Absolute Honor

Chapter 378: Human Shield

   But unfortunately, this guy soon discovered that his opponent was not easy to deal with as he imagined. X

The three shots missed Qin Fei, because Qin Fei slid sideways to the ground when he rushed out of the barracks door, and he slid out of the door lying down.

The battle between masters is often a moment.

Qin Fei slid directly out of the corridor at the door, wiped the wooden front porch covered with fine white sand more than one meter wide, and then fell heavily on the sand about half a meter above the ground.

Fortunately, the training camp was built on the edge of the beach, so there was fine sand everywhere. Except for the hot pain on his back rubbed by the fine sand in the corridor, Qin Fei was fine.

The fox team responsible for the breakup held the pickup rail and pressed the gun down with his left hand, trying to adjust the shooting angle and aim at Qin Fei on the ground.

But it was too late. The ak-47 in Qin Fei's hand shot the gun first.

A string of 7.6m caliber warheads had already knocked him into the air, and fell to the ground with his back facing the sky.

Qin Fei's memory of the fox group has awakened.

He knows that this independent team is powerful and extremely well equipped.

These people are members of the former SEALs, so their combat style and equipment configuration fully comply with the requirements and standards of the SEALs.

Just like the player who was hit by Qin Fei before, he was struggling to get up from the ground after being hit in the vital position of his chest.

Unfortunately, his luck was not very good, so he pulled off the grenade that was originally intended to kill Qin Fei and others and exploded himself into the western sky.

Lying on the ground, Qin Fei squeezed the trigger for the second time and fired a short shot at the Fox player who was also lying on the sand more than ten meters away.

Da da da

Since the Fox player fell on his back, the key part between his legs was facing Qin Fei.

The bullet was shot directly from the perineum/pudendal area. The bullet passed through the large and small intestines in the lower abdomen, then penetrated the liver and other organs, and finally directly penetrated the heart and lung lobes in the chest cavity.

The powerful cavity effect directly stirred his internal organs into a mess, and there was almost no struggle or pain. This unlucky one immediately swallowed his last breath.

Killed two members of the Fox team in one breath, Qin Fei felt that these guys seemed to be not as strong as they had in his mind.

But of course he wouldn't know that the original Fox team was all the seals' original crew, but unfortunately they started to die after encountering Qin Fei in the jungle of a certain province in the southwest.

Finally, on the spy ship in the waters of country D, the Fox team hung up two more.

The original seal members of the Fox team who died in the hands of Qin Fei included the machine gunner Knock, the assaultman Mark, the assaultman Torres, and the driver and communications expert Adams.

The new blood added by the combat team now is no longer a former SEAL member. After all, the real SEAL retired veterans can't be recruited if they want to.

Two players were killed in a row, and the four people in front of them who were responsible for carrying Kunchai finally realized that there was a terrible killing embryo behind them.

The two immediately stopped and took charge of establishing the line of defense, while the other two rushed towards the brdm-2 armored reconnaissance vehicle with Kunchai, which was **** by the restraint belt and gagged.

Before Qin Fei got up from the ground, the two Fox players had already aimed at him.

There was an open space around, and there was a row of battered houses just over ten meters away.

No one can lie on the ground in this situation and be able to deal with two experienced Fox team members at the same time.

In desperation, Qin Fei grabbed the hapless corpse that had been blown up by himself, and blocked it in front of his body.

To be precise, this is no longer a corpse, it can only be regarded as a corpse.

The hands and feet of this Fox player were all blown up, leaving only the torso of the body intact, not much different from the famous person in history.

Qin Fei, who was lying on the ground, grabbed his tactical vest and pulled him in front of him, using it as a shield. The tactical vest on the corpse had a bulletproof baffle, so it was not much different from a shield.

The strong smell of blood penetrated into Qin Fei's nostrils, and the intestines flowing out of the blasted abdomen and the undigested things in the intestines poured out an extremely unpleasant smell.

What's more terrifying is that this guy's neck was broken by the impact of the grenade, and it actually fell on Qin Fei's shoulders. The mouths that did not close until he died were like a zombie with teeth and claws, and he wanted to bite on Qin Fei's neck. a feeling of.

The m4a1 in the hands of the two Fox team members shot out a ball of flames, and dense bullets poured on the corpse in Qin Fei's hand.

In addition to the powerful vibration, fortunately, the bulletproof baffle on the corpse played a great role. At a distance of 30 meters, it failed to penetrate the corpse and injured Qin Fei.

However, Qin Fei was in a desperate situation at the same time. He didn't dare to send his hand. He could only hold the corpse firmly with both hands to block the shooting circle in front of him. As long as he moved a little, he might be hit by a bullet.

And he couldn't fight back with a gun with one hand, because as soon as he let go, the powerful vibration would knock off the corpse and expose himself.

Qin Fei suddenly felt as if someone had hit his helmet with a hammer on his head.

Since this helmet is the equipment of the Tiger Camp of Eritrea, Qin Fei got it from the hands of someone. It is still the old-fashioned steel armor, not made of Kevlar, because the sound it makes is sharper and terrifying.

The powerful impact made Qin Fei’s head feel dizzy and uncomfortable. After all, this helmet does not have a sponge-like cushioning layer, and it relies on a few canvas straps to buckle his head. It will not have a very good effect.

Obviously, this warhead had penetrated the place where the body had no body armor in front and then wiped the steel helmet, otherwise Qin Fei would have blossomed his head long ago.

The two Fox team members saw Qin Fei's body as a shield, and one of them shouted at the other: "I suppress, you change the angle!"

The two obviously cooperated very tacitly, and the other team member stood up and moved out to one side.

The shouting person still squatted on the ground and fired continuously and rhythmically, suppressing Qin Fei.

Once the opponent's shooting angle changes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, you can easily hit other parts of your body.

Sure enough, old enough!

"Oh shit!"

Qin Fei realized that something was wrong.

He decided to fight back. Since he couldn't escape, he had to fight luck and marksmanship. The distance between the two parties was more than 30 meters. Qin Fei felt that as long as he was not hit by the victim, he should be able to kill the other two before losing combat effectiveness.

However, I must be shot, which is absolutely unavoidable.

Suddenly, from behind Qin Fei, there were a few cheerful and short shots of ak-47.

The two fox players on the opposite side were hit, blood spattered, and they fell on their backs.

Lao Yu rushed up with the brothers of the X mercenary group, immediately established a line of defense, and fired at the retreating members of the fox squad.

"Are you OK?!"

Qin Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and finally put down the corpse in his hand, lying on the ground like collapse.

The neck still hurts badly, but it can be tolerated, and the dizzy feeling in his head gradually subsided.

He glanced at the corpse that had been swept into many holes next to him, and his hair was standing up. If these bullets hit him, he might not be enough for ten names.

"I'm fine! Damn, don't let those **** run away!"

"Don't worry! The lci landing craft was destroyed by me, they are out of boat." Old Yu said. rw

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