Absolute Honor

Chapter 325: Low-speed bullet

"There are only 8 rings..." The sight put down the telescope and glanced at Kunchai who was lying on the ground: "It's up to the right."

"It's already very good. The first time a novice can shoot with a gun, he can make an 8-ring." Thor comforted Kun and guessed: "Boy, work harder."

In fact, it is not a good result to hit 8 rings in this basic practice. With the exception of Kun Guess, everyone can achieve much better results than Kun Guess even if they adopt a standing position.

Raytheon said so, just to encourage Kun to guess.

Because everyone has seen Kunchai's hard work, this kid is already desperate.


The second bullet was fired.

The chest ring target in the distance picked up a dust.

This time, everyone was taken aback after watching the impact point.

"Ten Rings?"

The sight was stunned, a little distrustful of his eyes.

"I corrected the trajectory this time." Kunchai got up from the ground and said triumphantly, knelt down with his gun.

He took a kneeling position this time.


"Fuck!" The sight screamed again, "Ten rings!?"

Qin Fei was also secretly surprised, Kunchai's rapid progress unexpectedly exceeded his expectations.

I originally thought that this guy would be able to reach the level of an ordinary army soldier after the three-month training period, even if he had completed the mission. Later, he would slowly sculpt it in battle, but Kun Guai was quite a blockbuster.

"Wow! Our little rookie has learned to fly." The polar bear took the silver flat flask, poured a sip of wine into his mouth, and praised: "Our Qin seems to teach very well."

For the fourth shot, Kunchai stood up, standing without support.


"Nine-ring pressure line!"

The front sight was not without regret and said: "It's almost ten rings!"

These shots gave Kunchai a lot of confidence. He quickly emptied five bullets, then drew a new full-load magazine from the tactical vest to replace it, and began to shoot at the chest ring target 100 meters away.


Dust flew up on the breakthrough behind the target position.

The sight had been holding the telescope and didn't put it down, staring motionlessly at the bullet holes that appeared on the target paper, looking at it, a look of consternation appeared on his face from time to time.

One of the magazines ran out, Kunchai replaced the new magazine again and continued shooting.

Thor walked up to Qin Fei and raised his head towards Kunchai, who was fully engaged in live ammunition training, and said, "Qin, this kid is very talented. I think he can be a second sniper."

The so-called second sniper is the reserve sniper in the special operations squad. Of course, the first sniper is the crosshair. The second sniper can replace the crosshair to perform sniper missions when the crosshair is injured or absent.

Sometimes when a sniper mission is needed, the second sniper can also come in handy and can afford to serve as an observer for the first sniper.

"It's a small surprise. I thought it would be good for him to be able to learn the qualifications of ordinary soldiers, but it seems that he is really talented in shooting." Qin Fei nodded repeatedly, and to be honest, he shot at Kun Guai. The level is also very satisfied.

"Since we are talented, let's have some talented training methods."

The old fish suddenly appeared behind Qin Fei.

Qin Fei looked back, Lao Yu was holding a full-shielding helmet in his hand.

"Old fish, what did you get?"

"This..." The old fish raised the helmet in his hand, before speaking, the polar bear snatched it over.

"How does this thing look a bit like the welding helmet of our army?"

The polar bear took the old fish's helmet and played with it, as if holding a very familiar toy.

"Welding helmet?" Thor said, staring at the strangely shaped helmet, "It looks a bit like the helmet I used to play motorcycles in my hometown."

When he said this, everyone felt a little like it.

This helmet is a little different from the Kevlar helmets used by general troops and special forces. It is very similar to a motorcycle helmet. Keep your sight unobstructed.

"It's the K6-3 bulletproof helmet!" The sight glanced at Thor, and said with an expression of "You have never seen the world": "The most distinctive titanium helmet of the Russian special forces, with first-class defense capabilities. Pistols can't be shot at close range, and rifles are also difficult to penetrate. They are made of titanium alloy, which is too heavy."

"No." The polar bear handed the helmet back to the old fish: "This is not K6-3, nor is it made of titanium at all. This is just an imitation."

"You're right. This is just an imitation, not a welding helmet of the Russian special forces." Lao Yu said: "This is the most distinctive shooting training tool in the animal camp. It is a set."

He walked aside, brought the two boxes of bullets over, then used a stylus to pry open the wooden box board, took out a box of bullets from the inside, tore the seal, and poured out the bullets inside.

"It is necessary to cooperate with these bullets to play a training role." Lao Yu said.

Qin Fei picked up a bullet and found something was wrong when he first started it. The weight was too light, and the bullet was round, black and soft, and seemed to be of rubber texture.

"Low speed bomb?"

"Yes." The old fish picked up a bullet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ grasped the bullet and twisted it hard, the bullet broke apart. The black rubber bullet was originally not solid, it turned out to be a kind of khaki inside.

Qin Fei picked up the crumbs and rubbed them in his hand. The yellow crumbs suddenly turned into powder. It seemed that this kind of bullet core could be crushed with a little effort. The texture was very brittle, and there was almost no toughness at all.

"Clay?" Qin Fei frowned slightly.

"Yeah." The old fish said: "You guessed it, the outer skin of this speed bullet is a thin rubber film, and the inside is fragile clay. This bullet has a very low charge and is not very powerful. The range is only 50 meters, and the caliber can be divided into three types: 7.62, 9 and 5.56 mm. It is suitable for most different guns and is ideal for CQB combat training."

He pointed to the helmet on the table.

"This is used to protect the head, although the power of low-speed bullets is relatively small, but it will blind you even if you hit your eyes."

"What will happen to this thing?" The sight suddenly thought of an interesting question.

The old fish took out his Grote 17, unloaded the magazine, quickly loaded the low-speed training ammunition, and then pushed it up, turning the muzzle to point the front sight.

The sight was taken aback: "Fak! What are you going to do, old fish!?"

"Hey, you help me make a demonstration for everyone to see." Lao Yu smiled, "If you see it for yourself, you will know what it's like to hit the body with this ammunition."

"No!" The sight is certainly not a fool, and Lao Yu's smile makes him feel that something good will never happen.

"It's okay, no one can die." Lao Yu said sincerely, "I promise God."

"Fuck!" The sight jumped up like a rabbit, turned and fled.


Lao Yu raised his hand and shot him in the ass.

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