Absolute Honor

Chapter 366: Cooperate

Qin Fei alone could not handle 10 Somali soldiers at the same time. This is not a tug-of-war. It must be resolved instantly. As long as one person responds, it fails.

Old fish and the others will not be able to do anything unless they draw the enemy from the dock.

Qin Fei was really anxious.

"Qin Fei, how is your situation there?"

Lao Yu's voice came from the communication channel, which made Qin Fei even more anxious.

"The situation is very bad. We need to create greater chaos. It seems that the chaos here is not enough to attract the attention of the pier guards."

The situation is indeed very bad.

The explosion in the financial room made firefighting enemies a bit of a rat, and many people were crowded in the corridors on both sides of the financial room, but no one dared to approach that horrible room.

No one knows if there are any explosives inside. The dead body lying in the doorway is the best warning.

The explosion just now knocked down eight people. Two of them were shot into hornet's nest by steel balls. Both eyes were shot through steel **** and blinded. They crawled on the ground like worms to find their way around, shouting constantly. Writing: "Who will save me! It hurts me to death, who will save me!"

No one dares to save, everyone is worried that there will be an explosion inside.

The high temperature produced by the explosion and the fire that Qin Fei deliberately set was already raging at this time, and most of the building materials of the fighting field were wood.

The Somali and beast camp guards standing on the two sides outside the door could only watch the banknotes turning into ashes.

It's just that this situation won't last long, the fire will burn out soon, once the fire goes out, the chaos will soon subside, and Qin Fei's entire opportunity will be lost.

We must seize this rare opportunity.

In desperation, Qin Fei dragged Diago to the corner of the tunnel.

"Listen to me, now I want you to take a risk. Only in this way can we get things done tonight. Otherwise, you and I can only watch Cambert's men and Somalis slip back from the sea to Somalia easily. "

Diago felt an unusual smell in Qin Fei's tone, which made him very uneasy, and shook his head to refuse: "You say that, there must be nothing good, I think I am very difficult to do."

Qin Fei couldn't help but slammed the **** man against the wall: "Listen, now you have two choices, either do as I said, or ask me to shoot you in the head now, so This is the first time I have seen a wimpy man. You are an insult to a man for your life."

"Qin, I don't like your tone of voice to talk to me, I'm a lieutenant colonel anyway..." Diago was breathing fast, but he held his lieutenant colonel's airs.

Qin Fei said fiercely: "Go to your mother's lieutenant colonel! Do you think I have not seen it? You are a mediocre person who is greedy for life, fearing death and powerless. If it weren't for your uncle Lawrence's care, I'm afraid you would be a tiger camp. None of the soldiers are qualified!"

"You..." Diago was obviously extremely angry.

No one wants to be so despised and despised by others, but Diago can't help but admit that Qin Fei has at least said something and cannot refute it.

"Everything about you is only brought to you by your uncle. If your uncle dies, you will have no **** official position. Think about it for yourself, if your brain is not **** but your brain. , Please think about it carefully. Tonight you are the person in charge of security here, and now all VIPs are in trouble, if Lawrence dies, you will wait to clean your **** and go to jail! People you have offended before will definitely not Leave you alone, think about your fate and answer whether I want to do it or not!"

Qin Fei's words hit Diago's heart, and every one of them is a heavy hammer, which can be said to be deafening.

It cannot be denied that Qin Fei did make a lot of sense.

Diago's heart rate began to speed up, and his breathing became short.

After a while, the black lieutenant colonel obviously had no choice but to gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, I promise you what to do..."

Qin Fei attached to his ear and exhorted carefully.


In the stands, the mercenaries squatted on the ground holding their heads.

No one likes to be a prisoner, but the black hole of ten guns is aimed at him. Because they come from different mercenary groups and companies, no one is organized. These wolf-like guys are now a mess of sand.

Everyone knows that even if ten people hold ten guns, it is impossible to completely watch over a thousand mercenary students. As long as some people dare to go up and take the guns, others who are encouraged will also flood up.

Someone has started to whisper to the people around him, as if planning something.

"Hey! Brothers!"

With a loud shout, Diago made his debut.

"You all come over, come over, see what I found..."

As he walked into everyone's sight, he took something out of his pocket and held it in his hand, walking towards the sidelines seemingly mysterious.

Ten Somali soldiers look at me, I look at you.

Finally, someone couldn't help it, and walked towards Diago.

"Come and see! Damn, this thing is so rare! I found it with some difficulty, and I snatched it from the rich guys."

"The rich guy?"

All Somali soldiers heard that they were robbed from rich men. Their first impression was that they were treasures such as gems and diamonds. They could also be famous watches or other things.

Greed is the root of inferiority that exists in everyone.

Especially for these Somali soldiers, many of them are poor and come to join the clan armed forces, at least they don't have to go hungry.

Jewelry and famous watches are too tempting for them to resist.

"You guys will take a good look at it, I'll go over and take a look!"

The leading Somali soldier waved to the four men standing at the back of the group of prisoners who had craned their necks to see the sweat, "Be careful! Show me a good look! Don't move!"

After all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He ran towards Diago like a rabbit himself.

Those who walked to Diago's side intending to see the treasures were all veterans, and those who left the guards and prisoners were the most junior recruits.

Even so, driven by intense curiosity, these soldiers were already absent-minded, one by one stood on their toes and craned their necks, trying to see exactly what valuable things Diago was holding in his hands.

No one noticed that at an entrance of the last row of the stands, Qin Fei flashed out like a ghost.

He tried to relax his steps as much as possible, lower his posture, and touched behind a Somali soldier at the end.

The Damascus dagger shone deep in the dim light.

This is a daring adventure. As long as someone turns his head back, he can see the unobstructed Qin Fei.

It's a pity that everyone's attention has long been attracted by the eloquent Diago.

Like a leopard preying on kittens, Qin Fei sealed a soldier's throat, tightly covering his mouth, and twisted his hands in different directions at the same time.


The slight fracture was overwhelmed by Diago's high-profile yelling.

No one knew that the accomplices behind had already lost their lives.

Qin Fei gently placed the corpse on the ground, avoiding the sound of the weapon knocking on the ground, and then touched the second one.

Passing by a few mercenaries, Qin Fei pressed his index finger to his lips and motioned them not to say anything.

Soon, the second soldier was dealt with in the same way.

But in an accident, this guy kicked his leg and hit the back of the front seat.


With the dull sound of the wooden seats, the other two Somali soldiers turned around.

Both eyes fell on Qin Fei at the same time.

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