Absolute Honor

Chapter 371: Public revenge

Obviously Qin Fei has no other options now.

Lawrence looked like a big boss, but in fact his heart was as thin as dust. Qin Fei heard the soft but hard overtones in his words-if you want to save, just leave together, otherwise you will give up.

If you win, you win the whole game; if you lose, you lose your net worth.

He pressed the communication button and asked Lao Yu for his opinion.

"Old fish, what happened to your side?"

In the earphones, there was the sound of rumbling cannons and explosions.

Lao Yu seems to be very busy over there.

"The fight is on! You quickly retreat, we have sunk one LCI landing craft, and the other one is almost finished, you quickly retreat! We are also retreating too!"

"I have something to ask you!"

"I'm very busy, don't disturb me!" Lao Yu cut off the communication.

Qin Fei was stunned, and now he could only make his own decision.

"Okay, I promise you to go together, but the premise must be that the passage is still there. We must go through the camp and leave the beast camp when the fight is messed up. Remember, don't see any blood in the middle. Scream like a girl, hold it back for me, once we are exposed, we will be dead."

Lawrence nodded: "Deal!"

Picking up some ammunition and walking to the door, Qin Fei let everyone follow him in a column.

"I'm responsible for clearing the way ahead, Mr. Minister, since you say you are a soldier, please cut off."

"Don't worry!" Lawrence was a little excited, "I haven't been on the battlefield for many years. It's time to get rid of this old bone."

Qin Fei stopped talking, and smiled secretly. He wanted to say that you must not try to be beaten into a fishing net. I will do it in vain.

So he whispered to Diago: "Go, stay with your uncle, protect him, there is no good for you and me if you die."

"No problem." Diago made an ok gesture and sneaked to the back of the line.

Gently pushed the door open, signaled the people behind to wait for his instructions, and then carefully observed it left and right.

no one!

The hanging heart suddenly landed, it seems that luck is not so good.

After leaving the door, Qin Fei took two steps forward, squatting behind a log post in the corridor, and confirmed again.

Then I just wanted to signal the VIPs in the door to let them come out.

Da da da--

A few bullets hit the column on which Qin Fei was standing. Qin Fei felt a pain in his left eye. He squatted down and pressed it against the wall, trying to hide himself as much as possible.

"Qin, are you okay!?"

Diago heard the gunshots and jumped to the door, looking at Qin Fei behind the right front column outside the door, and asked nervously, "Don't die, we won't be saved if you die."

"Crow's mouth!"

Qin Fei cursed fiercely, and touched the corner of his eye.

All hands are blood.


He was taken aback, the corners of his eyes were sore, he couldn't see anything in his sight, and he didn't know if his left eyeball was scratched by the bullet.

If that's the case, even if it's unlucky to get home, a good young man will become a cyclops.

In the sticky blood, Qin Fei touched a hard object.

It is a wooden thorn.

Pulling out the thorns forcefully, Qin Fei wiped the corners of his eyes.

It turned out that the bullet hit the log, and the flying sawdust directly pierced into the subcutaneous tissue of Qin Fei's left eye. Fortunately, it didn't stab the eyeball tissue. The reason why he couldn't see anything was because the blood smeared his sight.

With a sigh of relief, Qin Fei gritted his teeth and pulled out the wooden thorn.

Suddenly, Diago on the opposite side shouted at the left side of the corridor: "Hey! Don't shoot, we are our own! I am Lieutenant Colonel Diago from the Wehrmacht Tiger Camp!"

Qin Fei quietly revealed half of his eyes and glanced at it, and saw a few mercenary-like guys squatting behind a door of the room on the left side of the corridor, with their muzzles all aimed at this side.

Diago stood up, took a step towards the door, standing in the corridor, waving to the opposite side: "Our own, we are not Somalis!"

Before he could finish his words, Qin Fei rushed forward and slammed Diagolian into the room with a gun.

As soon as it landed, dense bullets rained on Diago's original combat power, leaving more than a dozen bullet holes.

"Why don't you want to die!?" Qin Fei almost wanted to slap Diago a few times.

"Fak! Why did they shoot at us!? We saved them just now!" Diago paled in horror.

Qin Fei said: "Because they have enemies with me!"

At that glance, Qin Fei had already seen clearly that the nearest mercenary was one of the three sisters of the "God Armed", the Moxi Gantou Baker.

Not only did he humiliate the three sisters, but also killed their leader Zero. This group of people hated themselves deeply, even if they knew that Diago was the Wehrmacht, they would not let them go.

Anyway, there is a melee everywhere now. Although the three sisters don't want to provoke the National Defense Forces, they want to avenge Qin Fei. Now is the best opportunity.

Kill all the people here, and then throw the pot to Somalis or Campbell's men, a perfect murder.

"What is your hatred against them?"

"They are Zero's subordinates, I killed their boss, what do you think?!"

After Qin Fei finished speaking, he shouted outside the door: "Buckel, it seems that you three sisters are going to kill me. But I warn you that there are Minister Lawrence and Lieutenant Colonel Diago here, if you kill them , The Wehrmacht will not let you go."

"Then kill them together. You won't be naive enough to think that we are killing people for the first time?" Bucker was not at all ambiguous, as Qin Fei expected, he was clean, killing people, and fleeing. .

As soon as Bakker's voice fell, Qin Fei heard the jingle of something falling on the ground, and something rolled over here.


He issued an early warning to everyone, but the big guys were not professional combat personnel. They heard the "grenade" and didn't react at all. They all squatted in place and looked at Qin Fei stupidly like a goose.


Qin Fei couldn't wait to kill these evil pens with a bullet!

Of course, this is not actually possible.

At the moment of lightning and flint, Qin Fei could only choose to gamble on his luck.

The wooden door was slammed shut, and the silly geese closest to the door fell to the ground together.


The wooden door was blown out, and then the room began to cry and howl.

Obviously, the impact and fragments of the grenade had injured one of the wealthy gooses in the house.

Qin Fei felt that his brain was hit hard with a rubber hammer, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears.

Getting up from the ground, Qin Fei knew that in accordance with the tactical cooperation of any army, he would immediately approach the target after the explosion.

Qin Fei took the ak-47 out of the door directly, without even looking at the target, he squeezed the trigger and lighted up a box of bullets.

Sure enough, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ 30 rounds of bullets have been rewarded.

Qin Fei heard someone screaming, followed by the sound of falling to the ground.

Then Rudolph, an albino among the three sisters, yelled: "Be careful of that guy! Drag Buckle back, he is injured!"

It seemed that the person hit was Baker, and Qin Fei's heart was refreshed.

Save people! ?

He secretly said in his heart: "I will let you save, save you paralysis!"

Immediately tore off two grenades from the canvas tactical ammunition belt, bit off the tab, released the shrapnel and waited for a second, then threw them all from the door directly into the corridor on the left.

The screams of horror immediately echoed in the corridor.



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