Absolute Honor

Chapter 349: Robert has gone to see God

The hostage Robert, who was used as a life-saving talisman, actually died!

Qin Fei and Lao Yu couldn't believe that this scene was real. It felt like it was watching a movie. There was no warning in the first second, and the dog led the lunch in the next second!

What is even more incredible is that Robert was actually kicked by his snipers on his own territory and sent to the west!

The corpse fell heavily to the ground, and almost at the same time, there was a burst of gunshots in the distance.

"Get down!"

Qin Fei and Lao Yu yelled at each other almost at the same time, and then leaped forward on the ground.

Dozens of bullets hit the wall where the two of them were hiding in an instant, and some bullets broke the glass, which made Qin Fei had to crawl back down the corner to avoid the pieces of glass that fell on the ground.

This thing is very sharp, coupled with the speed and weight of the fall, if people are unlucky, they will directly be cut through the carotid artery.

Bullets are flying around in the house outside. Unlike jungle combat, bullets hitting a concrete wall will not be easily eaten by trees like shooting in the jungle.

Hard cement will make warheads, especially steel-core warheads slap and fly everywhere, and this kind of ricochet is also the easiest to kill the unlucky person.

Qin Fei tried his best to lower his posture at the corner of the wall, holding the Colt offensive pistol snatched from Robert in one hand, and covering his head and neck with the other, shouting at the old fish: "Old fish. What the **** happened?!"

Lao Yu shook his head, glanced at Robert, who was completely dead, and said in disbelief, "Damn, I can only say that the guys outside are crazy."

"I don't know who ordered the shooting!" Qin Fei said, "Could it be those high-ranking officials?"

On this territory, only these people had the courage and power to put Robert to death, but Qin Fei quickly rejected his idea.

Robert set up a beast battalion here and trained elite troops for Eritrea. According to the news that was revealed intentionally or unintentionally from Jonni, many military personnel and high-level officials had shares and dividends. In other words, Robert whose head was smashed was Their golden boy is their cash cow.

No one would have trouble with his own money, so no one would even bother to kill Robert, at least for the sake of money, he had to hold his life.


The crisp sound of the metal impact caught Qin Fei's attention, and when he looked up, he almost jumped out of his body in fright.

There are actually two huge oxygen tubes erected in the corners of the house. This thing is taller than a human being. Originally, bullets from this angle could not hit the corner, but the ricochet could.

"Old fish, oxygen tank!" Qin Fei pointed to the corner and exclaimed, "If it blows up, we will die more ugly than Robert."

The two of them didn’t care that the ricochet would hit themselves, and they would normally not die if they were hit by the ricochet to the point of drinking cold water and stuffing their teeth. But once the two oxygen cylinders were much larger than the 155 cannonball. It burst, I'm afraid that Qin Fei and Lao Yu's corpses will not be able to stay.

Lying on the ground, the two of them climbed up to the oxygen cylinders like lizards, each holding them directly to the oxygen cylinders higher than humans. In order to prevent the valve from smashing the valve and leaking pure oxygen, the two had to be human flesh cushions.

Each of these large oxygen tubes weighed at least over 100 kilograms, and it was fortunate that the two of them were physically strong and didn't break their bones.

"I'm fucking." The old fish held the oxygen cylinder pressed on his chest and said with a pained expression: "I almost didn't press out the shit."

The gunfire suddenly dropped a bit, and the bullets were not as dense as before entering the room.

The front sight and others in the back room did not dare to come out from the door hastily, so they could only lean against the wall and ask Qin Fei and Lao Yu loudly, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay! My fate is so bad that I won't die for the time being!" Qin Fei said.

The old fish suddenly raised his index finger and pressed his lips to "hush", signalling everyone to be quiet.

Qin Fei pricked his ears and listened carefully. Suddenly, there was a slight rattle in the corridor.

It was the sound of army boots stepping on the broken glass on the ground. As soon as the fire was fired, not a single window in this row of rooms was intact.

"somebody is coming."

Qin Fei gave Lao Yu a tactical sign language, and then slowly climbed to the opposite side of Lao Yu.

At this time, the door of the room had not been closed, and Robert had been headshot within a few seconds after opening the door, so the door remained open.

Qin Fei wanted to close the door. After all, opening the door is equivalent to letting the enemy from outside rush in. But Robert's corpse was lying on the threshold. To close the door, he had to move the corpse of the servant. People must have seen movement, and then another round of shooting, I am afraid they will be lying on the ground again as a lizard.

"Take it." Lao Yu said softly, and ran over to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei took it in his hand and saw that it was an 82-2 type of offensive and defensive grenades made by State Z!

Qin Fei couldn't be more familiar with this weapon, holding it in his hand as easily as a childhood toy.

The old fish pointed to both sides of the door, and pointed to the grenade.

Qin Fei immediately understood, and directly tore off the safety ring of the 82 grenade, holding the gun in one hand and pressing the trigger reed on the grenade with the other.

When the people on both sides of the door approached, the footsteps became heavier and heavier.

Suddenly, Qin Fei heard a slight "click".

It was exactly the same as the sound of the safety buckle that I had pulled off 82 Thunder before.

The other party also intends to throw thunder into the room. This is the best way. No one knows whether there is an enemy in the room with the muzzle at you. Then the best CQB offensive method is to either throw a grenade into the room first, or Throw a shock bomb or something and rush in to fill the gun.

Knowing that they could no longer wait, Qin Fei and Lao Yu nodded to each other, and threw the grenade from the broken window.



As the explosion sounded, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ screams echoed throughout the corridor.

Dust and rubble were violently swept in by air waves from the windows and doorways.

Then, there were two explosions in succession.

The air wave was involved again, and this time there were more human parts and trachea. A **** severed hand fell less than a meter in front of Qin Fei, looking like a dirty pig's hoof. .

Type 82-2 is a kind of steel ball mine, with hundreds of small steel **** inside the projectile. These little things scoffed into the house from the broken window, shooting out countless pits on the opposite wall.

"Oh--" Qin Fei suddenly felt a pain in his thigh, like someone pierced a red iron bar directly into the muscle and couldn't help twisting his body a few times.

Qin Fei knew very well in his heart that it must be a masterpiece of steel **** that bounced back. This is not a place to stay for a long time, so he must leave immediately.

Dragging Robert's corpse into the room, Qin Fei looked at Robert, who had lost a piece of the sky, and sighed: "Robert, I'm sorry, I can't help but borrow your corpse."

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