Absolute Honor

Chapter 327: uninvited guest

"What did you do wrong?" Qin Fei felt that Kun Gu's words were a little weird today.

Kunchai felt the fire in his throat, and he couldn't swallow his saliva.

After holding back for a long time, he said, "I just said, if I do something wrong in the future, boss, will you forgive me?"

Qin Fei smiled and said: "I and you just happened to meet in prison. Although we are not relatives, but we live and die together. It is not too much to say that it is a fateful relationship. Although you keep calling me the boss, I I don’t think you are a little brother. We are brothers, friends, and comrades in a trench in the future. As long as you don’t do anything damaging, it’s just a wrong thing, I don’t think Qin Fei is that way. mean."

"Really?" Kunchai secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Boss, I will treat you as a gold medal for avoidance of death."

"Why are you a little weird today?" Qin Fei couldn't help but said, "Are you hiding something from me?"

Kunchai suddenly fell into a cold sweat. He suddenly realized that this topic should end here. Qin Fei is not a fool. If he speaks so slowly, he will definitely notice something.

But he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, at least Qin Fei really didn't treat him as an outsider.

As long as it doesn't hurt the nature and reason, then, I just concealed some secrets, shouldn't it be regarded as hurting the nature and reason?

Even though I think so in my heart, Kunchai is still anxious. From recent observations, Qin Fei seems to often think of some clips when he was in the army, and it seems that he even remembers his mother's name. Sooner or later, he will recover. memory.

I must find a suitable time to confess, otherwise, when Qin Fei recovers his memory, everything will be over.

But the right time is not now.

Thinking of this, Kunchai decided to press the secret that had been vomited back into his stomach again.

"It's nothing weird. I was just in a bad mood and felt that I was embarrassing the boss."

Qin Fei said: "Come on, don't be long-winded like a woman, mother-in-law, you have nothing wrong with your nature, but sometimes you are like a mother-in-law, which is very annoying."

"Well, I won't dare to go back to training with you now."

"Let's go."


Since this weather, Kunchai's performance once again exceeded Qin Fei's expectations.

In the following training, Kun guessing did not make Qin Fei worry about how to train, just how to train, without cutting corners, the daily training content is still half-day physical fitness, half-day application subjects, in the last month, Kunchai was even taken to the sea by Qin Fei and taught him how to use equipment for deep diving and underwater application blasting.

During this period, Qin Fei's team had a few more people.

These people are not others, but the fellow who called Qin Fei on behalf of Kunchai—Chen Yong.

Chen Yong used to be a soldier in the country. He was a tank soldier of a certain unit. His hometown was in the Hujian province (in order to avoid river crabs, all place names are homophonic, guess it yourself). People there like to go north and south, and Chen Yong is no exception. After working as an armored soldier for a few years, he went home with his uncle to the Republic of South Sudan (still anti-harmony) to do business.

In the not-so-quiet land of Nan Sudan, the Huaxia people still survived tenaciously like grass in the cracks of the rock. They opened supermarkets, clinics, and farms and became prosperous.

While making money, it also attracted red eyes. Locals gradually sneaked into Uncle Chen Yong's supermarket at night and stole some food and belongings. Later, the stealing turned into a looting.

In the first month after Chen Yong arrived in Nan Sudan, two of the three supermarkets run by his uncle were robbed. At the same time, one night, a gangster broke into another Chinese restaurant and cut his throat while looting property. The shopkeeper who was in his thirties died.

This case caused a huge shock in the Chinese circle. This time, all the bosses who had run their own scattered sands gathered together. Everyone paid for a few guns and planned to organize a security team for self-defense.

However, after organizing, I found out that it’s not enough to have a gun. The only guy in the security team who has touched a gun is Chen Yong. Moreover, Chen Yong had used automatic rifles as a recruit. What he learned in the company was The tank driver is professional. Compared with other infantry professions, he is good at driving and operating armored vehicles and tanks. He is also a tank gunner, but the infantry profession has only learned the most basic exercise. To say that the military quality of individual soldiers is no better than those How many armed tribal soldiers have survived in turbulent areas all year round.

Finally, Chen Yong's uncle found out that there was a well-known mercenary training camp here. He gritted his teeth and paid for a few bosses to let Chen Yong and two other boys come here to study together.

After Qin Fei and Lao Yu's group of six were in the bar, they have become the big reds in the camp.

Of course, Chen Yong also heard about this incident. Besides, everyone is Chinese. Although Qin Fei heard that he was a passport holder of T country, Chen Yong was a ghost, and he knew at a glance that Qin Fei was definitely not an overseas Chinese in T country. , Is a person born and raised in country Z like a fake replacement, and he must be a member of the special forces, otherwise he would definitely not have such good skills.

Of course, he wouldn't be so stupid that he went to search for Qin Fei's life experience. That was a stupid approach. Who has no reason to be floating abroad?

Ever since, Chen Yong came to Qin Fei with nothing to do for three days. In name, he was looking for a fellow but actually wanted to learn something from Qin Fei.

In his words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The instructor of the animal camp is nothing compared to Qin Fei.

Finally, not only Chen Yong came, but also his two companions.

Due to the nature of profit, no one will take care of you if you do not come to the training courses here. Chen Yong and his companions have free time, and Qin Fei's time here is getting more and more frequent.

On the contrary, Qin Fei welcomed Chen Yong's arrival very much.

Kunchai's training must not be able to keep up with the other veterans in the team, but they are almost on the starting line with Chen Yong.

Training with people of the same level can help improve performance, so Qin Fei combined Chen Yong and the other three with Kunchai for the most rigorous military training.

Two months of time passed slowly and unconsciously like water in the fingers, and in a blink of an eye, this beast camp training came to an end.

Early this morning, an unexpected guest came to Qin Fei and others' residence.

This guest did not come by himself, but by the three sisters.

Since the bar incident, Qin Fei has never seen the three sisters again. It is said that he went to the hospital to lie down for a while, and then returned to the animal camp to keep a low profile. Besides, Qin Fei and the others are their own independent residences, and it is normal for them not to see each other.

Unexpectedly, two months later, the three sisters came to the door by themselves.

"Are you Qin Fei?"

Standing in front of the three sisters was a tall guy with a face that was typical of Caucasians—deep eye sockets, low cheekbones, high nose, and two thin lips like a blade.

"Yes, it's me." Qin Fei looked at the uninvited guest in front of him, and was very clear in his heart that, just like Zunni said, the one who is going to come is going to come after all.

"I'm Zero." The uninvited guest glanced casually at the three sisters behind him, "It's their leader."

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