Absolute Honor

Chapter 353: Armed men in the bar

Dazed, Qin Fei seemed to see everything.

The sea, the spy ship, and the fierce battle on board...

He saw the salty and painful feeling of the sea holding Santos falling into the sea together.



Qin Fei seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and suddenly sat up from the ground. Suddenly he was rescued into the boat like a drowning man, breathing fresh air.

"What happened to you just now!" The old fish grabbed Qin Fei's clothes and pulled him up from the ground: "You will kill everyone like this!"

Qin Fei recalled that he did make a serious mistake just now, so he said dazedly: "I'm sorry, I just saw an acquaintance, and I was a little lost at once, I'm sorry!"

"No matter what the situation is, you have to be calm, haven't you learned this?!" Lao Yu let go and taught Qin Fei as a veteran: "Just a little distraction on the battlefield, you can give it. You are killed, and you can also kill your comrades! Remember, this kind of thing should not happen in the future!"

Although Qin Fei is now the leader of the X mercenary group, when it comes to qualifications and experience, he really can't compare with Lao Yu.

"I remember."

"Go! Get out of here now! We don't have much time to escape!" The old fish pointed to the woods not far away, "Go ahead and hide, lest anyone come over and find that we are still alive."

Everyone hid in the woods and squatted down beside a few big trees.

"It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. You have to find a way to run as far as possible with oil on the soles of your feet." Qin Fei looked up at everyone, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"There must be no escape at sea." The sight said: "If Cambert cooperates with the local armed forces in Somalia, you should know that those guys are likely to be pirates. We ran up to die."

The old fish nodded and said, "I think I should run to Fati. Since Cambert has betrayed Robert and killed so many government soldiers, there are also high-level military officers here tonight. They will definitely take these people hostage. So the military and Cambert are definitely not in the same group. When we get to Fati, we can find a way to notify the military."

The polar bear also agrees: "Yes, let them kill them anyway. Our money has already been in the account. It's their business how they want to kill. Let's not get involved."

Speaking of money, the front sight was greatly relieved: "Fortunately everyone got the money tonight, otherwise you will lose a lot in one game!"

This is the most enjoyable thing tonight, everyone can't help but laugh.

"Okay! Since everyone agrees, we will go to Fati first, and then find the opportunity to leave here and go to South Africa to find a military supplier." Qin Fei said, "Then find transportation now, otherwise we cannot run on two legs. Go to Fati, there are uninhabited deserts and hillsides between Tiyo and Fati, not to mention Thor's injuries are so severe."

The old fish turned his head and asked Thor Eric: "How is your injury?"

Thor paled and nodded: "It's not a problem, you can't die, it's just that it hurts everyone tonight, it's really..."

"Don't say such things. We are also a blessing in disguise. If you didn't make such a noise, maybe we would not hide in the medical room. We would definitely not be able to avoid the catastrophe outside." Qin Fei said.

In this way, Thor’s guilt was slightly reduced. He looked at Qin Fei gratefully: "Qin, and everyone, you are all my Eric’s benefactors. From now on, I will be your life and death brother. I will use the name of God. I swear that I will never leave you in this life!"

"I don't want it!" The crosshair couldn't help but said: "You are a woman and you are about the same, and you will never leave a man... I don't want to get involved."

"somebody is coming!"

Chen Yong pointed in the direction of the venue and saw a few jeeps blasting towards the opening in the wall. I am afraid that after the guns were fired inside, the enemy did not find a corpse but found a hole, so he drove out to check.

"Withdraw! It is not suitable to stay here for a long time." Qin Fei said, "Let's find a car."

"It's not safe to find a car in other places. The camp is controlled by Cambert's people. It is easy to fight. Once we fight, we will be surrounded." Lao Yu said.

The sight said: "Go to the bar! I remember Johnny has a car. After getting the money, she seemed to have left the stadium and went to find her. Maybe she can take us to Fati. She is a local and is more familiar with road conditions than we are."

This proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone.

Everyone took advantage of the night to figure out the camp, regardless of whether there was an enemy over the venue searching for themselves, anyway, as long as you find the car and leave here, everything will be fine.

However, when Qin Fei and others arrived in the coconut grove outside the bar, they suddenly found that something was wrong with the bar.

Under the light of the door, a military convertible jeep stopped at the door. The sound of slapstick and scolding was heard in the bar. After a long time, a gunshot was heard.

"Fack!" The sight could not help cursing in a low voice: "Come one step later! Cambert is so thoughtful. I'm afraid he will send someone to control wherever there are living people around here."

Qin Fei was a little worried about Zun Ni's safety. Although she didn't feel that way about this black girl, it was undeniable that she had treated herself really well in the past two months. At least the two of them can be said to be good friends.

Since I am a good friend, I have to help. Besides, there is no other place to consider except for Jenny.

There were a total of five guns on everyone. Considering that if they fired, they would alarm Campbell’s people. Qin Fei decided to go in with a pistol for himself and Lao Yu, and the front sight, polar bear and Kunchai three got AK-47s. Guard the periphery, and kill them if they come out to escape.

The gun in Qin Fei's hand was snatched from the dead Robert. It was a Beretta 92F, while Lao Yu's hand was Thor's USP pistol with a silencer on it.

If you want to sneak in silently, you must let the old fish attack.

"Thor, lend me your Damascus dagger."

Thor took out the delicate dagger from his waist ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and handed it to Qin Fei, cautiously said, "This knife is very important to me, so don't lose it."

Qin Fei smiled and said, "Your knife is full of gems and gold and silver. I'm not willing to lose it. Don't worry."

After talking with the old fish, they walked out of the woods with their waists down, and quickly touched the back door of the bar.

Across the wooden wall, Qin Fei heard a man's groan and Zun Ni's scream from inside. In addition, a few strange men were laughing strangely in Yin and Yang.

Slowly sticking his head out from under the window, Qin Fei wanted to see the situation in the bar, only to see a shocking scene.

Lying on the ground was a black man in his 30s with a blood-stained face. His hands and feet were tied up. From the clothing, he seemed to be a government soldier. He cried and cried. Although Johnny kicked with hands and feet desperately, it was of no avail. He was helped by two arms. The Somali man wearing the red cloth stripped down on the billiard table and was constantly tearing at Jenny's clothes.

Because of the hot weather here, I didn't wear much, and I didn't have a lot of hands. Jenny's body was almost completely/naked, and her smooth and dark skin gleamed with bloodshots under the dim light of the bar.

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