Absolute Honor

Chapter 379: Rolling shot

   The situation has been completely reversed. This is something that none of the Fox team members expected. X

Under the power of the sound and light bomb, the people affected within a few minutes are almost incompetent. Everyone in the barracks is like this, but these Fox team members did not expect that Qin Fei's acceptance was extremely targeted. train.

In the 203 army, the wake-up call every morning was not the horn of the traditional army, but directly threw sound and light bombs and tear gas into the row rooms. This was Lei Gong's most passionate thing.

Early in the morning, he must personally "wake" his team members up. The thunder cannot move, and the wind and rain do not change. He himself calls this "morning exercise".

Under the torture of this kind of "morning small exercise", Qin Fei and all the members of the 3rd detachment of the 203 army are the same. As long as they see the sound and light bombs, they almost reflexively use everything available around them. Over a long period of time, this kind of training has gradually developed the ability to recover like antibodies.

If you change to a normal army, maybe what is left in the barracks just now is just a pile of dead bodies.

When it was discovered that the four teammates responsible for the breakup had all been knocked down, the two Fox players who were holding Kunchai and retreating all the way screamed in horror on their communication channel: "Boss! Asking for support! We met a lunatic. !"

As soon as his words fell, the heavy machine guns on the brdm-2 armored reconnaissance vehicle parked nearby rang all the way.

Qin Fei and everyone in the x mercenary group numbed their scalp when they heard this sound. No one wants to be hit by a 14.5mm kpvt heavy machine gun. A bullet hits any part of you, even if it hits you. The thighs can also cause you to lose a lot of blood and die, let alone hit the main torso.


In the panic screams of the front sight, the members of the X mercenary group were like mice chased by a cat. They could run as fast as they could.

There was a barracks that had been blown up more than ten meters away. The roof had been knocked off, leaving only the brick walls.

Everyone rushed to the bottom of the wall, clinging to the ground, wishing to get under the ground.

The incendiary bomb loaded in the kpvt heavy machine gun draws a line of fire in the dark, wherever it goes, it cuts tofu like a sharp knife.

The brick walls of the barracks collapsed in pieces, and the broken bricks crackled and hit Qin Fei and the others.

People who have not experienced actual combat may not know. Many people think that as long as the bullet is not hit, there is nothing to be afraid of. But anyone who has participated in live ammunition drills or actual combat knows that you would rather fire ten AK-47s at the concealed object you are in than a heavy machine gun with a caliber of more than 1m.

The sound of the seed bomb exploding above your head creates a feeling that it may destroy your shelter at any time. Then, if these bullets hit a hard object, they will ricochet. If you hide in a house, someone Use a large-caliber machine gun to shoot at your window, you would rather the wall of this building is not so hard.

Because when the warhead is shot into the room, it will ricochet on a hard wall.

The ricochet of a large-caliber machine gun was also enough to kill a soldier wearing a body armor.

Several incendiary warheads hit the ruined bricks of the barracks, bounced off Lao Gao, flew into the sky more than 20 meters, and slowly fell.

The front sight suddenly screamed like a pig, and the person rolled on the ground like a bug that was stepped on.

The polar bear by his side quickly suppressed this guy, lest his posture was too high to be hit by the bullet penetrating the ruins.

"What's wrong with the front sight!?" Qin Fei shook his head and asked the polar bear loudly, "He is injured!?"

If hit by the warhead of this kpvt machine gun, the front sight may be immortal or crippled.

"Do not worry……"

The polar bear pressed the front sight and turned around on him, quickly grabbing something and throwing it on the ground.

"It's the fallen bullet, which fell into this hapless collar."

The incendiary warhead is hollow and is filled with phosphorus-containing incendiary powder. Burning the flesh is no different from the iron torture used in the movie to interrogate the leather/life/party. Once the iron is burnt, it will be a scar, and the pain is even more heart-breaking.

Chen Yong, who was lying next to the polar bear, rubbed his nose and couldn't help but said, "Damn! I smell barbecue!"

"Battle! Damn it!"

The front sight cursed bitterly, "I swear that one day, I will use the same machine gun to beat these **** into meat sauce!"

He lay on the ground and cursed with gnashing teeth, and even the ancestors/eighteenth generation of the fox team greeted him all over again. It can be seen that the warheads just burned him crazy.

Suppressed by the powerful firepower of the Fox team, Qin Fei and others had to crawl to the end of the barracks in embarrassment.

There is the furthest distance from the reconnaissance armored vehicle of the Fox team, and the most ruins and walls. No one dares to face its sharp edge under the sharp edge of the kpvt heavy machine gun. That is a dead word.

"Qin Fei, we can't be held down by them like this!" Old Yu said, "If they drive towards us, how can we run?"

Qin Fei's scalp was numb.

The old fish was right.

Once the terrible brdm-2 armored reconnaissance vehicle moved towards them and fired, there was no other barrier that could effectively block the 14.5mm warhead except for these two rows of barracks.

It is conceivable that fox can almost be like hunting on the African savannah, sitting on a jeep and using a gun to call the members of the X mercenary group one by one, no one can escape.

"I **** his mother!"

Chen Yong knew very well that infantry could not compete with armored vehicles in such open areas, especially without anti-tank weapons.

"It would be great if we had a four-zero fire! Damn, I can blow them up to the sky with a four-zero fire!"

"Diago and the others!?" The sight suddenly remembered something, and looked towards the barracks where Diago was. He pressed the communication button and shouted in the channel: "Diago! Let your people face. That brdm-2 armored reconnaissance vehicle launched an rpg rocket launcher! Set them right!"

"I'm so sorry~www.wuxiaspot.com~The commando has killed a lot of people. Now there are not many people left. I don't know where the bazooka was thrown. Maybe it fell when I ran away..." Di Yago used his most superb acting skills in this drama, and said with helpless pain: "It's not that I don't want to help, I can't help. There are still many people here who need protection, and I have less than half of the people in my hands... "

"Fuck Nima!" The sight couldn't help it anymore, and shouted at the earphones: "Fak! Diago, you unkind scumbag, you **** **** is a scumbag! "

Everyone knows that Diago is in the exercise, he is afraid of death.

Of course, in this case, it is obviously unrealistic to ask a so-called commando team from a small country that does not **** to have a very good performance. Now the focus of the Fox team is on the X mercenary group. Diago would like to see it. Its success.

Anyway, just don't shoot me.

He knew very well that there was some kind of personal grievances between Fox and Qin Fei and Kunchai. This guy was slippery like a loach, so he wouldn't be muddy water.

As for the so-called friendship before, they are all things to go to hell.

"I'm going to castrate that **** Diago!" The sight cut off the communication, angrily.

As the polar bear crawled backwards, dust and broken stones kept falling on his head, embarrassed, he couldn't help but ridicule the front sight: "Stop scolding, let's go back alive and talk about it!" rw

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