Absolute Honor

Chapter 326: What is more terrifying than death?

With the sound of the old fish's gun, the sight ghost screamed, clutching his **** and jumping three feet high.

"Fuck! It hurts to hit someone!"

The front sight touched his butt, but there was no major problem. The bullet hit the muscles, the thin rubber membrane broke apart, and the clay inside left a mark on the pants, but there was nothing serious about it.

"This thing must be a piece of purple when it hits the body." Qin Fei also became very interested in this bullet.

“It’s not as effective as you actually fight your opponent to kill ten bullets while lying on the target position.” The old fish said, “Are you interested in playing? These bullets are not cheap, Robert is really good. It will make money, and the training ammunition is more expensive than ordinary bullets."

"In this case, everyone should come to fight against it." Qin Fei said: "Let's make a rule, how to fight?"

"In two groups?" Eric said first. "We have six people now, so it happens to be divided into three groups and two teams."

Shasa said: "Yes, it's okay to play a scoreboard, whoever loses, who pays for the bullet, and drinks at night."

The sight hurriedly raised his hand: "I want to go with the polar bear, but I don't want to go with Kun guessing."

This guy knows that Kun Guai is the worst military among all, and he will lose with him.

Kunchai lowered his head dejectedly. Obviously, it was uncomfortable to be rejected.

"Let's go with Kun Guai." Qin Fei took the initiative to say: "Eric and you are a group, and Lao Yu and I will take Kun Guai with me."

"Boy, you're pretty good." The sight slapped Kunchai's shoulder with a grin. "Qin and Yu are very powerful characters. You may have a chance to win by following them."

In fact, in the close-range CQB actual combat training, although the individual marksmanship and military literacy are the decisive factors, the more important thing is the tacit understanding of the combination of personnel.

The front sight, the polar bear and Thor are all veterans on the battlefield, and of course there is no problem with them.

Although the two of Qin Fei and Lao Yu are not weaker than the other three in military terms, they will definitely have loopholes in cooperation with the oil bottle of Kun Guess. In many places in CQB operations, it is necessary for the three to cooperate seamlessly. Leave the opponent with a chance to shoot. The victory or defeat is often between a few shots. One is often responsible for the defense and search of one side. Once a point is broken, the formation will be disrupted immediately, even if you are strong, the level is different. If you are not far away, you will be hit by the opponent before you turn your gun.

Therefore, with Kun Guai, Qin Fei and Lao Yu's winning rate is really not high.

As expected, in the next confrontation, Kunchai always "dead" in each contact, and then Lao Yu and Qin Fei were beaten into a hornet's nest by the three-person team of the front sight from different angles.

When you are lucky, you can fight 2:3. When you are unlucky, the ending is often 1:3.

Failed again and again, never won.

Inside the CQB training ground, there was a strange laughter from the sight quack.

"Hey! We won again!"

"It's too easy! Get it done!"

"Ah! Qin, you are going to bleed heavily tonight!"

In ten confrontations, Qin Fei's combination with Lao Yu and Kunchai only won twice, and lost the remaining eight times.

Both Qin Fei and Lao Yu have records of shooting opponents, and Kun Guai's scoreboard is always just a zero egg...

"Stop playing!"

Coming out of the CQB training ground for the last time, Kunchai took off his helmet, fell heavily to the ground, and left the training ground without looking back.

"Oh! Can't play it!" The sight squinted at Kunchai who left: "This little rookie has a lot of temper."

"Damn, can you close your stinky mouth with the sight?" Lao Yu couldn't help cursing, "If you haven't experienced the rookie stage, or else, let's go heads-up, can you come?"

The sight knows that Kun guessing can drag Lao Yu and Qin Fei back, and single-handed Lao Yu, there is really no chance of winning.

Lao Yu's combat experience is not generally rich. He and Lao Yu have known each other a long time ago. Lao Yu is a powerful character among the mercenaries in Sierra Leone making money.

"Why? Don't you dare?" This time it's Lao Yu's turn to joke the sight: "Your kid is the persimmon and picks the soft one!"

The sight could not stand the teasing of the old fish, so he gritted his teeth and replaced it with a new magazine.

"Come here, who is afraid of who! Lao Yu, although you are experienced, but you are old, my physical strength and battlefield acuity are better than you."

"We Z people have an old saying that **** is still hot." After the old fish changed the bullets, the two went in separately from different entrances of the CQB training ground.

Soon, the scream of sight came from inside.


On the beach, Qin Fei found Kunchai sitting behind the rock.

"Hidden here after a little frustration?"

Kunchai was opening his T-shirt to see where he was hit by the training bullet. He was the one who had eaten the most bullets among the three, and his chest was covered with dots of purple blood clots.

Although this low-speed bomb can't kill people, it can make people scream in pain.

Seeing Qin Fei, Kun Guai put down his clothes quickly.

Qin Fei pulled away his hand, checked the injury, and said: "It's just a little bit of skin and flesh injury, Kun guess, I told you that you want to become a really powerful and ruthless character, and you have to learn your skills to avenge your sister. You have to be psychologically prepared. The abilities in the world fall from the sky in vain. Unlike your talents, you have three points of talent and seven points of effort. If you can’t hold on to this bit of suffering, Then don't think about revenge, go to a small country, find a small restaurant, hide in the back kitchen and be a tortoise for a lifetime, why suffer such suffering?"


Kun Guai was silent for a while and said: "I'm not afraid of hardship, I am..."

"Isn't you afraid of hardship?" Qin Fei said: "You beat Rudolph in a bar that day. I don't think you are afraid of death anymore. What's more terrible?"

"In addition to death, there are more terrible things." Kunchai said with his head hooked, looking at the sand on the ground.

"Huh?" Qin Fei was taken aback, feeling that what this guy said was not unreasonable. In addition to death, there are indeed many things more terrifying than death.

"I have received asylum under the wings of others for the rest of my life. My sister wants me to stay away from her business and stay away from country D. She wants me to be an ordinary person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but me? But I always wanted to do something big, I wanted her to be proud of me, and wanted to be mentioned by others. Kun guessed no longer saying'that Zhang Lan’s younger brother'. At first I thought it was my self-esteem, but then I understood that I was afraid. ..."

Qin Fei was silent, Kun Guai's psychology was more complicated than he thought.

"I'm really afraid..." Kun guessed his voice as heavy as a block of lead. "I'm afraid that I will disappoint those who care about me. I am afraid of embarrassing them. I used to be like that to my sister. I was angry just now, not because The sight, but because of myself, I am mad at myself...I am useless, I am incompetent, I always embarrass those who help me..."

Qin Fei patted Kunchai heavily on the shoulder: "You didn't shame me. When you beat Rudolph in a bar that day, I thought you gave me a long face. Kun guessed that you are not a vicious person, but You are a very smart person. Just now when you fired live ammunition, it proved that you are very talented. All you need is time and experience. Don’t worry. Two months. We have two months. Give me two months. I Make you a qualified mercenary."

Kunchai's moved tears rolled in his eyes, and watching Qin Fei, a warm feeling surged from the bottom of his heart.

Today, when the people betrayed their relatives, it was Qin Fei, an unaccompanied person who had been guarding his side and caring for himself. Speaking of which, it was much better than those of his relatives who wanted his life.

However, he has been concealing the truth about Qin Fei's origins. This seems to be really unkind, even extremely selfish and despicable.

Do you want to tell Qin Fei?

"Boss, if I did something wrong, would you forgive me?" He looked up at Qin Fei, and he blurted out these words under a strong sense of guilt.

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