ideas.

"You're right, it's not a group of people, don't eat a group of meals. For people like us, we should continue to be mercenaries." Old Yu said: "I will ask Eric and the crosshairs for their opinions later. See if they want to go with us."

"Okay, you should prepare for these things first. In short, this mercenary group counts as me." Qin Fei said.

The old fish said: "Well, now you have a lot of money, you give me your passport, I will open a Virgin Islands bank account for you, so that you can save money in the future."

"Virgin Islands?" Qin Fei heard of this kind of bank for the first time.

Lao Yu said: "Yes, when a mercenary sometimes has to take on some weird customers' tasks, they don't want others to be in touch with his capital flow, so they generally don't use the accounts of regular large banks to pay, so as not to affect them. They have already laundered their accounts, so offshore bank accounts like the Bank of the British Virgin Islands are more popular. First, there is almost no tax rate, and second, they will not be monitored by many government organizations. The disadvantage is that they are not as available as large banks. Reputation and service are not so convenient, so generally speaking, we use two bank accounts as mercenaries, one is for offshore banks to collect money, and the other is to register for a large bank account in an empire or developed country such as the sun never set. For consumption, complement each other's strengths and weaknesses."

Lao Yu is a veteran mercenary, and of course he is very familiar with all of this, and his operation will not go wrong.

Qin Fei quickly took out his passport from his luggage and handed it to Lao Yu. Lao Yu took a look and smiled: "I found that people in our country like to go to T country to get passports."

"Kun guessed it for me. I don't know it myself. I just wanted to leave Southeast Asia soon." At this point, Qin Fei suddenly said that he asked Lao Yu: "By the way, Lao Yu, I beg you. You have to hurry up on the few things you checked for me. If you need money, you can tell me."

"Between us, how can we talk about money or not? You have already made a lot of money for me this time, and I am one step closer to my retirement goal." Lao Yu said, "It is estimated that my foreign lady will receive With the money I sent back this time, the happiness has blossomed."

Thinking of Lao Yu's retirement goal is to buy a small farm in France to spend the rest of his life, Qin Fei suddenly felt an urge to help Lao Yu.

Lao Yu has been in the mercenary business for many years, but it doesn’t seem to have saved too much money. Just as he was scammed by Robert before, Lao Yu is talking about trading, and it’s a bit like an older generation. This habit of trusting others too much is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

If everyone organizes their own team to work alone this time, Qin Fei feels that he has the ability to make Lao Yu realize his wish in a few years.

After all, he was just a veteran who really shed blood for the country. In the end, he didn't want anything. He lived in a foreign country, and as a younger generation, as a fellow countryman, he certainly had to help.

"Lao Yu, believe me, let's do it together. I promise you will retire early in a few years." Qin Fei patted Lao Yu's arm.

The old fish was taken aback, then laughed, and patted Qin Fei **** the shoulder: "Okay! Let's join forces with recruits and veterans ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't believe that we can't make a breakthrough in the mercenary circle. Come!"

After the old fish left, Emily came back suddenly, still carrying the night batter in her hand. According to Silly Baitian, she personally prepared it with milk, oatmeal and dried nuts.

Qin Fei took a bite, so sweet that he almost didn't vomit it out.

The people of the empire who never set the sun really don't have any talent for cooking, and they can make this kind of taste when they make a dessert.

But I didn't dare to say, I could only pinch my nose and drank half a bowl, and then said that I was tired and wanted to rest, so I quickly covered my head and fell asleep.

The days just passed day by day, and a week passed.

It was noon the next day when I woke up in the morning, and there was a roar of motors outside, and the connection seemed very noisy.

Qin Fei got up curiously, put on slowly and walked to the window, opened the curtain and looked out on the street.

Along the whole street, rows of West African peacekeepers sat on trucks and armored vehicles and passed by on the road. In the end, Qin Fei also saw the army of the empire that the sun never sets.

In the past few days, Qin Fei has been awakened almost every day by the convoy of troops entering the city. There are more and more foreign troops deployed in Sierra Leone. Just like the Commander Babel said, Liberty City is safe.

"Qin Fei!"

Lao Yu appeared outside the door, holding the satellite phone in his hand, walked in front of him, and handed the phone to Qin Fei.

"your phone."

"Mine?" Qin Fei couldn't recover.

"Yes, it's from Eritrea," said the old fish.

Qin Fei thought it was Kunchai who was trained in the Eritrean mercenary training camp, and took the phone to his ear.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the voice of a stranger on the other end, which was called by someone Qin Fei didn't know.

However, this person turned out to speak Chinese!

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