Absolute Honor

Chapter 372: No way to go

Qin Fei couldn't express the exclamation in his heart when he heard the screams of chicken and dog jumping from the corridor on the left. After two explosions, the wailing sound shook the corridor.

He couldn't help but regret. He had known that the members of this group of "God Armed" were so shameless. When rescuing the mercenary prisoners, he should give each of them a bullet when he had a gun in his hand, so that they could see himself. God goes.

Of course, this kind of thinking is just thinking about it. The scene at that time fell into chaos in an instant, and it was impossible to find the more than 20 "God Armed" members among the more than 1,000 people.

The corridor on the left will definitely not work.

Qin Fei felt that he would try his luck on the right. Taking advantage of the smoke in the corridor now, his interest could seize the ten-second gap and escape. As long as he went to the first floor to find the secret passage, things were half done.

Fortune Wushuang comes, misfortune never comes singly.

Qin Fei quickly understood the wisdom and philosophy contained in the old sayings of the ancestors.

As he stretched out his head and probed to observe, he found that the corridor on the right was well-known, and a large group of Somali soldiers were approaching here.


Qin Fei quickly retracted his head.

The leak in the house was rained overnight. A "God Armed" is enough to drink a pot on its own, and a group of Somali soldiers popped up at a critical moment.

Now I was caught between the two gangs of rich men with me. No matter who the two sides in the corridor wins or loses, I can't eat them in the end.

"How to do!?"

Diago's lips were shaking, "We can't get out...Qin, we have to find a way."

Qin Fei's mind was spinning rapidly, cold sweat on his back.

"Qin Fei, I'm done here, we are going to evacuate the dock."

The old fish's voice came through the earphones.

"You hurry to evacuate, we are waiting for you to meet in the small wood next to the cqb training ground. Ten minutes later, the helicopter will land nearby, what's your situation?"

"We were trapped to death on the second floor, but Minister Lawrence has been found. Except for the cfo Christian of the ubs, everyone else is with me." Qin Fei said.

The old fish said: "I can't help you. I can't enter the fighting hall. There are Somalis and Cambert's men, but I can try to bring people to meet you. You must leave the stadium, otherwise I can't do anything!"


Qin Fei cut off the communication.

The footsteps were getting closer, and Qin Fei could even hear the deliberately lowered dialogue of Somali soldiers.

Suddenly, he had an idea and pulled Diago over.

"Diago, you still have to use your actor talent."

Qin Fei pointed to the door, "You stood at the door and shouted to the Somalis outside. You said you were the guard here to take care of the hostages. Tell the Somalis that there are mercenaries lying in ambush in the corridor on the left to remind them to pay attention. ."

"Will they believe it?" Diago doubted.

"Yes." Qin Fei tugged at Diago's clothes. "We both wore the costumes of Somali soldiers. They must believe that, plus you can speak Somali, they must think you are their own."

Diago swallowed, emboldened.

Now he can't help but pick and choose. If you don't listen to Qin Fei, everyone will definitely be a dead end in the end.

Cautiously approaching the door, Diago shouted in Somali to the outside: "Brothers, I am a hostage guard. Mercenaries attacked us. They hide in the corridor opposite you. Be careful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Fei felt that he should pour some oil on the fire, so he stretched out the ak-47 from the door and swept a bullet into the corridor on the left.

No one of the "God Armed" mercenaries knew Somali, and it was when Qin Fei heard someone speak Somali on this side.

Seeing Qin Fei shooting, he immediately began to fight back.

The bullet hit the door frame of the room where Qin Fei was hiding. Qin Fei and Diago hurriedly crawled back into the room on the ground to avoid being hit by the ricochet.

The members of the "Arms of God" fired dozens of shots, and Rudolf shouted to make everyone stop shooting, not to waste bullets.

Calm was restored in the entire corridor.

Qin Fei squatted at the door of the inner room, listening carefully.

Finally, there was a violent bean-like gunshot from the corridor on the right, and the ak-47 happily spit out a long tongue of fire, and the Somalis finally fired.

Once the Somali soldiers opened fire, members of the "Arms of God" immediately responded.

The two sides began to exchange fire in the not-so-wide corridor, and soon each suffered damage, and the person who was shot began to scream.

Diago almost didn't laugh, and gave a big white tooth with a thumbs up: "Qin! You are amazing!"

"What a shit! This trick can only delay time, we still can't get out." Qin Fei looked at his watch, "There is no time, the helicopter can't wait for us, otherwise they are in danger. We must leave here."

"How to leave?" Diago said with a weeping face: "I can't get to the first floor at all."

Qin Fei looked around the room, his eyes suddenly falling on the window.

I walked to the window and took a look outside. Outside the window, the whole training camp was full of fires, and sparks appeared in the darkness, and then quickly extinguished.

In my sight, I occasionally saw a few Somalis or mercenaries running by.

There is a piece of sand below the window.

But the distance is a bit high, at least seven or eight meters.

Without a word, Qin Fei tore down all the curtains, then twisted them into one strand and tied them to the window frame.

"Come here all!"

He waved to all the VIPs, and the rich men surrounded in embarrassment.

"Now we have no other choice. The secret road will definitely not work~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we can only go down from here, and immediately hide in the cabin on the opposite side. In about eight minutes, the helicopter will land next to the woods 500 meters away. As long as you get on the helicopter, it will be safe."

A chief stretched out his head and glanced out, then suddenly shrank back in shock.

"No, no! Too high! The rope is less than three meters, but it is seven or eight meters high!" He shook a fat face, his face was full of horror: "I will fall to death!"

"It is indeed seven or eight meters high here, but the rope is about three meters, that is to say, you land at a height of five meters, and there is only sand below. If you are not dead, five meters is a safe height!" Qin Fei said: " If anyone is afraid, stay here. I don’t mind if you fall into the hands of those crazy mercenaries or Somalis, but I will never look back to rescue you.”

After that, he said to Diago: "You go down first, then you minister, and the others go down one by one. Whoever is afraid will stay by themselves. I won't stop."

After speaking, the cloth rope twisted into the curtain was stuffed into Diago's hand and pointed out the window.

"Quick! No time!" Reading Net

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