Absolute Honor

Chapter 365: actor? officer?

Qin Fei once again discovered another talent of Diego, this guy is simply a born actor.

The cry was very stern, like the cry of a rooster at the moment of death before its throat was cut.

The people in the stadium panicked suddenly.

Whether it is the guards of the beast camp or the Somali soldiers, they are charged with the colorful dollar bills here tonight. More than 100 million in cash, wherever they are, is a considerable income.

Although Cambert died, the Somali commander did not.

I heard that the money in the financial room was burned. At first, some people were skeptical. When they saw the billowing smoke pouring out of the location of the financial room on the second floor, no one could calm down.

Fighting fire, saving money, no, it should be said that it is stealing money. Obviously, it has become everyone's top priority.

The guards and Somali soldiers in the entire stadium swarmed, Qin Fei took Diago's hand and said, "Go, get out of here!"

The two went down the stairs and down the stairs on the other side.

The financial room was quickly blocked by the crowds.

"Quick! Get water!"

"Damn it! Is there no fire fighting equipment here!?"

"A fire extinguisher will do too!"


The noise and footsteps made the floor rustle.

When he got downstairs, Diago asked, "What should I do? I haven't found my uncle yet!"

Qin Fei looked around the venue. There were dozens of rooms in the circular venue, which were also divided into upper and lower floors. It was impossible to search through the rooms one by one.

"What should I do!?" Diago was a little anxious, "Why don't you try your luck and start searching from the left side?"

"Don't worry, wait, wait again."

Qin Fei raised his hand and looked at the table below, muttering to himself: "It should be almost done."

Sure enough, before the voice was over, there was an explosion in the direction of the finance room.


Qin Fei Xeon threw the safety latch under the banknote pair, and the grenades wrapped around the reed were finally burnt in the fire. The transparent tape was finally burned in the high temperature and exploded at the same time.

Three grenades exploded in a relatively closed financial room, and their power increased significantly. It is estimated that this explosion alone could kill more than a dozen guards or Somalis.

A huge cloud of smoke gushed from the mouth of the mouth and rolled onto the ceiling of the fighting hall.

Then, a group of guys who couldn't see their faces, their clothes torn and dusty by the explosion, ran out from the exit of the corridor leading to the financial room like a ghost crying and howling.

The violent explosion caused a greater commotion, and the Somalis who had been responsible for guarding the mercenary students could not sit still.

There are nearly fifty people in charge of the guards. Although these mercenaries training in the beast camp are unarmed, they are trained at any rate. Many of them are members of the mercenary group who come here to conduct self-running and independent training like Qin Fei’s team. They are all dangerous elements.

Someone tried to resist just now, but dozens of them were killed. This shocked the dangerous elements and drove them all to a corner of the stadium to gather them. They were guarded by fifty soldiers with live ammunition. The commander gave the order. , As long as someone is found to be abnormal, they can be shot and killed immediately.

These guards didn't know what was going on, and even thought that the Eritrean military had already penetrated the stadium. The leader waved his hand, screamed in his mouth, and rushed to the finance room with most of them.

"Old fish, what happened to your side?"

Qin Fei began to inquire about the direction of the terminal on the channel.

Now that the drama is at a critical time, I just set off the fuse here, and the action on Lao Yu's side is

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

The finishing touch.

"I saw an explosion on your side, but there doesn't seem to be much movement on my side."

"Damn, so calm?" Qin Fei was a little disappointed.

A small explosion, although a lot of U.S. bills were blown up, still caused very little commotion, at least the scope of the impact is only in the stadium, and it has not attracted the attention of the outside.

The success or failure of the outlying dock raid is the key to this infiltration operation.

"Oops!" Diago heard Lao Yu's reply on the channel, and said dejectedly: "It seems that our action has failed. The movement here is too small, and the guards at the dock are not fooled at all."

"If they are not fooled, they must be fooled. They sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, and we are going to lift his platform!" Qin Fei gritted his teeth and sternly said, "We need to make more moves!"

"What kind of fish?" Diago, who doesn't understand Chinese, was confused.

According to Qin Fei's original combat intentions, first, all or at least 80% of the enemy's forces were attracted to the stadium, and then the team led by Lao Yu could immediately carry out an attack.

Once the old fish starts to attack the LI landing craft on the pier, with the help of two UH-1 helicopters and 24 Eritrean commandos, it will definitely cause greater riots and give the illusion that the Eritrean military has arrived at the training camp.

At this time, if there is no accident, the enemies in the stadium will once again go out to reinforce the dock. As a result, the stadium is an empty city, and there is no one except a few guards.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Lao Yu withstanding the pressure and delaying time, Qin Fei could immediately find the VIP detention place, take out the few guards, and take the hostage away, especially the key figure-Minister Lawrence.

The entire battle plan is equivalent to the complete mobilization of hundreds of enemies in the entire beast camp.

This is the special operations art developed from the essence of guerrilla warfare~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it is also the special operations thinking that Qin Fei learned in Unit 203.

Any special operations, especially when facing opponents stronger than oneself, must take the initiative to mobilize the enemy completely, move them at their own pace, and disrupt the opponent's combat plan, so that they can gain battlefield advantage more easily.

Qin Fei's gaze fell on the more than 1,000 mercenary students on the other side of the stadium.

It's definitely impossible to rely on the two of you alone. I'm afraid I won't be able to play a few times when I repeat the technique. Maybe I will be found out soon.

These more than 1,000 mercenaries are a force that cannot be ignored.

"How many enemies can you deal with at the same time?" Qin Fei asked Diago.

Diago was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"How many people can you kill with the AK-47 in one second?" Qin Fei asked.

Diago's chest muscles were well developed: "I'm a lieutenant colonel in the special forces, if I take action, I can kill three!"

Qin Fei gave him a white look: "Don't brag to me! Talk about people!"

"Two..." The color on Diago's face suddenly changed. It is obviously not feasible to hack in front of experts. He can only honestly say: "Two depends on the situation, at most two, if the position is not Okay, maybe only one..."

"Do you mean to say that he is a special forces lieutenant colonel?" Qin Fei felt that he had both gains and losses in choosing Diago to come over. Diago can easily hide his identity. Proficiency in Somali is his biggest advantage, but this guy is the weaker. It's a dog meat that can't be on the table. It is said that it is a special forces commander, but it is actually a related party!

If Lao Yu followed, Qin Fei felt that he and Lao Yu would attack ten Somali soldiers in a sneak attack, at least there would be no big problem.

Damn it! How to do! ?

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