Absolute Honor

Chapter 348: mutation

Major Cambert quickly appeared in sight.

"Mr. Robert, what's your order?"

Robert reluctantly said to Cambert: "Give me a satellite phone. Also, our training camp has a training boat. You can fill them up and wait on the dock."

"Mr. Robert, you are planning to..." Cambert's face changed slightly.

"Don't talk nonsense, do as I said." Robert said indiscriminately and gave Cumbert the order directly.

"Okay." Cambert looked at his watch: "But it will take some time, and I am worried that the Russians will not agree..."

"If you don’t agree, you have to agree. You lead people to look at them. This is my site. I have the final say. This is Eritrea, Africa, not Russia! As for the government, you call me and I will follow They coordinated.” After all, Robert had seen the world, and he was unambiguous when he was tough. After all, the pistol Qin Fei came to behind his back was more threatening than the danger afterwards.

"Yes." Cambert glanced at Qin Fei, then turned and left.

Qin Fei cautiously walked back into the room against Robert, and no one could guarantee that there was no sniper watching outside.

"Okay, there is only so much I can do." Closing the door, Robert said, "But I tell you, today’s things are not over, Qin, you are not only offending the Russians, but also the government and me here. , I think it will be difficult for you to mix in Africa in the future. I hope you still hide in your hometown, Asia, or you will die ugly."

This threat wasn't Robert bragging, it was indeed the case.

After this incident is over, it is really difficult for the X mercenary group to do anything in Africa.

No one wants to hire a team of mercenaries targeted by Russian Mafia, a country’s government, and a protector company at the same time.

It seems that this mercenary group is really ill-fated, it has just become a storm, and in a blink of an eye it has become a target of public criticism.

who cares!

Qin Fei's brutality is coming up again, he is dead but upside down, and he won't die for thousands of years!

Tying up Robert and throwing it in the corner of the room, Qin Fei walked to the operating table to check the operation of Raytheon.

The bullet has been taken out, but fortunately it didn't hurt the internal organs, but there was some internal bleeding, which is not serious. This amount of bleeding can wait for the body to absorb it naturally, and there is no need to do much other processing.

The wound is stitched up, after all, it is a professional, and the craftsmanship is quite good.

Thor's situation looks much better, and it's no longer so painful. A pair of eyeballs looked at Qin Fei and said: "Qin, I'm sorry, let everyone be in danger for me... Actually, I don't intend to hurt you, just kill. There was a small accident while Vera, someone suddenly came in..."

"Okay, don't say anything." Qin Fei said: "What the **** is going on, you must tell me, not only me, but everyone else, but it's not the time to talk about it. When we get out of it, There is time for you to explain clearly."

Thor nodded gratefully and stopped talking.

Qin Fei turned to the two doctors and said, "You are free, let's go."

The two medical staff glanced at each other, then went away in a panic, and quickly disappeared outside the door.

"Just let the two of them go like this?" Crosshair asked a little worried: "Is it better to have two more hostages?"

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "The government troops and mercenaries outside, do you think they will not kill us because of the two medical staff? You know, we are not really kidnappers."

The crosshair thought for a while, and felt that Qin Fei made sense, and the two medical staff really didn't make much difference.

Chen Yong and his two fellows squatted in a corner of the house, muttering that they didn't know what they were talking about.

Qin Fei stepped forward and looked at it for a while. Chen Yong and the other two fellows tapped on the wood with their fingers. After tapping, they were saying something in Hokkien.

"What did you find?" he couldn't help asking.

Chen Yong turned his head to see Qin Fei, stood up and said, "My two fellow villagers used to come here to do construction. They said this is a bit weird."

"What's weird?" Qin Fei leaned forward and asked.

Chen Yong had wanted to say something, suddenly he glanced at Robert's head, and murmured for a while with his mouth attached to Qin Fei's ear.

Qin Fei suddenly understood.

Actually, Chen Yong and his fellow villagers discovered that this place didn’t seem to be a vacant lot, because from the corner joints, we could see a trace of a very old-fashioned cement wall. This cement had a very low marking and was very brittle. They just picked it up. I cut out a large piece, so I think it can be dug out.

Dig out?

Qin Fei felt that there was no such need now. After all, Robert was in hand, so it would be easier to leave by boat.

However, he kept his eyes on him, got up and pushed Robert to the outside room, went back inside and said to Chen Yong: "You guys try and see what you can dig out, but be careful, don’t let anyone find out. ."

Chen Yong said: "This house is already the outermost area of ​​the stadium, and we have estimated this direction. It happens to be in the middle of the two exits, and there is a forest on the opposite side. Although it is still a training camp site, there are almost no people at night."

Qin Fei felt that there was no harm in having multiple backups. After all, he was trained in special operations, but for special operations, he likes to prepare several plans, and there are never too many backup plans.

Going back to the outside room and looking at the watch, ten minutes passed.

Qin Fei felt something was wrong.

The old fish came over and asked, "What? Is there any progress?"

Qin Fei shook his head: "It's strange, even if the ship is not arranged, at least it doesn't take that long to get a satellite phone?"

After hearing Qin Fei's words, everyone was a little uneasy.

The sight said: "Damn it, isn't it that Cambert didn't plan to save Robert at all?"

Robert heard it loudly: "Impossible! I'm still the leader here, and everyone outside listens to me! What is he Cambert!? I'll go and see!"

Having said that, we must get up and walk out of the door.

After all, Robert still cherishes his life very much. As Qin Fei said, rich people are afraid of death. Barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes. In this medical room, the shoes on Robert's feet are the most valuable.

"I'm going to watch him." The old fish followed Robert as he said, carefully letting Robert block his figure so as not to be killed by a sniper.

The old fish opened the door for Robert by the door, and Robert stood in the middle of the door and shouted outside.

"Cambert! You son of a bitch, my phone is! Why haven't you brought it to me for so long!"

Apart from the noisy voices, no one responded.

Qin Fei stood up, walked to the window, carefully opened the corner of the curtain and looked out.

In the sight of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the entire fighting arena is still brightly lit. More than two thousand mercenaries are sitting in the stands, all pointing towards the medical room like watching a play.

Nearby, there are some government soldiers guarding various exits, nothing unusual.

Robert yelled a few more times, but still did not respond.

"It's weird..." Qin Fei just wanted to put down the curtains. He felt that something was wrong, so he had to pull Robert back before talking, so he said to the old fish by the door: "Old fish..."

Bang bang--

In the sky, two red flares suddenly rose.

Qin Fei was taken aback. Is this a joke to act? Are they ignoring the life and death of Robert? How can it be?

"Bring Robert back!" he yelled sharply.


It was too late, a bullet pierced Robert's eyebrows instantly, and the brains and Tianlinggu bones splashed out, everywhere.

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