Absolute Honor

Chapter 351: Real people show up

"What?" Qin Fei couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard Lao Yu say that these may be "army" people.

Lao Yu said: "Let's put it this way, I can't say that it is a regular army. But it is also an army, a local armed force."

"Local armed forces?" Qin Fei said, "Eritrea has never heard of rebel forces?"

"It's not here, but it doesn't mean it's not nearby." Lao Yu said: "Don't forget who is Eritrea's neighboring country."

"Somali!?" The others exclaimed in a low voice, almost in unison.

"Yes, my time in Africa is not short. I have also been to Somalia on missions. At that time, I was escorting a batch of supplies to the UN troops there, so I still have a little understanding of the tribal armed forces there." The old fish pointed outside and said, "Those guys look like the people over there."

Qin Fei said suspiciously: "It doesn't make sense. Although Eritrea is not a powerful country, it is not a country that allows people to enter and exit casually. Somalia's local armed forces can break into this place in a big way? And dare to break into this thousands of mercenaries. Training camp? Isn't this looking for death?"

"Under normal circumstances, it is impossible, but it does not mean it is completely impossible. Don’t forget, what day is tonight, the fighting competition, everyone was shot in the fighting hall, and you can’t carry guns, two thousand. Mercenaries are now bare-handed, only slightly better than two thousand ordinary people, and they are easy to deal with." Lao Yu said.

"But how come the Somali tribal armed forces are so clear about the situation in the training camp? Don't you think it is strange?" Qin Fei said, "how do these people know the internal situation?"

"Qin Fei, take a closer look. There are so many people killed outside. There are government soldiers, bodyguards, and mercenaries in training camps. There is only one kind of people who have not seen the presence." Old Yu said, "No. Do you think it is weird?"

"Fak!" The sight slapped his hands and exclaimed: "Yes! No one is the guard of the beast camp itself..."

His conversation was quickly interrupted by the sound from the loudspeaker outside.

"Qin! Are you okay?"

A familiar voice came into the room.

Qin Fei frowned and listened, and immediately exclaimed in a low voice: "It's Major Cumbert!"

The old fish shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Look, now my guess can make sense? Internal response, with internal response, the Somali tribal armed forces can sneak into the contract, here is very close to Somalia, you have to quietly dock from the sea, as long as the shore There are no guards on the side, and there are several training boats in this training camp, which can sail out of the open sea and connect with Somalis, and then use the training boat to transport to the base of the animal camp to land, there is no problem."

"Major!" Qin Fei shouted to the outside: "You did a beautiful job tonight. I think you must have made a fortune now? It's just that you have offended so much by killing Robert. People, I'm afraid you will run away for the rest of your life."

Although Qin Fei didn't know the true context of the matter, he accepted Lao Yu's conjecture, so he simply threw out this set of remarks to take a bit of Cambert's tone.

Unexpectedly, Cambert was very upright, didn't intend to deny it at all, and just admitted it.

"Yes, Qin, I really admire you! You are a smart person. I have seen so many mercenaries. It can be said that I don't appreciate much. You are one of them."

Cambert was holding a hand-held horn with a battery, which he usually used when conducting training in the animal camp, and it came in handy at this time.

"I said before, I like you very much. If I can, I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you. Now, I think it’s time to send you a formal invitation. I don’t want to be an enemy of you, and I don’t want my men to be in vain. If you die, you can’t escape, and I can kill you, but it’s meaningless to kill each other. There is no grudge between you and me. There is no need to fight to death."

Qin Fei blew his brother's whistle to Chen Yong, and Chen Yong turned his head.

Qin Fei asked: "How is the hole dug?"

The two Chen Yong fellows who were digging the hole turned their heads sweating profusely: "It's very soon, I will open a hole in another five minutes."

Qin Fei nodded: "Our lives are in the hands of a few people. Whether we can leave alive tonight depends on whether we can dig the hole."

The sight said with a smile: "And God bless, there is no one outside the cave, otherwise someone finds we are digging a hole and want to escape, a grenade man comes in, we all have to belch."

"Qin! Are you still there? How are you thinking about my invitation?"

Lao Yu squinted at Qin Fei. Since it takes a few minutes, he must delay Cambert before then, try to make him think that Qin Fei wants to survive and consider his proposal carefully.

Qin Fei immediately understood and said loudly: "Major, I don't understand a little bit. There is no hatred between you and me, but what about Robert? He has no hatred with you, and he is still your gold master. He didn't hesitate to get rid of it. How do I know that I won't be caught by you and your men just after I promised you and walked out of this door?"

"Robert is not my sponsor. I brought a group of brothers from the former EO company to help him set up a protector company. The people who fought with Jiangshan back then were either injured or dead, but what have we gained over the years? Robert succeeded and became the big boss. What about us old brothers? He is old and useless. He came to the beast camp as an instructor, even as the so-called captain of the guard. Thousands of dollars, do you think this is what we deserve? This is the'prosperity and wealth' that we are born and die for?"

Cambert seemed to get more and more excited as he spoke.

"This animal camp has been profitable since the year before last year, and the annual income is at least tens of millions. We don’t get any shit. Therefore, his lifelessness has little to do with us. For an ungrateful person, it’s him who sent him to see God. The best destination, Dangjean, I don’t know if warmongers like Robert are qualified to see God. Neither do I, we are all Satan’s servants, we should go to hell!"

Qin Fei interrupted Cumbert: "Major, I regret the grievances between you and Robert, but I just want to say that tonight, my teammates and I are just passing by, just accidentally crashing into your plan. , I wonder if you can let us go and let us leave here alive. I have no interest in your prosperity and disputes of interest. We just want to leave..."

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave like this. If you don't cooperate, there is only a dead end, just like them." Cambert pointed to the corpse on the ground: "These are all uncooperative ends. Guns can deal with hundreds of us, you can try."

Cambert seemed to be very patient, which made Qin Fei a little puzzled. The matter is now very clear. Campbell and his men are full of Robert, so they contacted outsiders to rebel together. Thor's assassination of Vera tonight is just an accidental episode before the opening of the show. Qin Fei and others Accidentally involved in this big drama, even if there is no Thor, I am afraid that tonight's fighting field will not be able to go out.

Robert didn't die before, probably because the Somali hadn't arrived yet, and Cambert hadn't done it yet. The two signal flares were the signal that opened the prelude to the action, not an attack against himself.

When they attacked the medical room just now, gunshots from other places also confirmed that they were fighting in other places.

The number of government soldiers and bodyguards standing here tonight is estimated to be one or two hundred people, and there are more than 300 guards in the animal camp under Robert alone, plus the absolutely large number of Somalis, and they suddenly started. It's not difficult to get the government soldiers out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It stands to reason that it is not difficult to break into here. As long as dozens of lives are lost, Qin Fei and others will be buried with them.

Can Cambert really reluctant to bear the lives of these twenty or thirty people, so he patiently persuades himself to surrender?


Qin Fei quickly denied his idea.

A person who can even kill his employer mercilessly will never have much affection for a mercenary who meets by the water. Anything "I admire you" is definitely just an excuse.

What kind of medicine is buried in Cambert's gourd?

Qin Fei looked out, but saw nothing.

He raised his head and saw a hole in the wall, which was exploded by an explosion outside just now. Qin Fei found a chair and stood on it and looked out from a small hole at a higher position.

The field of vision here is much larger than the line of sight in the gap between the door and the debris. Qin Fei looked around and took a breath!

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