Absolute Honor

Chapter 317: First hands-on

Qin Fei smiled and raised his **** to the three of them.

The three perverted sisters were taken aback. The black man stretched out the big palm of his hand and wiped a hand on his mouth, seeming to wipe off the saliva that had flowed out.

He looked at the two companions next to him and said, "Hey! It looks like our kid brought a helper over, or else I will go up first and blow him up before talking?"

After that, he squeezed the two palms together, the joints made a crackling noise, and then walked towards Qin Fei step by step.

Qin Fei and the others stood up, Kunchai was still shaking, his face pale.

I have to say that the bald black man in front of him wearing silver earrings is indeed tall and strong.

Qin Fei considers himself short, with a height of 1.8 meters, and looks like a minor in front of this guy.

This guy, who is at least two meters tall, is just like a chimpanzee in the jungle!

After approaching Qin Fei, the chimpanzee's eyes instantly became fierce, and he slammed Qin Fei's face with a punch.

This is a typical Western boxing, straight punch.

Qin Fei bent over and dodged, stepping forward and hitting his abdomen with one knee directly.

Normal people suffer from Qin Fei like this, not to mention what's wrong with the internal organs, at least people will immediately spit out the overnight meal.

But Qin Fei didn't get any benefit, his knees were like a wall, and he bounced back directly.

As soon as Qin Fei landed, the chimp arrived with an uppercut with his left hand.

This guy's physical fitness is absolutely strong, and his muscles have been trained to be iron-like, as if he is immune to physical attacks.

Qin Fei hurriedly bent his right elbow to block it. He survived the blow, and he slid backwards two steps before kicking directly on the chimpanzee's chest.

Under the strong reaction force, Qin Fei continued to slide out two steps, while a military boot print was left on the chimpanzee's T-shirt.


He didn't catch the cheap chimpanzee and was a little furious. He didn't expect Qin Fei to withstand his uppercut without getting hurt.

Even if it is a blocked door, a chimpanzee can definitely penetrate it with one punch.

But he never thought that his opponent was the most powerful special forces soldier in the army. Soldiers like Qin Fei had undergone rigorous combat training, which was the starting point for the army to practice capture and combat training.

According to the old saying of the Chinese, if you want to beat someone, you must first learn to be beaten.

The special forces strictly followed this principle. When practicing hard work, they didn't know how many sticks were interrupted. In each group of fighting, they were punched 100 times in front of them.

I hurt the dressing and continue.

It was this kind of hell-style training that gave Qin Fei's absolutely astonishing fighting ability a long time ago.

Despite this, Qin Fei was secretly surprised.

He has never tried to touch such a big impact from a person’s fist. Even if it is blocked, his elbow is a little painful. If he fights this gorilla hard, he can hold it hard in the first few minutes. After that, I must suffer a loss.

The physical difference between the East and the West determines the way of fighting. To deal with this chimpanzee, we must be outsmart, not hard!

The chimpanzee moved his hands and feet. Although the kick just now didn't make him lose his combat effectiveness, it also shocked him secretly. He almost couldn't catch this kick.

The oriental man in front of him was completely different from the kid called Kunchai before, and was completely outside the horizon.

The chimpanzee felt a little embarrassed when he could not handle Qin Fei. He moved his muscles and bones, breathed evenly, and planned to attack again.

"What are you doing!"

A loud shout came from a distance.

Everyone stopped and looked in the direction of the sound source.

I saw a man wearing a baseball cap, a khaki T-shirt and training shorts, biting a pipe, and a man with the demeanor of an old soldier and the old fish walking towards this side.

Seeing this old soldier, the three sisters seemed to be honest immediately.

"Rudolph, what are you doing here?" The old soldier eagle-like gaze fell on the vitiligo face of the three sisters: "You have a personal grievance for me to find a place to solve it by myself, or I will let you Get out of this camp!"

Qin Fei knew at this time that the name of Vitiligo was originally Rudolph.

"Major Cambert, we didn't cause trouble, we were just welcoming a few newcomers." Vitiligo shrugged and pretended to be innocent: "Maybe they are not very comfortable with our welcome style, so they are a little misunderstood."

"Fak! Don’t think I don’t know about your stinky problems, I tell you, I have no right to interfere in your private lives, but no one likes a man who fucks/**, don’t bring AIDS to my camp. Otherwise, I will tie you to the iron pillars of the shooting range and shoot you into rotten meat!"

Cambert is not polite at all. Obviously the three sisters are quite famous here, and everyone knows their orientation in that regard.

To Qin Fei's surprise, the three sisters seem to be accustomed to this kind of contempt. They are not ashamed of it. On the contrary, they laughed happily. They laughed and crossed their shoulders and were very affectionate.

Several elders, who were all over 1.9 meters tall, were squeaky and crooked, which made Qin Fei not only gain insights, but also lost chicken skin. Even Qin Fei who is not nauseous even eating raw meat and insects. The stomach was overwhelmed again.

In the laughter, the three sisters walked away.

Cambert glanced at Kunchai and said with a poker face: "Boy, can you still participate in training?"

"Yes! Sir!" Kunchai replied immediately. He was worried that Cambert would not let him complete the rest of the training course.

"That's fine, take your luggage, and go back to your own training team." Campbell took a look at Kun guess~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I know you may have suffered a bit, but this world is like this , In the beast camp, it is the law of the jungle, the weak eat the strong, since you want to be a mercenary, you must learn to protect yourself, here, everything depends on yourself, no one can help you. "

"Major." Qin Fei interrupted.

"Huh?" Cambert glanced at Qin Fei, "Which training team are you from? Are you new?"

"No, I'm not interested in your training. I came to rent a place to train by myself." Qin Fei said, "If I can, I want to train Kun Guai myself."

"Are you responsible for training him?" Canterbo looked disdainful, "Who do you think you are? You are also a soldier?"

"Yes." Qin Fei didn't bother to care about this arrogant old guy, "I have served in the military before."

"In which troop? SAS? SBS? Or extrajudicial? Don't tell me you are from the special forces of those **** countries in Southeast Asia. Those **** rescued hostages can kill the hostages." Cambert said coldly.

"Reconnaissance troops." Qin Fei said: "I used to serve there."

"?" Cambert looked back at the old fish, his arrogance in his eyes was much less. It is not the first time that the old fish has come here. Campbell is very clear about his background and the ability of the old fish, just like the old fish. It seems that the reconnaissance troops are not weak.

"Well, just now Lao Yu rented a small shooting training field from me. It is your dedicated field. The other training fields are public. As long as no one is using it, you can use it." Cambert said: "I I warn you not to make trouble in the camp, you know? This is my site, my site! If you want to fight, you must settle personal grievances. Then at the end of this training period, this year's animal camp regularly organizes irregular fighting competitions. You can Sign up."

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