Absolute Honor

Chapter 329: It's not easy to be home

Needless to say, Qin Fei knew that Kunchai's purpose of being a mercenary was not only to protect himself, but also to have the opportunity to find the leader of the Black Sun organization for revenge in the future.

Among all the people, the reason why Thor Eric was a mercenary was the most surprising.

He said: "I am interested."

Qin Fei said: "No matter what you are going to be a mercenary for, since we plan to do it together, we don't want to see everyone lose their lives. Since we are a mercenary, then we must be the best mercenaries and earn enough with the fastest speed. Get a pension, get out as soon as possible, and get mixed up in this business, no one will have a good end."

The front sight said: "I want to make a lot of money, then find a quiet place to settle down, and then find a beautiful woman to give birth to a football team for me!"

"Front sight, I advise you to change your current lifestyle. You must know that Africa is an area with a high incidence of AIDS. Don't be a planter all day long. You can live until the day of your wedding." The old fish couldn't help but hit the front sight. For a long time, the romance of the front sight was well-known in the circle.

"Well, let's not talk about these things first, let's talk about the issue of team formation." Qin Fei said: "Our biggest problem now is logistics support. Weapons and equipment are delivered directly on the plane. If we pick up the mission, I’m afraid we won’t be able to do that."

Polar Bear said: "Many employers can now provide weapons, we don't have to ship them ourselves."

"That won't work. Weapons that we can find are definitely not easy to handle. For us mercenaries, the gun is our lover. We want to fall in love with it. You have to go to the battlefield before you know the new gun. It's easy to get into trouble." The sight said.

"Logistics support is indeed very important. Many times fighting is to fight logistics." Lao Yu said: "We had better be able to build our own ammunition depot and arsenal, otherwise it will be inconvenient to move, and we must find someone who is familiar with ordnance to take charge of us. Firearms management. The Protector Company has its own armory. When they take over the task somewhere, they will set up temporary warehouses there, just like our office in Liberty City at that time. A room is dedicated to stacking weapons and ammunition."

"Now we still don't seem to have such strong capital, and we are also short of manpower. The establishment of the armory is to send someone to guard it. No one is guarded, and I don't know if it is evacuated." Qin Fei said: "But We can customize some weapons for ourselves, and we can use them on missions in different places. We can’t throw away the weapons after one mission and buy them next time. That would be a waste of money.”

Raytheon said: "There are two options, one is to rely on the protector type of big company, let them provide logistics services, we take the task ourselves, the other is that we find those independent arms dealers, they usually have defenses. The company’s name actually provides weapons for mercenaries, but they all provide weapons to large companies, and people don’t like small orders."

Lao Yu scratched his head and said: "We have only six people now. I am afraid that customizing some weapons is not a big list. It may not be easy to find arms dealers who are willing to provide retail."

The sight said: "There are many arms dealers in South Africa. I know some people who do this. Or, will you come back to South Africa with me? There are many such companies in Cape Town or Johannesburg, ranging from large to small. Yes, it provides equipment customization and logistics services for security and private military companies."

Hearing the sight of the sight saying that he was going back to South Africa, the old fish couldn't help but said: "Do you dare to go back? Are you afraid that your boss will find you and cut your eggs?"

The crosshair curled his lips and said, "Go back quietly. I don't plan to meet my acquaintances before. I guess he is not so magical to know that I'm back."

"That's OK. In this case, we can go to South Africa to try our luck." Qin Fei said, "Be careful, there shouldn't be any trouble."

"Then what about our guns here?" Raytheon said: "If we don't cooperate with Robert, I'm afraid he won't provide us with transportation services."

The old fish thought for a while, and suddenly smiled, pointing to Qin Fei and said, "It's easy to store it temporarily, but we want Qin Fei to use beautiful men's tricks."

"What kind of handsome man?" Qin Fei was startled, Lao Yu's words sounded like an old bustard in a kiln.

"Junni." Old Yu said, "You forgot that his brother is an officer in the Eritrean army? Since Robert gave him shares in the bar, it proved that this person's position is not low, and she can help her find her officer brother and store it. A batch of weapons is not a big deal in the army’s warehouse. Once we find a suitable logistics support company, we will send them to the place where we are going to work."

Qin Fei thought of Zunni's gaze that wanted to swallow him alive, and hurriedly said: "I'm not going to do it. I won't do things that sell hue."

"You are not afraid of war, and you are also afraid of a little black girl?" The sight yelled: "I am willing to do it for you, but Zunni probably looks down on me."

"Although this batch of VZ58 assault rifles is not a valuable thing, it is a sum of money anyway. If we are difficult to start a business, you can just feel wronged." Lao Yu said, "I guess you don't have to really betray your hue. Say a few good things. Coax the girl, or just give the other party some money."

Qin Fei thinks about it, there are three VZ58 assault rifles, and a Russian-made SVD sniper rifle used by the sight, plus the Polar Bear RPKS machine gun, which is a small amount of money. As Lao Yu said, starting a business is difficult, so you can save a little bit.

"Well, I can try this." Qin Fei said: "Since we have decided to go to South Africa, then we can calculate what weapons and ammunition we need to customize. Everyone will give me the list. I will see you then. Arms dealer, I'll place an order for him after we negotiate the price."

"I don’t need to add any weapons~www.wuxiaspot.com~ My favorite is RPKS. With this machine gun, I only need enough ammunition. By the way, if it is in stock, get me Viper. I am missing a handgun."

Viper pistol, also known as Giulza pistol, is a pistol name that mainly relies on a heavy warhead and a special structure to emphasize penetrating power. It is a 9X21 mm caliber bullet with a magazine capacity of 18 rounds and can be used to kill 50m. Living targets wearing Class I, Class II or Class III body armor, or destroying cars, radars and other technical equipment, are known as the nemesis of special police and police.

"Okay, I took it down." Qin Fei said.

"I want an assault rifle like yours." Kun pointed at the VZ58 placed in the corner of the room. "I tried it with the AK47 recently, and I feel that this gun is even better than the AK-47."

"VZ58's expandability will be better than AK-47, and the craftsmanship is much more refined than his." The sight said: "Kun guess you guy has a good eye."

"But, boss..." Kun Guai blushed and looked at Qin Fei and said, "I have no money."

Qin Fei was happy, and said: "Okay, I will give you a pad, and I will give it back to me after I have made money from the task."

"Long live the boss!" Kunchai cheered very excitedly, and then said, "Can I ask for a pistol?"

"Of course, a pistol is definitely needed." Qin Fei said: "When you arrive in South Africa, see if I can get you a Grote 17, which is a good gun with very low recoil, suitable for you. Novice."

Lao Yu said: "As long as everything else has been discussed, let's study the last two questions-what is the name of the mercenary group? And that is, the proportion of mission dividends. Let's make things clear, first villain Houjunzi, lest anyone chew your tongue in the future."

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