Absolute Honor

Chapter 319: The secret of fighting

"Fight!?" Kungues heard what Qin Fei said, and immediately realized that Qin Fei's inner anger was already surging. In Kungues's eyes, Qin Fei would never have been more calm when he was angry, and his words were calm.

The calmer he is, the more angry he is.

Obviously this is the case now, because Qin Fei's words sounded as plain as he was doing.

He grumbled his saliva and forgot to glance in the direction of the three sisters.

I have to say that he does have a certain psychological shadow. Because the three sisters wanted to get on him before, he was beaten to death when he resisted and lay in the hospital for almost a week.

Moreover, the difference in body shape made Kun Guai fear the three sisters.

Kunchaiman is only about 1.71 meter tall, and Rudolph, the shortest vitiligo patient among the three sisters, has a height of more than 1.90 meters. This is simply an overwhelming physical advantage.

"I'm in favor of a fight!" Shasa the polar bear raised his hand first in agreement, "I haven't had a good fight in a long time."

It is said that Da Maozi is a fighting nation, and it can be solved by hand.

"Give you a chance to prove yourself." Qin Fei said, "You said you want to avenge your sister. I want to see your determination. Being a soldier is easy, but being an elite soldier is not that simple. If You dare not even fight with a guy who is as tall as you. In the future, when you are on the battlefield, or one day you are going to avenge your sister and face the Black Sun organization, how can you still have the courage? If you even this point If you can’t do it, I advise you not to be a mercenary. Hurry up and find a safe place to hide in Africa. It’s safest to work for the rest of your life."

Kunchai's face turned pale.

Lao Yu persuaded: "Qin Fei, I think it's better not to fight..."

"Old Yu, you were a veteran who had been on the battlefield anyway, why are you afraid of trouble now?" Qin Fei said, "When dealing with a gentleman, you can persuade people with reason. When dealing with soldiers, hand-to-hand combat is the best way. . Soldiers worship the strong, and force is the best reason."

Turning to Kunchai again: "To deal with abnormalities, then it is even more irrational. Now, you can choose to be a gentleman or a soldier, and you can do it yourself."

Kun Guai's forehead was already sweaty, and he gritted his teeth: "I listen to your boss! How do you do it?!"

"In this way, you only need to deal with one of them." Qin Fei said, "You are among the three sisters. Pick one of them."

"I'll pick Rudolph." Kun guessed it was a little clever. Rudolph was the smallest of the three, and his combat effectiveness was obviously not as strong as the other two.

Lao Yu said: "This is a good choice. Rudolf used to belong to the German Bundeswehr, the black Webb was a former member of Nigeria’s special forces, and the Mohigan was named Baker, who was a former commando member of the South African Defense Force. Look, Rudolph is indeed relatively easy to deal with."

"The other two..." Kunchai asked worriedly.

"Others, I'll deal with the chimpanzee, and Moxi will give it to..."

Before Qin Fei's words were over, the polar bear said first: "Leave it to me! I will let him taste our Russian style of fighting."

Everything was finalized, Qin Fei stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in the air: "Boss, I want some wine."

The black girl waitress came over quickly, twisting her hips, whistling and asking Qin Fei in blunt English: "Handsome guy, what do you want?"

"What do you want, order yourself."

As soon as the polar bears opened their mouths, of course they wanted their Russian favorite vodka, and the others ordered a bottle of whiskey and drank it separately.

Qin Fei said to the waitress: "Do you have any cocktails here?"

"Of course there is." Black girl's eyes lit up and she smiled brightly: "But it's a bit expensive. The cocktails here are for girls to drink."

As she said, her big eyes looked towards the pool table.

Qin Fei had actually noticed a dozen black girls with cocktails at the pool table, guessing that there must be cocktails here, and the reason why these cocktails are so expensive is that they are equivalent to rewarding these black girls.

Buying her wine is a hint.

Qin Fei asked: "How much is a cup?"

"80 dollars for a cup." Black girl said without blinking, "only US dollars are accepted here."

"Wow!" Raytheon couldn't help it. "The price here is really higher than the robbery, 80 dollars? Is it your kind of broken bar?"

Black girl shrugged, and put her hand on her slender waist above her hips: "I have said it, this is for those girls to drink."

"Don't look for it." Qin Fei took out a stack of hundred-dollar bills from his pocket, and put three on the waitress' tray without blinking his eyes: "Give me three cups..."

He pointed to the black girls holding cocktail glasses at the pool table and asked, "What cocktails are those girls drinking?"

"Margaret." The waitress received a $60 tip for no reason, and her attitude towards Qin Fei was too good. "That's a girl's favorite cocktail, handsome, you really have fun."

After speaking, he put a call to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei did not dare to look at her for fear of being electrocuted.

He pointed to the deck where the three sisters were and said, "Twice the Margarita, and then send it to deck 2 and tell the ladies that I asked for it."

The waitress froze for a moment and froze.

"Man, for your generous use, I still want to remind you that I will invite a man to drink... it's better to drink some whiskey or vodka, as for Margarita..."

Having said that, I stopped and thought for a while and said: "This is not the first time I have seen you, energetic mercenaries, but I can remind you that the boss here is Mr. Robert. If something breaks For compensation, I advise you not to cause trouble."

Qin Fei smiled, and drew another one hundred dollar bill, and put it directly on the plate and said: "Do as I say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This matter has nothing to do with you, as for compensation..."

Qin Fei now has 588,000 U.S. dollars in his hand, and now he has 10,000 yuan in cash in his pocket.

"I broke something, I will pay for it."

The waitress sighed and went back to the bar to place an order, then brought a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of vodka, and an ice bucket.

Putting things on the table, she said, "Handsome guy, it will take a while for the cocktails to be adjusted. Drink these first. Oh, my goodness, I hope you will be okay later, I really like you, handsome guy."

After speaking, he cast a wink at Qin Fei and flew a kiss.

"If you have any needs, you can always find me."

After all, he twisted his hips that could put a glass of cocktail and left.

"This girl is in love with you." The sight was jealous: "Why didn't I notice that the yellow race was so popular before?"

Qin Fei smiled, ignoring the sight, picked up a flat-bottomed glass, threw two pieces of ice in it, and then took a glass of black-branded whiskey into it, and pushed the glass in front of Kunchai.

"Drink," he said.

"Drinking?" Kun guessed his eyes rounded.

"Well, drink some wine." Qin Fei said, "Let me teach you another lesson. Do you know the secret of winning a fight?"

"What's the secret?"

"One courage, two strength, three effort." Qin Fei said, "you don't have the latter two. The only thing you can strive for is the first one. As the saying goes, fighting is normal people are afraid of fools, because fools have a tendon and are not afraid of beatings; But fools are afraid of lunatics, because lunatics don't want to die."

Qin Fei refers to the No. 2 deck.

"You have to win Rudolph, you have to work hard, there is no other choice." He said: "Come on, drink some wine, but don't pass it, be bold."

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