Absolute Honor

Chapter 318: Hell Fighting

"Irregular fighting competition?" Qin Fei looked at Cambert's back and asked the old fish: "This animal camp has a lot of tricks? What do you mean? UFC fighting?"

The old fish shook his head: "No, the irregular fighting here is a bit different. It's really irregular. Knives are allowed."

"Fuck!" The sight was startled: "This group is crazy? With a knife? Is this still called fighting? It's called death fighting, OK!"

The old fish said: "Yes, it's a death fight. Think about it, what is this place? Mercenary training camp. Every year, more than 2,000 mercenaries rest or train here. These mercenaries can be said to be concentrated in Africa. Even the most elite mercenaries in other regions who can pay a large sum of money to come here on vacation or rent venues or participate in training are not the third-rate characters who only pay $50 a day with guns. They are all. A good hand."

"There are grievances between mercenaries and mercenaries. Different companies, different mercenaries, and different free mercenaries will also have frictions when performing tasks, and sometimes they may even be hired by different employers. Stand on the opposite side. So things like killing each other's people exist and happen from time to time. What do you think is the best choice between them?"

"Vengeance!" The sight said: "According to the rules I used to mix in South Africa, the blood of the brother must be repaid with the blood of the enemy."

Lao Yu sighed: "If according to your statement, the mercenaries don't need to do anything, just attack the opponent every day for revenge, and there is no time to take up the task."

"Then what do you say?" said the sight, "is it just let it go?"

"All, the mercenary circle has its own rules." Lao Yu said: "To put it bluntly, business is business, grievances are grievances, God belongs to God, Caesar belongs to Caesar, there are things that can be solved in this ring. Robert He is a very smart person. As an executive of EO, the former largest mercenary company in Africa, he knows all the things in the mercenary circle, including the establishment of this training camp and the holding of this event. From another perspective, it is not a problem. Good thing."

"This beast camp no-rule fighting competition, also called the **** fighting competition, is the strongest and most cruel fighting competition in the African mercenary circle every year. It is usually held once a year. Mercenary groups with grievances can meet here to give their lives. It can also be used to vent the excess hormones secreted in the bodies of more than two thousand mercenaries here, and it can increase the income of the animal camp."

"At first, Robert didn't expect it to be so prosperous. Later, even some wealthy people and even some wealthy chiefs from all over Africa heard the news. What is more enjoyable than betting on a life-and-death fight here. The thing? The management office of the animal camp can extract 10% of the water money. It only provides venues, accommodation and consumption can increase his income. In recent years, the training camp of Robert has brought him nearly 10 million each year. The dollar profit is even higher than the income of his private military company."

Qin Fei had to admire Robert's business acumen, this guy was indeed a genius in operation.

"It seems that we still have to learn from Mr. Robert how to grow and operate a mercenary business."

"So, does the contestant have a bonus?" asked the sight.

"Yes, if you win, you can get 50% of your opponent's bet amount as a reward." Lao Yu said, "This is not a joke. Sometimes there are many oil tycoons in the East and Africa. The wealthy chiefs would come here to take a gamble. The bet amount is amazing. I remember the highest bet last year, reaching 5 million U.S. dollars. Robert took half a million and 4.5 million points 50%. , There are more than two million into the bag."

"Oh! MYGOD!" The crosshair exclaimed, "Why didn't I know that there is such a good thing? Or I will come here to try my luck."

"I advise you not to try it lightly. Risks and benefits are directly proportional. Many mercenary groups, in order to avenge and earn this money, even go to some underground boxers to pretend to be members of their group to participate in the competition. In last year's game, a total of 36 people participated in the competition, and 8 people died on the field." Lao Yu shook his head and said, "People die for money, and birds die for food. If you don't be greedy, you will live longer."

Everyone took their luggage and followed the old fish to find a place to stay.

This time, Lao Yu rented a detached house on the east side of the animal camp by the sea. There are four houses and three bathrooms. Although the house here is not a luxuriously decorated detached villa, it is just a two-story wooden structure. Small building, but facing the sea, the scenery is infinitely good, just facing the invincible sea view is already worth the fare.

Qin Fei intends to train Kun Guai independently, so let him live in a separate house instead of going back to the training team.

Putting down the costume, the wine bug in the front sight's stomach suddenly broke out, yelling to let the old fish take him to the bar to see it.

Although Qin Fei is not very interested in bars, since he has come to this pleasant place, he can relax. He was either chasing or being chased by others a while ago. It would be no harm to let his tight nerves rest.

The bar in Beast Camp is called "Music and Fury". This name reminds Qin Fei of an album by a famous band, which is quite interesting.

The bar is in the northeast corner of the camp, built on a large stretch of beach. Like all the buildings here, they are not made of masonry, but made of wood. The most indispensable thing in Africa is wood.

Entering inside, I found that the bar is quite big, with decks all around~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are dozens of small round tables scattered in the middle, and the billiard table and darts area are on the side of the inside. Someone is holding them there. The wine glasses play billiards.

"Ouch! I can really come across it everywhere."

Hearing the strange yin and yang screams and whistles in the corner, Qin Fei knew that they were the three abnormal sisters again without looking there.

It's really a narrow road!

"Don't pay attention to these idiots." Lao Yu said: "They are well-known Old Glass in the animal camp. They used to be free mercenaries under the Protector Company. Later, they left the company and joined the'God Armed' mercenary group. This mercenary group has been very active in Africa in the past few years. The boss is a national of M, who is a black and white master."

"Hey! Little Asian Tintin, I'm calling you guys!" The chimpanzee named Webb who had just fought Qin Fei whistled and shouted, "Would you like me to prepare you a piece of advanced soap tonight? ?"

Seeing Lao Yu and others swallowing their anger, the three sisters became even more proud and screamed louder and louder.

Qin Fei suddenly smiled and said to Kun Guai: "Today I will teach you the first lesson and teach you how to fight."

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