Absolute Honor

Chapter 352: Deja vu

In sight, two dark green jeeps without a roof slowly appeared behind Cambert.

Qin Fei couldn't be more familiar with these two cars.

It is actually made in China, the model is called Type 75 105 recoilless rifle. Qin Fei was surprised when he saw these two cars in the animal camp for the first time. This thing would actually be in Africa.

The power of this large-caliber recoilless gun is amazing. The artillery chassis is modified from a BJ212A light off-road vehicle, equipped with 8 magazines, and the thickness of the armor can reach 108 mm, which can easily destroy a light armored infantry fighting vehicle.

The first-level unit of the field regiment that this thing was allotted in the early years is a typical product of the lack of firepower of the rabbit army, but after a major change in the concept of combat, it has been eliminated and is an obsolete product.

But it is undeniable that in places like Africa, the 75-mm recoilless gun can also be of great use. Its direct range can reach up to 7,400 meters. It is simply an artifact to deal with armored targets and bunker strongholds in open plains.

With just one shot, a machine gun can be easily blasted into the sky, and with just one shot, a light infantry fighting vehicle full of soldiers can be scrapped, even if it is the more famous "Honey Badger" infantry fighting vehicle in South Africa. The same can't withstand a shell from this guy.

"Chen Yong, did you dig the back wall?" Qin Fei was so shocked that his hair exploded. He couldn't help but imagine what it would be like when two 105mm recoilless shells blasted directly into the room.

The thin wall beside him, the cabinet and the medical bed blocking the door are just as useless as scraps of paper.


Chen Yong replied grimly: "Without tools, we rely on knives. It's a little slower."

"You can't use a grenade to explode, we have to explode, otherwise we will die later!" Qin Fei said to Lao Yu, "I saw Cambert transferred the 105 recoilless gun, shit, he was delaying. Time has no intention of giving us a way to survive."

Lao Yu felt that all his hairs were erected, and he knew no less about the power of the 105 recoilless gun than Qin Fei.

"I'll help, you keep staring!"

Everyone heard that the 105 recoilless gun was coming outside, and they were all fried immediately. They picked up all the things that were available for excavation in the room and went up to help.

Qin Fei turned his head and continued to look into the arena. He saw the guard sitting on the gun wagon taking out the grenade from the magazine, unscrewing the safety cap on the warhead, and then stuffing it into the barrel of the 105 recoilless gun from behind.

Cold sweat dripped from Qin Fei's forehead, and the T-shirt was already wet.

"Hurry up!" He couldn't help urging, "Those **** are loaded!"

A gunner started running and watching, using his sight to aim at Qin Fei's head, and put his hand on the wheel to continuously adjust the shooting direction.

"It's going to be done soon!" Chen Yong was also sweating, and several people continued to plan the wall as if they had installed an electric motor.

"Get out of the way!" Lao Yu pushed Chen Yong away, "Can't wait."

Turning his head to the polar bear said: "Shasa, go and move the cabinet!"

The polar bear responded, rushed to the door, and moved the huge tin cabinet to the wall.

"What should we do now!?"

The old fish took out a grenade and dug half of the hole in the wall and said, "I threw the grenade here, you put the cabinet on top!"

After speaking, he shouted: "Grenade!"

Then he pulled off the safety ring, released his hand, the reed bounced, and the old fish threw the grenade under the dug hole in the wall.

The polar bear hurriedly tossed down the entire large cabinet and covered it on the opening of the cave.


With the deafening explosion, the room was filled with dust, and even if everyone had prepared, they felt as if their hearts were about to be shaken out of their chests.

The big iron cabinet was shaken and turned over, blocking the explosion, and the shock wave was weakened. The power of the explosion was all acting on the hole in the wall. The wall cracked a few cracks, but did not collapse.

"Fuck! It's useless!"

The sight screamed: "The wall didn't explode!"

Everyone felt a chill.

Qin Fei saw in the observation hole that the sighting hand had finished binding the yuan, and returned to the side of the 105 recoilless gun. All that was waiting was for Cambert to issue the final firing command.

The sudden explosion in the medical room caused Cambert to be stunned for a moment, and he did not let his men fire the shot immediately.

A familiar figure entered Qin Fei's sight.

Seeing this person, Qin Fei's heartbeat speeded up inexplicably. Obviously, he had seen this person before, but for a moment he couldn't remember who he was and what his name was.

However, boats, seas, gunfire and explosions continue to appear in my mind.

This is a white man, obviously belonging to the category of mercenaries from the outfit, carrying an M4A1 automatic rifle, and an American combat equipment, which stands out in front of all the AK-47 guards.

The man walked up to Cambert, seemed to say a few words, then glanced in the direction of the medical room, turned his head and left.

Cambert seemed to be very dissatisfied with this person, and said something to his back. Qin Fei couldn't hear it because it was too far away, but it can be seen that the guy with the M4A1 didn't seem to care about Cumbert's feelings. , Went straight out of sight.

"Qin Fei! The hole did not explode!" Lao Yu shouted to Qin Fei, only to find that his comrade-in-arms did not respond, but stared at something outside.

"Qin Fei! Fuck! What are you looking at!" Lao Yu couldn't help yelling.

The polar bear looked at the wall that failed to explode, suddenly backed up a few steps, made a violent run-up, and slammed forward like a mad bull.


The already crumbling wall was hit by a tall polar bear!

With people and bricks, the polar bear disappeared outside the wall in a cloud of dust.

"Hahahaha! Knocked away! Damn! Shasa, you are a madman! I love you to death!" said the sight and jumped out like a monkey.

The others rushed out of the cave as quickly as possible.

Lao Yu ran over and tore Qin Fei off the stool: "What's wrong with you!?"

Qin Fei was slammed by the old fish~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then he fell back into the dust of reality from the fragments of memories of Taixu.

"Run! The hole is open!"

The old fish pulled Qin Fei, and the two had just rushed out of the cave.

A second later, the sound of 105 recoilless guns was heard in the stadium.

Qin Fei and Lao Yu, who had just escaped less than three meters away from the entrance of the cave, felt a violent wave of air hit their bodies, and the intense pain made people scream. In the grass outside.

"Fak!" The sight rushed forward, desperately pushing away the knee-high weeds, trying to find the two hapless guys.

Soon, everyone found Qin Fei and Lao Yu who were already unconscious in the grass.

Qin Fei looked like a stunned fish, constantly rolling his eyes, buzzing in his ears, chaos in his head, the pain on his back seemed to be beaten hundreds of punches in an instant, and the joints of his whole body seemed to be shaken loose. The parts are the same, it can't use half of the strength at all.

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