Absolute Honor

Chapter 330: Good names are given to dogs

"Speaking of names, most of the names of the mercenary groups in Africa nowadays are varied, and almost everyone can think of them." The sight said: "It is a headache to name them."

"Or, call it a metal slug?"

Kun Guai was the first to express his opinion, but immediately attracted a pair of contemptuous eyes.

"You think you're playing video games! It's also a Metal Slug, why not call it Final Fantasy?" Thor said, "It's naive to listen."

Kun guessed unconvinced: "Listen well! Otherwise you can tell me a little bit."

Thor said: "Well, I think there are many myths in my hometown in Northern Europe. Look at my nickname, they are all myths. If you want me to choose a name, I will take Zeus or something, it sounds exciting!"

"Come on!" Kunchai counterattacked uncompromisingly: "I have also read Norse mythology. There are some wolfs, snakes, cats and dogs in it, what snakes in the atrium, what water monsters, and What kind of giant wolves are all beasts."

The two of you looked at me and said, and neither of them agreed with each other, and quickly became a quarrel.

"Okay, stop arguing!" The old fish drank the two of them, and then said to Qin Fei: "The issue of group names is really difficult to handle, but many mercenary groups are either armed with **** names, like ZERO's gods, and Satan and the like, there are also animals, wolves, arctic foxes and the like. Of course, there are also some messy things that sound gloomy and murderous, like mourners or gravediggers. It depends on how you want to use them. "

Speaking of this, Qin Fei also scratched his head.

The polar bear grinned and said: "It's nice to use animals! Look, my nickname is animals, polar bears, how exciting it sounds? Or, I don't charge royalties, so I can use them for free, so I call them polar bears?"

"When I heard that, they thought that the people in our regiment were all big boys, not to mention that you are not the head of the regiment, Qin Fei is the one, and if you need to use his nickname." The sight asked Qin Fei: "That's right, Qin Fei, you Do you have a nickname?"

"No." Qin Fei shook his head, "I can't remember if I did, you forgot my amnesia?"

"Ah!" The sight suddenly woke up, Qin Fei and the guy are amnesiacs, and can't remember anything from the previous events.

"Would you like to give you a nickname?" The sight said: "Being a mercenary, you must have a nickname, and you must be vigorous and representative. You see my nickname is because I am a sniper. , So the nickname Sight is the most appropriate."

"Or, is it called the Sharp Blade Mercenary Group?" Kunchai thought of another name.

"Sulky!" The sight immediately denied: "It sounds like a pig killer, and the name has been used."

Kun Guai turned his mind: "Would you not use the English abbreviation, like FSB, which is the Federal Security Bureau of others, simple and easy to remember, but also catchy."

Qin Fei suddenly covered his mouth and laughed.

Kun Guai looked embarrassed: "Is there a problem with this name?"

Qin Fei said: "FORSHABI? Do you think there is a problem?"

"Why don't you call it a lone wolf?" Lao Yu said, "It is very popular to use wolves as group names, such as black wolves and lone wolves."

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "Because there are too many names, each of them is scared to death, and one is more ruthless. In fact, I guess many of them are parallel imports."

"This won't work, that won't work." Kun Guai said dejectedly: "All good names are given to dogs."

The sight star squinted at Qin Fei, and suddenly said, "I remember one thing. Don't all of you in Country Z like to call yourself rabbits? Or, just call the rabbit mercenary group."

"Rabbit mercenary group?" Thor said: "It doesn't seem to be murderous."

"To be murderous?" Kunchai said, "How about the alloy rabbit?"

"Okay!" Qin Fei felt that as the discussion went on, all the birds and beasts had come out. "Since it is so difficult to name it, just don't use it. Just use an unknown code name. I have a suggestion, just use X. Instead."

"X mercenary group!?" Lao Yu's eyes lit up, "It seems pretty good."

"I agree too!" Thor said: "In mathematics, X is the code name for the unknown, which means that our combat effectiveness is unknown. It sounds a bit frightening."

The front sight pondered for a while, and nodded: "Very good, I think it's good, I suggest that we should print this X on our combat vest as our code name."

"Okay! That's it!" Qin Fei said: "Don't get entangled with this issue, just the X Corps. Tomorrow someone will find someone to print this emblem on our combat vest, and it will be our emblem from now on!"

"Now that the name of the regiment has been determined, let's discuss the matter of division." Lao Yu said, "I will mention my initial thoughts. I suggest that the head of our X Corps should be Qin Fei. All of you present here can be regarded as ours. The founding members of the group, after paying all the fees for each task, a commission of 10% is given to the person who takes the task as a reward. The remaining 90% of the profit will be paid by Qin Fei 20%, and the rest will be shared equally."

"I agree." Kun guess first raised his hand.

Others also agreed.

Qin Fei waved his hand: "I don't agree with this division. Although you elect me as the head of the team, I don't want to engage in privileges. My suggestion is to give 10% of the people who take the task as a reward, and then the remaining 90% of the profit will be used as a reward. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Set aside 30% as a fund. The purpose of the fund can be to buy an insurance for everyone, and the remaining money can be used as public expenditure in the future when we want to build a company. The remaining 60% of the profit, everyone Evenly split. Every year if the amount of the fund reaches a certain level, if it exceeds the development needs of our company, then a part of it can be used as a year-end dividend. Each founding member is a shareholder of the X Corps and can receive a dividend."

Everyone was stunned.

Because in the mercenary circle, it was the rule of the regiment leader to take the big head, and he didn't expect Qin Fei to give up this privilege.

"Qin, have you considered it clearly?" Lei Shen said, "The head of the group takes the big head. No one in this line will say that you are giving up this right. It doesn't seem to be in compliance."

"We Z people have an old saying that rules are used to break." Qin Fei said: "Unconventional rules themselves are established by people, and people can break them. I think it's just that. Do you have any comments? "

"No objection, I have no objection." The sight was a little excited: "Sounds very happy, I seem to be a boss..."

The polar bear said: "You can get a 10% commission on the task. This reward is very interesting. It seems that I have to contact some old relationships and get more tasks. I am quite short of money."

"Well, that's it for today's discussion. Should we go to the bar to have a good meal to celebrate the establishment of our X Corps?" Old Yu looked at Qin Fei and said meaningfully: "Moreover, our Qin The chief seems to have some official duties to go to the bar to deal with."

Qin Fei remembered that the old fish suggested that he find Zunni to temporarily store the weapons in the Eritrean military warehouse. When he thought of the enthusiastic black girl, he couldn't help but blush.

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