Absolute Honor

Chapter 316: Mercenary paradise

The beast camp is located on the seaside of the Treaty. The surrounding area was originally an uninhabited land. Later, the protector company and the government signed a contract to lease a large area nearby to establish this mercenary training camp.

In Africa, most businesses are based on blood type. Few people here talk to you about politics and the like. It's all about force, and whoever wins.

Therefore, the trade of mercenaries here has been very hot.

As a former executive of the EO company, Robert is of course well aware of the oil and water. In order to maintain the fighting quality of his company's mercenaries and to make extra money, he established this training camp.

The training camp can accommodate a regiment-level organization personnel to conduct training here at the same time. It is equivalent to a school. There is no entrance threshold, and it is open, but it charges a fee of five thousand US dollars per person and lasts for three months.

Most of the instructors here hire former members of the special forces in South Africa and Nigeria, and some of them are extremely good retired special forces officers from some Western countries, and even occasionally hire elites such as SAS and the French Gendarmerie Intervention Team to give lectures.

In fact, not all junior brothers come here to participate in the training. Many of them are veterans of mercenaries. Because of the high cost, not everyone can afford it. US$5,000 is a large sum in Africa.

In many cases, small groups of independent mercenaries or bodyguards of rich men, or relatives of merchants like Chen Yong, would come here if they wanted to learn about military operations.

There is also a military background who has signed long-term contracts with certain private military companies and has been sent here for adaptive training and personal value-added.

Because, in the animal camp, Chu Ge, who has no military background, is often bullied, such as Kun Guai.

When the car drove into the animal camp, Qin Fei suddenly felt a familiar feeling. Everywhere I could see blacks and whites wearing camouflage pants shirtless against a log and training on the beach. I could also hear the transmission from the shooting range in the distance. The gunshots came one after another, and the instructor screamed hysterically.

In addition to these hot training scenes, here is also different from ordinary military camps.

Pergola made of palm leaves and wood are erected on the beach. Under the pergola are barbecue grills. Many burly and fierce guys, bare-chested with scars, are grilling in the sun wearing sunglasses. With big chunks of beef and mutton, while drinking beer, they pointed at the sweaty guys on the beach.

"Have you seen?" The old fish pointed to the mercenaries trained on the beaches and said, "These are all junior brothers. The first time I came to this camp, I usually sent them for training in their personal capacity or under a company contract. The barbecue guys are all veterans. This is not only a training camp, but also a place where independent mercenaries and free mercenaries come to vacation and train."

"It looks like a resort." Qin Fei smiled.

Lao Yu said: "Yes, usually no mission or just finished the mission, the veterans will either go to Europe or other Mediterranean countries for vacation, if there are facts that can’t go away, for example, the next mission is about to go, they will choose Staying healthy here while on vacation. Every year this animal camp is overcrowded. The climate here is also suitable for training all year round. It is well-equipped and has sea. There is even a small airport over there with old World War II transport planes. , Can provide umbrella training."

The sight is a free mercenary. He has never been here before. Looking at the scenery here feels that it is not good enough, so he shook his head and said, "Unfortunately there are no girls!"

"Who said there is no bar?" The old fish looked back and glanced at the sight. "In addition to the beast camp, there is another name called Mercenary Paradise. As long as you are not afraid of illness, there are girls everywhere. Here, you spend Thirty dollars can get a black girl with a cocked **** that can hold a cocktail glass. There are also bars and theaters, although they are all old movies, but as long as you are willing to spend money, they have everything here."

"Fack!" The sight of the sight lightened, "Old fish, take me to the bar later? My favorite is the bar."

Qin Fei couldn't help but said, "This fellow Robert, it looks like he really knows how to do business, but he didn't pull down everything he had to make money."

Lao Yu said: "Due to the lack of resources in Eritrea and the underdeveloped commerce, there are many fishermen on the seashore. They rely on small fish to sell to the Republic of Aden across the Red Sea for their livelihoods. In addition, the public security environment is not good. No one wants to come here for business. All the daily necessities and food in the training camp are provided by the protector company on a paid basis, and Robert is indeed making a lot of money."

The group was talking in the car, and arrived in front of the management center of the training base.

The management center is a small wooden building, bungalows.

After getting out of the car, Lao Yu said to everyone: "You are all here and so on. I'll go and see if there are any houses and shooting ranges that can be provided for us to train."

After the old fish left, Qin Fei paid the driver~www.wuxiaspot.com~A group of people sat under the coconut trees and smoked.

Three black and white mercenaries, one black and two white men, swayed past Qin Fei and the others.

"Yo?!" One of the white men with a moxi dried head first discovered the New World, and pointed at Kunchai and shouted: "Look, who is back?"

The other man is tall and majestic, with a silver earring on his right ear lobe. The bald black man with his muscles exploded like hormones, showing a row of white crooked teeth, with a silly smile on his face. Kun Guai stretched out his long red tongue and licked his lips as if he had seen tempting food: "Oh! Our Asian chicks are back!"

The shortest of the three, but he also looks like a white man with a head of at least one meter eighteen. This guy looks quite distinctive. Not only his hair but also his eyebrows are pale yellow and white. The skin is a bit sick. White makes people look very uncomfortable.

Qin Fei thinks this should be a skin disease such as vitiligo, because as a mercenary in Africa, his skin is absolutely impossible to be so white. I have only been here for more than a month, and it is almost as dark as a local. .

This guy also spoke: "Oh! It's our Kungues kid, come and hug you in mother's arms, and see what those cruel guys have beaten you into."

In the hot weather of the hot day and poisonous sun, Vitiligo spoke with a sissy tone, causing Qin Fei's chills to stand upright, goose bumps all over the floor, and a feeling of rolling in his stomach.

He quickly noticed that Kunchai's face was changing and becoming ugly.

"who are they?"

"It's them, they are the ones who beat me." Kunchai was shaking all over, "Here, they have a nickname-the three perverted sisters."

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